1、一颗一颗的小星星 , 像洒在蓝布上面的碎银,晶莹透亮 。
Small stars one by one, like silver sprinkled on the blue cloth, are crystal clear.
2、星星如对同伴说,它说黑暗中一定会有亮光 。
The stars say to their companions that there must be light in the dark.
3、月亮像饱经风霜的老人,不紧不慢地梳理着白花花的月光 。
The moon, like a weather beaten old man, is combing the moonlight of white flowers.
4、深蓝色的天幕上繁星闪闪,像是无数双眼睛,一闪一闪的 。
On the dark blue sky screen, the stars twinkled, like countless pairs of eyes, flashing.
5、夏天的夜晚特别美,那是因为多了许多闪烁的星星 。
Summer night is especially beautiful, because there are many twinkling stars.
6、在美丽的夜空中,那些成群的星星最引人注目 。
In the beautiful night sky, those clusters of stars are most noticeable.
Stars twinkle in the night sky, like a group of crying red eyes baby waiting for mother!
8、星空如此浩瀚 , 如此壮阔 。我伏在窗前 , 看这繁星闪烁 。
The starry sky is so vast, so vast. I lie in front of the window and watch the stars twinkle.
9、宁静的夜晚,只有那天上的星星在窃窃私语 。
Quiet night, only the stars in the sky whisper.
10、疏星闭上疲倦欲睡的眼睛,退隐消失了 。
Sparse star closed tired sleepy eyes and disappeared.
11、夜空中一闪一闪的星星就像钻石般镶嵌在这深蓝的夜空中 。
The twinkling stars in the night sky are like diamonds inlaid in the dark blue sky.
12、一个夏天的夜晚,天上的星星密密麻麻,总也数不清 。
On a summer night, the stars in the sky are dense and countless.
13、漆黑的夜空中,那一颗颗微闪的亮光,是多么的美丽 。
In the dark night sky, the tiny twinkling light is so beautiful.
14、天上的星星在闪烁,就像一颗颗美丽的珍珠 。
The stars in the sky are twinkling like beautiful pearls.
15、每当夜幕降临,晴朗的夜空就回出现许许多多的星星 。
When night falls, many stars appear in the clear night sky.
16、那满天的星星正向我眨眼睛,调皮又可爱 。
The stars all over the sky are winking at me, naughty and lovely.
17、蓝天里的星儿仿佛怕冷似的,不安地眨着眼睛 。
The stars in the blue sky seem to be afraid of the cold, blinking uneasily.
18、星星很亮 , 有如阳光下熠熠生辉的水面,绽放光彩 。
The stars are bright, just like the water shining in the sun.
19、小星星在寒空中摇晃,仿佛冷得在颤抖 。
The little stars swayed in the cold air as if shivering with cold.
20、小星星探出了小脑袋 , 来窥探我们 。
The little star poked out his little head to spy on us.
21、星星小小的,挂在天空中,在月亮的衬托下,十分漂亮 。
Stars are small, hanging in the sky, set off by the moon, very beautiful.
22、黑蓝黑蓝的天空上 , 像撒芝麻似的撒了一天空的星星 。
On the black blue black blue sky, like a sesame seed, scattered a sky of stars.
23、有几颗星星瞬间化作流星,在天边争先恐后地下坠 。
A few stars instantly turned into meteors and fell in the sky.
24、点点繁星,好像颗颗明珠 。镶嵌在天幕下,闪闪地发着光 。
Stars, like pearls. Inlaid in the sky, glittering.
25、夜幕降临,繁星闪烁 , 仿佛悬在天宫的无数颗小彩灯 。
Night falls, stars twinkle, as if hanging in the palace of countless small colored lights.
26、星空灿烂的树下,微风浮起,蛐蛐鸣叫 , 托向星星倾听 。
Under the trees in the starry sky, the breeze floats, crickets sing, and listen to the stars.
27、天空中的小星星看着地面上的人们,对你微笑着 。
The little stars in the sky look at the people on the ground and smile at you.
28、星星一闪一闪的 , 好像是一个水亮剔透的眼睛 。
The stars twinkle, as if it is a clear water eyes.
29、夜空中璀璨的明星,如你深邃的眼神,闪闪的令人陶醉 。
Bright stars in the night sky, such as your deep eyes, glittering intoxicating.
30、天上的星星闪啊闪 , 好像在天空眨眼睛 。
The stars in the sky twinkle and twinkle, as if blinking in the sky.
31、一闪一闪的星星,是我前进的梦想,是我前进的希望 。
The twinkling stars are my dream and hope.
32、星星像一盏盏小电灯,在空中闪烁 。
The stars are like little lights, twinkling in the sky.
33、夜深了,只有那天上的星星在窃窃私语 。
Late at night, only the stars in the sky are whispering.
34、天上的星星闪啊闪,和我在说着悄悄话 。
The stars in the sky twinkle and twinkle and whisper with me.
35、天上的星星一闪一闪的,像宝石一样发出炫亮的光彩 。
It's shining like a star in the sky.
36、逐渐淡去的黑云间,有几颗星羞答答地眨起眼儿来 。
Among the fading black clouds, a few stars winked shyly.
37、这颗流星变成了一道闪光,划破黑夜的长空 。
The meteor turned into a flash, cutting through the sky of the night.
38、夜空中的小星星眨着眼睛,似乎对你微笑 。
The little stars in the night sky blink and seem to smile at you.
39、星空倒映在这汹涌的海面上,便随波上下跳舞,时现时灭 。
The starry sky, reflected on the turbulent sea, danced up and down with the waves, now and then out.
40、渐渐地,残星闭上昏昏欲睡的眼睛,在晨空中退隐消失 。
【英语美句星空】Gradually, the remnant star closed his sleepy eyes and disappeared in the morning sky.
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