
1、若歌声伤离且悲 , 不能听终泪如雨 。
If the song is sad and sad, can't listen to the end tears like rain.
2、我在默默的爱你 , 你却没有察觉 。
I love you silently, but you don't know.
3、真正努力过的人 , 就会明白天赋的重要 。
Those who have really worked hard will understand the importance of talent.
【英文翻译说说伤感句子】4、我知道;多爱一次就多一点寂寞 。
I know; more love, more loneliness.
5、我喜欢的自己 , 偏偏你不爱 。
I like myself, but you don't.
6、我还要爱你多久 , 你才会喜欢我 。
How long will I love you before you like me.
7、所有的不如意的事 , 到最后都是好事 。
All the disappointments are good in the end.
8、经不起的 , 别怪时间 。
You can't afford it. Don't blame time.
9、你把我的自尊贱踏 , 我把你的虚伪揭开 。
You trample on my self-esteem, I uncover your hypocrisy.
10、寻到那个 , 和你一样的背影与微笑 。
Find that, and you like the back and smile.
11、一句对不起 , 太沉重!我承担不起 。
Sorry, too heavy! I can't afford it.
12、有些故事过程太完美 , 结局太悲惨 。
Some stories are too perfect in process and too tragic in ending.
13、走了挺好 , 省得我总担心你会走 。
It's good to go, so I don't worry about you going.
14、如果你真的太累了 , 现在道别没有罪 。
If you're really tired, it's no crime to say goodbye now.
15、别人开心死了 , 我的开心死了 。
Others are so happy that I am so happy.
16、一个表情 , 不冷不热 , 希望你会懂 。
An expression, neither hot nor cold, I hope you will understand.
17、也许 , 走得太远的代价 , 就是寂寞 。
Perhaps, the price of going too far is loneliness.
18、要累积多少勇气 , 才敢去深爱一次 。
How much courage do you have to accumulate before you dare to love deeply.
19、我以为不露痕迹 , 思念却满溢 。
I thought there was no trace, but my missing was overflowing.
20、谁的罪孽有我深 , 我爱你却放了你 。
Whose sin is deep in me, I love you but let you go.
21、很心酸吧 , 那么喜欢的人却不能拥有 。
Very sad, so like people can not have.
22、千万人之中 , 也不会认错你的背影 。
Among thousands of people, you will not be mistaken.
23、再好的东西 , 都有失去的一天 。
No matter how good things are, they will be lost one day.
24、我真的好想你 , 却不敢打扰你 。
I really miss you, but I dare not disturb you.
25、只身步步海天涯 , 路无归 , 霜满颜 。
Walking alone at the end of the world, there is no way back, frost covered face.
26、你要明白 , 我可以爱你 , 也可以换了你 。
You have to understand that I can love you or change you.
27、伪装幸福 , 不过是想让自己忘记悲伤 。
Camouflage happiness, but want to forget their sadness.
28、若终将失去 , 又何必珍惜 。
If it will be lost, why cherish it.
29、一如既往孤独相伴 , 万千纷扰与我何干 。
As always, I'm alone. What's the matter with me.
30、不是我不好 , 而是你不配 。
It's not that I'm bad, but that you don't deserve it.
31、年华逝 , 青春难驻 , 天涯何处是归路 。
As time goes by, youth is hard to stay. Where is the way back.
32、我只猖煌一时 , 便要我逃亡一世 。
I've only been rampant for a while, so I'm going to flee for a lifetime.
33、其实从分开的那一刻 , 我就开始想你 。
In fact, from the moment of separation, I began to miss you.
34、幸福右边、荒芜人烟 。
Happiness and desolation.
35、槐花正香 , 月色正明 。
Huaihua is fragrant, the moon is bright.
36、一生所爱是你 , 爱而不得也是你 。
I love you all my life. I love you but not you.
37、媳妇没了可以再找 , 妈只有一个 。
If the daughter-in-law is gone, you can look for it again. There is only one mother.
38、不求门当户对、只求感觉到位 。
Do not seek to be right, just feel in place.
39、余生一个叉路口 , 你我分开走 。
A fork in the road for the rest of my life, you and I go separately.
40、你喜欢转头就走 , 我学会了不再挽留 。
You like to turn around and go, I learned not to stay.
41、每一种创伤 , 都是一种成熟 。
Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity.
42、想用力去喜欢一个人 , 不论结局 。
Want to try to like a person, regardless of the outcome.
43、自己走错了路 , 跟鞋没关系 。
I'm going the wrong way. It doesn't matter with the shoes.
44、他给的失望比希望多 。
He gave more disappointment than hope.
45、爱傻笑的人 , 心里都有着放不下的痛 。
People who love to giggle have pain in their hearts.
46、最冷一天 , 因为找不到你 。
The coldest day, because I can't find you.
47、背不动了 , 就看开了 。
If I can't move my back, I'll open my eyes.
48、那个说爱我的男孩 , 现在又是谁的少年 。
The boy who said he loved me, whose boy is he now.
49、复制只是因为我也经历过类似的事 。
It's just that I've been through something like that.
50、出卖我的爱 , 让你吃一辈子海带 。
Sell my love, let you eat kelp all your life.
