
1、想忘了你,却更想念你 。
I want to forget you, but I miss you more.
2、没有色的夜里,萤火虫用心点亮漫天的星 。
There is no color in the night, fireflies light up the stars.
3、你沉默的时候太用心,安静了我的整个世界 。
When you are silent, you are too attentive and quiet my whole world.
4、小时候多好,哭完就睡,现在哭完还要上班 。
When I was a child, I went to sleep after crying. Now I have to go to work after crying.
5、我也想深夜买醉,打电话给你说爱你好累 。
I also want to get drunk late at night and call you to say I love you. I'm tired.
6、别傻了,自作多情,人家根本就不在乎你 。
Don't be silly, be sentimental, people don't care about you at all.
7、想象的温度,回身的失望 。
The temperature of imagination, the disappointment of turning back.
8、眼睛是心灵的坟墓,你是我心灵的坟墓 。
Eyes are the grave of the soul, you are the grave of my soul.
9、我突然很想忘了你,就像从未遇见你 。
I suddenly want to forget you, like never met you.
10、孤独成性的人就算爱,也更爱自由和自己 。
Lonely people, even if they love, love freedom and themselves more.
11、我见你眉眼如故,却不知你心以许谁 。
I see you as before, but I don't know who your heart is.
12、把幸福刻在木头上 , 一不小心,便地久天长 。
If you carve happiness on wood, it will last forever.
13、经常笑,可是我没有经常开心 。
I laugh a lot, but I'm not always happy.
14、记得那年夏天,你的微笑慌乱我的心跳 。
Remember that summer, your smile flustered my heart.
15、说好做我一路的风景,最后却成孤独的旅行 。
Said to do my scenery all the way, but finally became a lonely journey.
16、我走的干脆,因为我的字典里没有后悔 。
I go simply, because there is no regret in my dictionary.
17、明明想哭,却还要扯着嘴角对你微笑 。
I want to cry, but I still want to smile at you.
18、最怕回忆突然翻滚,绞痛着不平息 。
Most afraid of memories suddenly rolling, colic does not subside.
19、过客已经够多了,下一个可不可以一辈子 。
There are enough passers-by. Can the next one last forever.
20、爱得久了,感情神经总会一点一点麻木 。
Love for a long time, emotional nerves will always be a little bit numb.
21、天上人间,潇潇共雨;曼珠红遍,流水忘川 。
Heaven and earth, Xiaoxiao a total of rain; Manzhu red, water forget.
22、他已经过去了 , 我也过来了 。
He's gone. I'm coming.
23、我在搜索着幸福,却收录了痛楚 。
I am searching for happiness, but it contains pain.
24、花开终是落 , 花落终成空 。
Flowers bloom and fall, and they become empty.
25、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃 。
Active for a long time will be very tired, care for a long time will collapse.
26、从前书信很慢,车马很远,一生只爱一个人 。
Once upon a time, letters were very slow, cars and horses were far away, and I only loved one person in my life.
27、治疗孤单,只要去寻找现实生活中的快乐 。
To treat loneliness, we just need to find happiness in real life.
28、那些孤独和心事,都在阳光下说给风听 。
Those loneliness and thoughts are all told to the wind in the sunshine.
29、眼泪升华后,思念是最漫长的享受 。
After the sublimation of tears, missing is the longest enjoyment.
30、走不到一起的人,不是不爱 , 是无法再爱 。
People who can't get together don't love, they can't love again.
31、连时间都在嘲笑我,不该对你太认真 。
Even time is laughing at me. I shouldn't take you too seriously.
32、见与不见又何妨,时间终会将你我两清 。
It doesn't matter whether you see it or not. Time will clear you and me.
33、我是一只飞蛾,却没有扑火的勇气 。
I'm a moth, but I don't have the courage to put out the fire.
34、想要星辰,却至多只能得到星光 。
If you want stars, you can only get starlight at most.
35、累的时候,真想把自己给灭了 。
I really want to kill myself when I'm tired.
36、沿途的流泪,都是改变的过错 。
Tears along the way, are the fault of change.
37、既然选择牵起手,那就不要找借口再放下 。
Since you choose to hold hands, don't make excuses to put them down.
38、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已 。
I always have you in my heart, but the proportion has changed.
39、早晨的阳光刚刚好,温暖却不耀眼 。
The morning sun is just fine, warm but not dazzling.
40、喜新厌旧不是病 , 一直原谅那个人才有病 。
It's not a disease to like the new and dislike the old. It's a disease to forgive that person all the time.
41、突然就很压抑,人活一世到底图什么 。
All of a sudden, it's very depressing. What do people want to live for.
42、天气预报说今晚有雨,我都能听成今晚有你 。
The weather forecast says it will rain tonight. I can hear you tonight.
43、别问我过得好不好 , 我连自己都不知道!
Don't ask me how I'm doing, I don't even know myself!
44、喜欢特别的事物,所以我活该孤独 。
I like special things, so I deserve to be alone.
45、流落的红尘,是爱用泪水刻写下的伤痕 。
The world of mortals, is love with tears carved down the scars.
46、往事不再回头,今后不再将就 。
The past will never look back, and the future will never make do with it.
47、你离开以后 , 我活成了你的样子 。
After you left, I lived like you.
48、你很好 , 我不配,忘了我吧,下一位 。
You're fine. I don't deserve it. Forget me, next.
49、表现得太过廉价,就莫怪无人珍惜 。
If you are too cheap, no one will cherish it.
50、你说的永远,不过是永不可能得到的长远 。
【心累了伤感英文说说】What you say is forever, but it's a long-term that can never be achieved.
