
1、我给你点到为止,你别得寸进尺 。
I'll give you enough. Don't push your luck.
2、那被岁月覆盖的花开,一切白驹过隙成为空白 。
That is covered by years of flowers, everything in vain become a blank.
3、就算从阴影中走出来,迎接的也不一定是光明 。
Even if you come out of the shadow, you don't have to meet the light.
4、不在一齐就不在一齐吧 , 反正一辈子也没多长 。
If you don't, you won't be together. Anyway, you won't have a long life.
5、但愿你的道路漫长,充满奇迹,充满发现 。
May your journey be long, full of miracles and discoveries.
6、曾经的诺言早就不堪一击 , 欺骗的只是自己 。
Once the promise has long been vulnerable to attack, cheating is only their own.
7、离开你,一切都变得更悲伤了 。
Leave you, everything becomes more sad.
If you know what I mean, why not?
9、年轻时候的泪水,是未来微笑的资本 。
The tears of youth are the capital of future smile.
10、我的心是墓穴 。怕死的都当不了主角 。
My heart is a tomb. Those who are afraid of death can't be the protagonist.
11、微小的幸福就在身边,容易满足就是天堂 。
Tiny happiness is around, easy to satisfy is paradise.
12、用时间和心看人,而不是眼睛和那些闲言碎语 。
Use time and heart to see people, not eyes and gossip.
13、我们心中的恐惧,永远比真正的危险巨大的多 。
The fear in our hearts is always greater than the real danger.
14、对不起我不是你的王者,给不了你要的荣耀 。
I'm sorry I'm not your king. I can't give you the glory you want.
15、一个人只有一个心脏,却有两个心房 。
A man has only one heart but two atria.
16、你明明在那,可是这辈子却再也与我无关了 。
You are clearly there, but this life has nothing to do with me.
17、如果我真的会放弃,那你会不会真的在意 。
If I really will give up, then you will not really care.
18、世间有百媚千红,唯你是我情之所钟 。
There are a hundred beauties and thousands of red in the world, but you are the place of my love.
19、毫无预兆的想念你,是我不可告人的隐疾 。
Missing you without warning is my hidden disease.
20、就这样远远看着你 , 是峩最亲密旳距离 。
Looking at you from afar is my closest distance.
21、承认吧 , 你还是会失望,可是依然在期待 。
Admit it, you will still be disappointed, but still looking forward to it.
22、帮了你九次,你却只记得我第十次拒绝你 。
I helped you nine times, but you only remember the tenth time I refused you.
23、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个转身 。
In fact, I've been behind you all the time, and I'm just waiting for you to turn around.
24、总有一些东西,要用消失来证明它的珍贵 。
There is always something to be lost to prove its value.
25、活在这珍贵的人间 , 太阳强烈,水波温柔 。
Living in this precious world, you can feel both the heat of the sun and the gentle of water.
26、你不珍惜,我就会走,即使我很喜欢你 。
If you don't cherish it, I will go, even if I like you very much.
27、我们都要把自己照顾好,好到遗憾无法打扰 。
We all have to take good care of ourselves, so sorry that we can't disturb.
28、美女与霉女只在一字之差,则意义却大有不同 。
Beautiful women and moldy women are only in one word, but the meaning is very different.
29、我不怕死在家,我是怕死在家最後都没人知道 。
I'm not afraid to die at home. I'm afraid to die at home. Nobody knows.
30、在我最难过的那天夜里,我是一个人过的 。
On my most sad night, I lived alone.
31、我都舍不得欺负的人 , 哪能让别人欺负?
Who can bully me?
32、如果你累了,学会休息,而不是放弃 。
If you are tired, learn to rest instead of giving up.
33、十里桃花倾君心,一纸离伞伴佳人 。
Ten li peach blossom heart, a paper from the umbrella with a beautiful woman.
34、不发生点烂事,你永远看不清身边人的模样 。
If nothing bad happens, you will never see the people around you.
35、我不是你的晴天娃娃,不必时时向你微笑 。
I'm not your sunny doll. I don't have to smile at you all the time.
36、黄昏的灯光空旷的走廊一切都是想哭得景色 。
The light at dusk, the empty corridor, everything is to cry scenery.
37、难过怎么说得清楚,失落怎么能感同身受 。
Sad how to say clearly, how to feel lost.
38、熟悉的回忆陌生的曾经,都躲在哪个角落哭泣 。
Familiar memories, strange once, hiding in which corner crying.
39、过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美 。
The past is no longer coming back, and the coming back is no longer perfect.
40、那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音 。
Those parting and disappointment of the pain, has no voice.
41、别问我有多爱你,那是你想象不到的 。
Don't ask me how much I love you. It's beyond your imagination.
42、我还是很喜欢你,像云漂泊九万里,不曾歇息 。
I still like you very much, like the cloud drifting 90 thousand miles, never resting.
43、过好自己的生活 , 该来的,都在路上 。
Live a good life, should come, all on the road.
44、想哭的时候 , 抬头看看天空,其实也挺美的 。
When I want to cry, I look up at the sky, which is beautiful.
45、不怕输的人最勇敢,不将就的人最好看 。
He who is not afraid of losing is the bravest, and the one who doesn't make up for it is the best.
46、苦尽甘来,苦不会尽 , 你也不会来了 。
You will not come to the end.
47、两个人的心酸、一个人尝 。
Two people's heartache, a person taste.
48、漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福 。
Beauty can only provide happiness for others, but not necessarily for happiness.
49、记?。?永远不要爱别人超过自己和家人 。
Remember, never love others more than you and your family.
50、人这一辈子,不仅靠关系,更要凭本事 。
A person's life depends not only on his relationship, but also on his ability.
51、我们还年轻 , 长长的人生可以受一点风浪 。
We are still young, long life can withstand a little storm.
52、我跟你,只是一场很不上道的戏而已 。
You and I are just a bad play.
53、每一段笑声里,都隐藏着别人不能懂的疲惫 。
In every laugh, there is a fatigue that others can't understand.
54、我总是假装不在意,而你真的以为我没关系 。
I always pretend I don't care, and you really think I'm ok.
55、你要记得,那年那月,垂柳紫陌洛城东 。
You must remember, that year that month, weeping willow purple Mo Luo city east.
56、请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会假装当真的 。
Please don't pretend to be nice to me. I'm stupid and will pretend to be serious.
57、没有欢笑的一天是白费的一天,笑一个吧 。
A day without laughter is a day in vain. Laugh.
58、你要特别努力,才能过上理想生活 。
You have to work hard to live your ideal life.
59、陌上花开蝴蝶飞,江山犹是昔人非 。
【英文版朋友圈说说】The flowers on the street are blooming and butterflies are flying.
