1、我们之间少了信任,就像隔着河的两座孤城 。
There is less trust between us, just like two isolated cities across the river.
2、这一世,茫茫人海,浮云落日,终有归处 。
This life, the vast sea of people, floating clouds and setting sun, there will be a place.
3、最终的最后,我们也许已经是陌路 。
In the end, we may have been strangers.
4、每个人都在等待,也在简单的习惯着一个人的生活 。
Everyone is waiting, but also in a simple habit of a person's life.
5、亲爱的,不管到哪你都要好好的,我会等你 。
Honey, no matter where you go, you should be well, I will wait for you.
6、我再也不是你的某某,何必保留对你的温柔 。
I am no longer your so and so, why keep your gentle.
7、求之不得,弃之不舍 。
You can't give up what you want.
8、分手之后 , 我还是那么没出息,处处留意你的消息 。
After breaking up, I'm still so hopeless. I've been paying attention to your news everywhere.
9、你的笑,那曾是我用来熟睡的药 。
Your smile, that used to be my sleeping medicine.
10、为什么一个人的天空,会出现不同的颜色 。
Why a person's sky, there will be different colors.
11、我这样不善言辞的人,却总是想和你废话连篇 。
I am not good at words, but I always want to talk nonsense with you.
12、会握住最美的梦,给未来的自己 。
Will hold the most beautiful dream, to the future of their own.
13、我容忍了所有,最后反倒什么都容不下我 。
I put up with everything but nothing in the end.
14、失恋不会死,一年 , 是期限!
Lovelorn will not die, a year, is the deadline!
15、雪是那么冷,却是那么美;你是那么美,却是那么冷 。
Snow is so cold, but so beautiful; you are so beautiful, but so cold.
16、渴望被了解 , 又怕被看透 。
Eager to be understood, but afraid to be seen through.
17、不要总想着人家,在人家的眼里,你什么都不是 。
Don't always think about others. In their eyes, you are nothing.
When the tree falls and the monkeys scatter, how many couples are separated on the way?
19、我心里空落落的,好像丢失了什么东西 。
My heart is empty, as if I have lost something.
20、一场轰轰烈烈的感伤 , 在我眼角 。
A magnificent and powerful sentiment, in the corner of my eyes.
21、当初的誓言太完美 , 最后只剩下心碎 。
The original oath is too perfect, only heartbreak in the end.
22、你说什么样的话,你就是什么样的人 。
What you say is what you are.
23、有风,海豚有海,我的存在在你之外 。
There is wind, dolphins have sea, my existence is outside you.
24、多少人匆匆路过,却成了我们眼里挥之不去的风景 。
How many people pass by in a hurry, but it has become a lingering landscape in our eyes.
25、当某天,回忆淡了 。那么我就去找属于我的未来 。
When one day, memories fade. Then I'll find my future.
26、早点看破这爱情 。不然未来没有前途 。
See through this love earlier. Otherwise, there is no future.
27、心中荒芜的情绪,演绎着空洞 。
In the heart desolate mood, deducting is empty.
28、夜空,失去了繁美,留下淡淡的孤寂 。
The night sky, lost the complex beauty, leaving a touch of loneliness.
29、我愿穷极一生,做一场有你的梦 。
I would like to have a dream with you all my life.
30、每一个荣辱不惊的人,曾经都有一个狼狈的过去 。
Everyone who is not surprised by honor or disgrace has a troubled past.
31、如果结局早已注定,何必把过程弄得那么煽情 。
If the outcome is doomed, why make the process so sensational.
32、我们之间隔着海,给你的爱手放开 。
We are separated by the sea, let go of your love.
33、我凡事都看的开,这并不影响我记仇 。
I'm open-minded in everything. It doesn't affect my revenge.
34、回忆的苦涩 , 是一个人难以忘记的 。
The bitterness of memory is hard to forget.
35、故事还在继续、可是主角却不是我 。
The story goes on, but the protagonist is not me.
36、单亲的孩子怎么了,我觉得我更加坚强懂事 。
What's wrong with single parent children? I think I'm stronger and more sensible.
37、道理我都懂,但是能安慰我的不是道理 。
I know the truth, but it's not the truth that can comfort me.
38、给我一张爱的地址,在你的世界不再走失 。
Give me a love address, no longer lost in your world.
39、没有什么狠心爱丶没有什么可不爱 。
There is no cruel love, nothing can not love.
40、你说过你不回头了,天也就不再下雨了 。
You said that if you don't look back, it won't rain any more.
41、有时候,很想逃离现在的生活 。
Sometimes, I want to escape from my life.
42、昔日的海誓山盟,今日的形同陌路 。
In the past, the oath of allegiance is a stranger today.
43、如若一切都是梦,那么希望没有梦醒的一天 。
If everything is a dream, then hope there is no day to wake up.
44、你连敷衍我都那么漫不经心,这真真的伤了我的心 。
You even perfunctory I are so careless, this really hurt my heart.
45、我只用一眼的时间去沦陷,却用一生的时间去怀念 。
I only use one eye time to fall, but use a lifetime to miss.
46、人的一切苦楚,实质上都是对本人的无能的愤恨 。
All the sufferings of human beings are, in essence, resentment against their own incompetence.
47、不敢去思念你,因为记忆里全是你的无情与冷漠 。
Dare not miss you, because the memory is full of your ruthlessness and indifference.
48、谎言说多了会成习惯,就像爱的人多了没感情 。
Lying too much will become a habit, just like people who love too much have no feelings.
49、你嘴硬你逞强,活该你所有的眼泪全都自己擦 。
Your mouth is hard, you try to be brave, you deserve to wipe all your tears.
50、我什么都能体谅理解 , 但什么都不信了 。
【经典伤感英文语句】I can understand everything, but I don't believe anything.
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