1、我们给过彼此的那些眼泪和疼痛,如风飘远 。
We gave each other those tears and pain, such as the wind away.
2、遇到你之前那么郁闷,可一遇到你世界就变得如此光明 。
I was so depressed before I met you, but when I met you, the world became so bright.
3、我发现没有你的生活其实不难 , 只是日子好像过的很慢 。
I found that life without you is not difficult, but life seems to be very slow.
4、你在的时候,你就是全世界,你不在的时候,全世界都是你 。
When you are there, you are the world. When you are not there, the world is you.
5、总有人比你努力,可怕的是比你牛逼的人比你还努力 。
There are always people who work harder than you. The terrible thing is that people who are more powerful than you work harder than you.
6、别偷我的说说,来偷我的心好吗 。
Don't steal my words, just steal my heart.
7、都说红颜祸水,但我的江山 , 养你一个祸水还绰绰有余 。
It's said that beauty is a disaster, but my country is more than enough to raise you.
8、青春 , 美妙的谎言 。没有你 , 要青春又有何用 。
Youth, wonderful lies. What's the use of youth without you.
9、不要因为走得太远 , 忘了我们为什么出发 。
Don't forget why we started just because we went too far.
10、是每个人,在蓦然回首时,都可以看得到灯火阑珊处的那个人 。
It's everyone. When you look back suddenly, you can see the person in the dim light.
11、面向阳光吧,不寄予什么春暖花开,只是不想再面对那些阴霾 。
Face the sunshine, don't send any spring flowers, just don't want to face those haze.
12、一个人只要不想再要,就什么都可以放下 。
He who no longer aspires will let everything go.
13、记得有人说过,错过不是没缘分 , 只是少了一同走下去的勇气 。
I remember someone said, missed is not no fate, just less courage to go together.
14、不为失败找理由,只为成功找方法 。
Don't find a reason for failure, just find a way for success.
15、乌云蜂拥而至,草地上溢满流质的梦 。
Dark clouds swarmed in, and the grass was full of dreams.
16、或许伤害,会最终让我释怀;或许释怀,就注定了我的离开 。
Perhaps hurt, will finally let me release; perhaps release, it is doomed to leave me.
17、你必须坚强,因为没有人会懂你到底有多痛 。
You have to be strong, because no one will understand how painful you are.
18、我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑 。
I smile to the sky from the horizontal knife, leaving the liver and gallbladder.
19、社会有型哥有样,但哥不是你对象 。
There are social types, but I'm not your object.
Tired, it is necessary to rest, rest well, forget all, start again!
21、宁可笑着流泪,绝不哭着后悔 。
I would rather laugh and weep than cry and regret.
22、如果下辈子还会遇到你,我一定会记得避开 。
If I meet you in my next life, I will remember to avoid you.
23、旅行的前半段是看尽风景 , 后半段是看清自己 。
The first half of the trip is to see the scenery, and the second half is to see yourself.
24、人不必太美,只要有人深爱;人不必太富,只要过得温暖 。
People don't have to be too beautiful, as long as they are loved deeply; people don't have to be too rich, as long as they are warm.
25、学在苦中求 , 艺在勤中练 。不怕学问浅,就怕志气短 。
Learning is hard work, and art is hard work. If you are not afraid of shallow learning, you are afraid of short ambition.
26、生活是自己的 。尽情装扮,尽情可爱 。
Life is your own. Dress up and be cute.
27、为你翻山越岭,却无心看风景 。
For you over the mountains, but no intention to see the scenery.
28、用尽一切去奔赴一场未知的梦 。
Go to an unknown dream with everything.
29、你只是个小伤口,可是随时碰就随时疼 。
You are just a small wound, but it hurts whenever you touch it.
30、地铁上说请勿携带易燃易爆品 , 我默默下车了,因为我帅到爆 。
The subway said please don't take inflammables and explosives. I got off quietly because I was so handsome.
31、不是哭泣就能放下一切 , 不是微笑就能掩盖一切 。
Not crying can put everything down, not smiling can cover everything.
32、我会好好爱自己,我发誓,没关系,天塌下来,我自己扛 。
I will love myself, I swear, it doesn't matter, the sky falls down, I carry it.
33、春天短到几乎没有,你我短到回不了头 。
Spring is so short that it is almost impossible for us to look back.
34、最美的不是下雨天,而是与你一起躲过雨的屋檐 。
The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but with you to escape the rain eaves.
35、撑住,才有后来的一切 。
Hold on, then everything will come.
36、先做人 , 后做事,只有做人到位,才能做事成功 。
Be a person first, then do things. Only when you are in place can you succeed in doing things.
37、怪你脾气太好哄人人拿刀向你桶 。
Blame your temper too good, coax everybody to take a knife to your bucket.
38、任何一颗心灵的成熟 , 都必须经过寂寞的洗礼和孤独的磨炼 。
The maturity of any soul must go through the baptism and tempering of loneliness.
39、希望在你丧失表达欲的时候 , 能有人温柔的接住你的疲惫 。
Hope that when you lose the desire to express, someone can gently catch your exhaustion.
Remember, don't forget your original self.
41、恍如薄暮时分积雪初融的光芒,灵魂亦是白色宣纸的枯笔淡墨 。
Just like the light of snow melting at dusk, the soul is also the dry pen and light ink of white rice paper.
42、如何让你遇见我,在我最美的时刻 。
How to let you meet me in my most beautiful moment.
43、你若知我不懂挽留,能否千难万难也别走 。
If you know that I don't know how to stay, don't go.
44、没有人是天生脾气好?。?对你好真的是因为你很重要 。
No one is born with a good temper. It's really important to you.
45、若你没有经历我的旅程,请不要来批判我走的道路 。
If you have not experienced my journey, please do not criticize my path.
46、知己律己,是立身处世之要道;容他助他,是人际相处之良津 。
To know and discipline oneself is the key to living in the world; to allow others to help others is the good way to get along with others.
47、最难过不是大吼,是痛到最深处喘不上气手发抖连泪都得忍着 。
The most sad is not roar, is the pain to the deepest gasp, hand shaking, even tears have to endure.
48、爱情是一场演出,我的深情投入换来你的恼羞成怒 。
Love is a performance, my affectionate investment in exchange for your anger.
49、钓的鱼中鱼,称得海上王 。
Fish in fish is the king of the sea.
50、我曾沿着那条斑驳旳路前行,却忆不清沿途旳风景 。
【女生签名英文带翻译】I used to walk along the mottled Road, but I can't remember the scenery along the way.
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