1、再次见面的时候,或许只剩下了一句好久不见 。
When we meet again, maybe it's just a long time no see.
2、放我一个一个人生活,请你双手不要再紧握 。
Let me live alone, please don't hold your hands tightly.
3、输入法都记得你名字,每点都在提醒我你存在过 。
Input method remembers your name, every point reminds me that you existed.
4、情深缘浅,彻夜难眠 。
Deep love, shallow edge, sleepless all night.
5、好烦,错过一年又要熬一年,心里的苦没人懂 。
It's so annoying that if you miss a year, you have to endure another year. No one understands the pain in your heart.
6、你知道我舍不得离开,才肆无忌惮地伤害 。
You know I can't bear to leave, so I hurt you recklessly.
7、谢谢你给我曾经美好的回忆,现在我要跟你说再见乐 。
Thank you for giving me good memories. Now I want to say goodbye to you.
8、一个人的时候,寂寞的时候,我该找谁来陪伴我 。
When I am alone, when I am lonely, who should I look for to accompany me.
9、只是场暗恋不用依依不舍,也不用装作忘了但还记得 。
It's just a secret love. You don't have to be attached to it or pretend to forget it, but you still remember it.
10、听着忧伤的歌,唱出心中的忧愁,不知不觉泪已划落 。
Listen to the sad song, sing the heart of sorrow, unconsciously tears have been delimited.
11、人在俗世中,聚散不由人 。
In the secular world, people cannot gather and disperse.
12、有一种安静叫遗忘,有一种幸福叫死亡 。
There is a quiet called forgetting, there is a happy called death.
13、终于等到你 。还好我没成精!
Finally,I get you. Fortunately, I didn't make it!
14、总有那么一天,望着别人想起你,借着别人忘掉你 。
There will always be a day when I look at others, think of you, and forget you through others.
15、心脏要有多疼、才知道我们不可能有可能 。
How painful the heart must be to know that we can't be.
16、天会黑,人会变,心累了,怎么办 。
It will be dark, people will change, heart tired, how to do.
17、饥饿,能保持清醒头脑 。寂寞,能复原人性缺失 。
Hunger can keep a clear mind. Loneliness can restore the lack of human nature.
18、愿你阳光下像个孩子,风雨里像个大人 。
May you be like a child in the sun and an adult in the rain.
19、没钱,没车,但我有幸福 。
No money, no car, but I have happiness.
20、你说你想要自由,我给你借口让你离开,放你自由 。
You say you want to be free. I'll give you an excuse to leave and let you be free.
21、你剥夺了我的理智,却要我清醒地去思考 。
You deprive me of my reason, but you want me to think soberly.
22、你旳一句话,可以控制我一天旳心情 。
Your words can control my mood for a day.
23、情之一事,福兮祸兮?等你遇到那个人,你就懂了 。
Love is one of the things, good luck, bad luck? When you meet that person, you will understand.
24、如果爱情是场必输的局,那你选择放弃还是继续 。
If love is a losing game, then you choose to give up or continue.
25、红颜美色男人积极争,芳心为我留取几次缘定终生 。
The beauty of men actively fight, heart for me to stay a few times, fate for life.
26、我不想听你说什么什么身不由己 。
I don't want to hear what you say.
27、其实在我的心中,你也只是个路人甲 。
In fact, in my heart, you are just a passer-by.
28、有些人啊,还记得他的名字,却忆不起他的脸 。
Some people still remember his name, but can't remember his face.
29、生活百般滋味,该买醉就买醉,享受人生一切随缘 。
Every taste of life, the drunkard on the drunkard, enjoy life all along.
30、心碎过多少次,只是没说出来罢了 。
Heartbreak how many times, just did not say it.
31、爱如毒药,我以身亡 。
Love is like poison, I will die.
32、我和你之间最大的误会就是,我以为你也喜欢我 。
The biggest misunderstanding between you and me is that I think you like me, too.
33、不要在别人面前流泪,因为不会有人帮你擦泪 。
Don't cry in front of others, because no one will help you wipe your tears.
34、让一切往事都随风而去,留下的就是注定的 。
Let all the past go with the wind, leaving is doomed.
You look so disgusting, you dare to go out?
Although I walk very slowly, but I never retreat!
37、你的忽冷忽热,让我想起了我们刚在一起的甜蜜 。
Your hot and cold reminds me of the sweetness we just had together.
38、故事不长,也不难讲,四字概况,爱而不得 。
The story is not long, and it is not difficult to tell.
39、只是那不经意的一场雨,淋湿了我的年华 。
Just a casual rain, wet my life.
I love you. What's your business? You are not to blame!
41、可不可以不甘心,可不可以不认命 。
Can not be reconciled, can not admit their fate.
42、许多东西就像风一般,虽然摸不着,但是却能感受到 。
Many things are like the wind, although they can't be touched, they can be felt.
43、走过悲伤,走过荒凉,却走不到你和我的地久天长 。
Through sadness, through desolation, but not to you and me forever.
44、时间总是过得很快,让人来不及记得发生过的事 。
Time always goes by so fast that people don't have time to remember what happened.
45、没人扶你的时候,自己要站直,路还长,背影要美 。
When no one helps you, you should stand up straight, the road is still long, and your back should be beautiful.
46、有时候,孤单一个人反而更好,没人伤害得了你 。
Sometimes, it's better to be alone. No one can hurt you.
47、人和人,别说配不配,合适就好 。
People and people, don't say whether they are worthy or not, just suitable.
48、断那三千痴缠,烟没一朝风涟 。
Break that three thousand spoony, smoke not a breeze ripple.
49、对不起,不想让你哭泣,所以选择逃避 。
【很丧的英文短句】Sorry, don't want to make you cry, so choose to escape.
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