
1、一旦被爱过,去爱过,就无法忘记了 。
Once loved, to love, can't forget.
2、很多时候,我总是平静的去想一些事 。
A lot of times, I always calm to think about something.
3、一味的执着,往往换来的是悲伤 。
Blindly persistent, often in exchange for sadness.
4、深情催泪,直戳心窝 。
Deep love tears, straight poke heart.
5、你不知道,你的忽冷忽热我有多心痛 。
You don't know how heartache I feel when you are hot and cold.
6、你有了新欢 , 我连旧爱都不是 。
When you have a new love, I'm not even an old one.
7、算了吧,我没有力气爱你了 。
Forget it, I don't have the strength to love you.
8、找的到的 , 找不到的,反正我失眠了 。
Can find, can't find, anyway, I lost sleep.
As time goes on, those feelings will fade!
10、你以为他不喜欢你,其实他还很烦你 。
You think he doesn't like you, but in fact he's still bothering you.
11、他不是沉默羞涩,他只是没话对你说 。
He is not silent and shy, he just has nothing to say to you.
12、就算是下地狱,我也要在地狱门口等你 。
Even in hell, I will wait for you at the gate of hell.
13、大多数人最烦恼的苦事 , 就是苦思冥想 。
The most troublesome thing for most people is to think hard.
14、原来兜兜转转,只剩我一个人在天真 。
It turns out that I'm the only one left.
15、我要的不多 , 只你一人足矣 。
I don't want much, just you.
16、迷途的人生 , 痴迷的游戏 。
Lost life, obsessed game.
17、爱错就分手,爱对一辈子 。
Love wrong break up, love right for a lifetime.
18、只恨初见美如玉,更怨人间太匆匆 。
I only hate to see beauty like jade for the first time, but also complain that the world is in a hurry.
19、回想着,原来的我们多么幸福、快乐 。
Looking back, how happy we were.
20、如果没有遇见对的人,我宁愿孤独终老 。
If I don't meet the right person, I'd rather die alone.
21、有时候主动久了 , 慢慢的也就烦了 。
Sometimes the initiative for a long time, slowly also tired.
22、好在暗恋不死,我还能失望好多次 。
Fortunately, I can be disappointed many times.
23、自作多情不是情是想象力太好 。
Self indulgence is not love, but imagination is too good.
No matter how ugly people can get married, no matter how beautiful people will be single!
25、陪我一起数星星,智商低点就数月亮吧 。
Count the stars with me. Count the moon.
26、很多时候,宁愿被误会,也不愿去解释 。
Many times, I would rather be misunderstood than explain.
27、我逃避了你的生活,却逃不了我的梦 。
I've escaped your life, but I can't escape my dream.
28、猝不及防梦到你,我连醒都不敢醒 。
I can't even wake up when I dream of you.
29、一切全都是虚伪的,只能相信自己 。
Everything is hypocritical, you can only believe in yourself.
30、一个人吃夜宵,一个人回家 。
A person to eat supper, a person to go home.
31、我说的是,年龄对我来说是隔骇 。
What I'm saying is that age is terrible to me.
32、我在寻找一个理由去为你悲伤 。
I'm looking for a reason to grieve for you.
33、你自私的那样彻底,我爱的不可思议 。
You are selfish so thoroughly, I love incredible.
34、有的时候人生就是这样,心里苦说不出 。
Sometimes life is like this, I can't say it in my heart.
35、你所经历的,一定不会是毫无意义的 。
What you've been through is not meaningless.
36、在命运面签 , 爱情根本就不值一提 。
In the face of fate, love is not worth mentioning.
37、你给我的天堂其实是一片荒凉 。
The heaven you give me is actually a desolation.
38、我不会去接你的 , 你死在幼儿园吧 。
I'm not going to pick you up. You died in kindergarten.
39、定了的事情,就不会轻易的去改变 。
Things that have been decided will not be changed easily.
40、你的每次微笑,都耀眼到让阳光都失色 。
Every time you smile, it's dazzling to make the sun fade.
41、放手是痛苦的 , 但爱错人更痛苦 。
It's painful to let go, but it's more painful to love the wrong person.
42、你真的很好笑,跟我讲成全和道义 。
You're really funny. Tell me about integrity and morality.
43、你那么孤独,却偏偏一个人真好 。
You are so lonely, but it's nice to be alone.
44、明明说忘记,却总是不经意的想起 。
Clearly said to forget, but always inadvertently think of.
45、趁现在,还来得及 。
While it's still time.
46、别羡慕我洒脱 , 孤独的路也很难走 。
Do not envy me free and easy, lonely road is also very difficult to walk.
47、潇洒的笑这一辈子,流着泪过这一生 。
Natural and unrestrained smile this life, shed tears this life.
48、愿与君相知,一生不相负 。
Willing to know each other with you, life is not negative.
49、选择遗忘 , 祝你幸福 。
Choose to forget, I wish you happiness.
50、我不想遮掩,有一些人我不想遇见 。
【痛到心碎英语句子带翻译】I don't want to hide, there are some people I don't want to meet.
