1、当眼泪流下来 , 才知道,分开也是另一种明白 。
When tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understanding.
2、冷眼对待世事,不经意的情绪里开始夹杂份意 。
Cold eye treatment of the world, casual mood began to mix with the meaning.
3、烦恼拋弃,快乐珍惜,看透人生 , 幸福自己!
Worry to abandon, happy treasure, see through life, happy oneself!
4、一片叶子跟毛毛虫交朋友,整棵树都要遭殃了 。
If a leaf makes friends with a caterpillar, the whole tree will suffer.
Courage can never be relied on, only temporary madness is meaningful!
6、你可以看到别人的光芒,但也要信仰自己的力量 。
You can see the light of others, but also believe in your own power.
7、奢侈之人,虽富也不足 。节省之人 , 虽贫也有余 。
A man of luxury is not rich enough. Those who save have more than enough money.
8、要想成功,就不要为自己的失败担忧和伤感 。
If you want to succeed, don't worry and feel sad about your failure.
9、教会你最初舞步的人 , 却未必能陪你走到散场 。
The person who taught you the first steps may not be able to accompany you to the end.
10、唯有在事前做好准备工作,才不至于有勇无谋 。
Only when we make preparations in advance, can we not be brave and resourceless.
11、每段青春都会苍老,但希望记忆里的你一直都好 。
Every period of youth will be old, but I hope you have been good in memory.
12、耽误你的不是运气和时机 , 而是你数不清的犹豫 。
It's not luck and opportunity that's holding you back, it's your countless hesitations.
13、人生是很累的 , 你现在不累 , 以后就会更累 。
Life is very tired. If you are not tired now, you will be more tired later.
14、活着不是靠泪水搏取同情而是靠汗水获得掌声 。
To live is not to win sympathy from tears, but to win applause through sweat.
15、任何事情想要成功,最重要的是现在就做 。
If anything wants to succeed, the most important thing is do it now.
16、人生不是坐等暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中起舞 。
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.
17、就是自己人生的老板,要如何经营还是你说了算 。
It's the boss of your own life, how to manage or has the final say.
18、不积小流无以成江海,不积跬步无以至千里 。
If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't make a river or sea. If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't make a river or a sea.
19、好时光总是短暂,多想身在其中,赖着不走 。
Good times are always short. I want to be in them, and I can't go.
20、人生有了方向,有了奋斗的理由,心就安定了 。
Life has a direction, a reason for struggle, the heart is stable.
21、人呆在家里是最舒服的,但那不是人生的追求 。
People stay at home is the most comfortable, but that is not the pursuit of life.
22、最深的爱是刻骨铭心的 , 最痛的苦是悲哀欲尽的 。
The deepest love is unforgettable, the most painful pain is sorrow.
23、战略不能落实到结果和目标上面,都是空话 。
It is empty talk that the strategy can not be implemented to the results and goals.
You listen to a lot of inspirational words, can't you take a step?
25、立志是事业的大门,工作是登门入室的的旅途 。
Ambition is the gate to career, and work is the journey to the door.
26、你要改变的是自己的头脑,而不是去改变别人 。
You need to change your mind, not others.
Life can not wait for others to arrange, to fight for and struggle!
28、若人人皆每日反省自身,世间又会多出多少君子 。
If everyone reflects on himself every day, there will be more gentlemen in the world.
Some opportunities are too late to seize, missed may be a lifetime.
30、多个朋友多条路,要尽量把朋友圈子扩大一些 。
If you have many friends and many roads, you should try to expand your circle of friends.
31、如果你想过平凡的生活,你会遇到平凡的挫折 。
If you encounter ordinary life, you will think about the ordinary.
32、失败,对弱者是一次打击,对强者却是一次激励 。
Failure is a blow to the weak, but an incentive to the strong.
Only if you are strong enough, you will not be trampled on by others!
34、最大的风险 , 来自于你不知道自己在做什么 。
The biggest risk is that you don't know what you're doing.
35、你只是过客,我只是路过,我们只是擦肩而过 。
You're just passing by, I'm just passing by, we're just passing by.
36、花谢花开花变老,誓言经不起单调就化做单薄 。
【英文格言努力】The flower withers, the flower blossoms and grows old, and the oath can't stand the monotony to become thin.
37、努力不一定能攀上顶峰 , 但放弃只能在山脚遥望 。
Efforts may not necessarily reach the summit, but give up can only be seen from the foot of the mountain.
38、想要自己没有过的体验 , 就必须要放弃一些东西 。
If you want to experience something you haven't had, you have to give up something.
39、任何不走心的自强不息,都是看起来很努力 。
Any self-improvement that doesn't get distracted seems to be working hard.
All of us have to experience and grow up, and we should go on strong!
41、心有多大,舞台就有多大,有努力就会有回报 。
As big as the heart is, the stage will be as big as the effort will be rewarded.
42、致富不忘乡亲,让每个农民都有挣钱的机会 。
Rich do not forget the villagers, so that every farmer has the opportunity to earn money.
43、少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在 。
A little less presupposed expectations, that kind of care for people will be more comfortable.
44、碰到逆境时 , 应心生感激,这是可遇不可求?。?
When encountering adversity, you should be grateful. This is a chance that you can't ask for!
45、我那些自尊早没了,而我还在拼命的努力的活着 。
My self-esteem is gone, and I'm still struggling to live.
46、有量才有质,连续才会成长;阅人无数才有经验 。
Quantity leads to quality, and continuity leads to growth; reading numerous people leads to experience.
47、曾经的那些泪水,只是为了让我们学会辨别 。
Once those tears, just to let us learn to distinguish.
48、当你在某件事情上取得成功时,不要固步自封 。
When you succeed in something, don't be complacent.
49、尝试在泥泞中抬脚 , 总好过深陷此中不愿自拔 。
It's better to try to lift your feet in the mud than to get stuck in it.
50、哪有什么岁月静好,只不过有人在替你负重前行 。
There is no time to be quiet, but someone is carrying the weight for you.
51、成为自己,说起来简单 , 做起来,可谓登天之难 。
To be yourself is easy to say and hard to do.
Life insurance marketing makes you perform better and earn more!
53、能够让自己的心静下来,人生没有过不去的坎 。
To be able to calm down, there is no obstacle in life.
54、成功不仅仅指做事成功,更重要的是做人成功 。
Success means not only success in doing things, but also success in life.
55、吃苦当吃补,吃下苦和累,得到的却是意志坚强 。
Bear hardships when tonic, eat bitter and tired, but get strong will.
56、抓紧今天的每一分一秒,去迎接明天的灿烂辉煌 。
Seize every minute and second of today to meet the brilliance of tomorrow.
57、学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力 。
Studying this matter is not a lack of time, but a lack of effort.
58、放手一博去创业,不要给你的人生留下遗憾 。
Let's go and start a business. Don't regret your life.
59、只有象塔吊那样站稳脚跟,方能昂起昂起头颅 。
Only by standing firmly like a tower crane can the head be lifted up.
60、改变自己,你才有自信,梦想才会慢慢的实现 。
Change yourself, you will have self-confidence, the dream will slowly come true.