1、一个人永远停留在原地,虽然不一定会失去什么,但一定会错过什么 。
A person always stay in place, although not necessarily will lose anything, but will miss something.
2、男人,你花心,我不恨你我只是恨自己怎么相信了你 。
Man, you are playful. I don't hate you. I just hate how I believe you.
3、哪有什么伤心事,一定是你不读书还爱乱想 。
There is no sad thing, it must be that you don't read books and love to think.
4、离开你后,真遗憾,活成了你喜欢的样子,可惜你再也不是我的了 。
After leaving you, it's a pity that you have become what you like. It's a pity that you are no longer mine.
5、心凉了,也就什么也不重要了 。
When the heart is cold, it doesn't matter.
6、点一支烟,让心扉毫无拘束地默念一个人,静静地念,静静地想 。
Light a cigarette and let your heart recite a person freely, silently and quietly.
7、总是有一个人,一向住在心底,却消失在生活里 。
There is always a person, always living in the bottom of my heart, but disappeared in life.
8、你是不是又在苦心翻找一句话只为了给那个人看 。
Are you trying to find a word just to show that person.
9、终有一天,我嫁你娶,各自成家,生儿育女,各自白头 。
One day, I will marry you. I will have a family and have children. My head will be white.
10、我最羡慕的人是你,因为你得到了我的爱,还可以这样不识好歹 。
I envy you the most, because you get my love, you can be so ungrateful.
11、你什么都没说,我却想了那么多,在自己的剧情里,哭得撕心裂肺 。
You didn't say anything, but I thought so much about it. In my own plot, I cried bitterly.
12、执着太用力,就是纠缠 。既廉价着自己,又打扰着别人 。
Persistent too hard, is entanglement. It's not only cheap for yourself, but also disturbing others.
13、身处迷茫,我们看不清人生前方的路,即使看清了也恐惧不确定 。
In the confusion, we can not see the road ahead of life, even if we do, we are afraid and uncertain.
14、总是会期待在某个地方跟你再次相遇,可是再也没有 。
Always look forward to meeting you again somewhere, but never again.
15、总有一个名字能让你先嘴角上翘,再眼泪下掉 。
There is always a name that will make your mouth curl up and then shed tears.
16、世界让我遍体鳞伤,但伤口长出的却是翅膀 。
The world makes me black and blue, but the wound grows wings.
17、假使我又遇见了你隔着悠长的岁月,我如何致意,以沉默以眼泪 。
If I meet you again, after a long time, how can I greet you with silence and tears.
18、旅行的前半段是看尽风景,后半段是看清自己 。
The first half of the journey is to see the scenery, the second half is to see yourself.
19、当初,那个在心里乱撞的小鹿,如今变成了一个刺猬 。
At the beginning, that in the heart of the deer, now become a hedgehog.
20、我们不停的翻弄着回忆,却再也找不到那时的自己 。
We keep turning the memories, but we can't find ourselves at that time.
21、当失望转变成另一种绝望、淡了感情、痛最清晰 。
When the disappointment turns into another kind of despair, the emotion is weakened, and the pain is most clear.
22、学着做自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于我的东西 。
Learn to be yourself and let go of everything that doesn't belong to me gracefully.
23、我最大的希望只是你能够陪我一直一直走下去 。
My biggest hope is that you can accompany me all the time.
24、完美的也只有在梦里,不完美的才是婚姻,平平淡淡才是最好的结局 。
Perfect also only in the dream, not perfect is the marriage, flat light is the best outcome.
25、奢望的幸福,总是简简单单,安安静静的 。
Luxury of happiness, always simple, quiet.
26、我没有饮过最烈的酒,可我放弃过最爱的人 。
I haven't drunk the strongest wine, but I've given up the one I love the most.
27、有时候也想离开你,只是不放心把你交给任何人,只好更加爱你 。
Sometimes also want to leave you, just don't trust to give you to anyone, had to love you more.
28、我多希望有一天醒来,阳光在、明媚在、你在、爱情在 。
I wish I could wake up one day with sunshine, sunshine, you and love.
29、每个人的心里都藏着一个,不属于自我的人 。
In everyone's heart there is a person who does not belong to himself.
30、早点睡吧,不想给你道晚安的人,你是注定等不到的 。
Go to bed early. Those who don't want to say good night to you are doomed to be unable to wait.
31、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃 。沉默久了会受罪,想念久了会流泪 。
Initiative for a long time will be very tired, care for a long time will collapse. Silence for a long time will suffer, miss for a long time will cry.
32、后来想想当初那份深情,倒像是胡闹 。
Later, when I think about that deep feeling, it seems to be farce.
33、如果宁缺毋滥的结果将是孤独终老,是否你还能从一而终 。
If you prefer to be short rather than excessive, the result will be lonely and old, whether you can still be the same.
34、风筝有风,海豚有海,我在你之外 。
The kite has the wind, the dolphin has the sea, I am outside you.
35、那么多爱,那么多痛,那么多爱你,最后却终究是分离 。
So much love, so much pain, so much love you, but finally it is separation.
After separation, don't say wish me happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness!
37、天空杀那边白,所有的鸽子都飞到我还身边,我看不见你了 。
Sky kill that white, all the pigeons fly to my side, I can't see you.
38、别人喜欢你,我可以抢回来,但你喜欢别人,我只能放手 。
People like you, I can get back, but you like others, I can only let go.
39、不乱于心,不困于情 。不畏将来,不念过往 。如此,安好 。
Not confused in the heart, not trapped in love. Do not fear the future, do not read the past. So, OK.
40、各种情绪在身体里游走冲撞,像是找不到出口而焦躁的怪物 。
All kinds of emotions swim and collide in the body, like a restless monster who can't find an exit.
41、我要怎样延续我的人生 。一片的迷茫,呆呆地看着时间掠过脸颊 。
How I want to continue my life. A confused, staring at the time across the cheek.
I tried my best, but I still couldn't catch you!
43、有种爱,是你只看我一眼,我却为此心跳一个早上 。
There is a kind of love, you only look at me, but I heartbeat for a morning.
44、我们总是把别人安抚得太好,轮到自己就失了分寸 。
We always comfort others so well that it's our turn to lose our sense of propriety.
45、青春是蒲公英,看似自在,实则身不由己 。
Youth is dandelion, seemingly free, but actually involuntarily.
46、原来有些你自以为很重要的人,你不联系他,他就真的永远不会联系你 。
It turns out that some people you think are very important. If you don't contact them, they will never contact you.
47、我承认我犯错,错在爱你,更错在相信了爱 。
I admit that I made a mistake in loving you and believing in love.
48、愿你惦记的人能和你道晚安,愿你一个人的日子里不觉得孤单 。
May the people you care about can say good night to you, and I hope you don't feel lonely in your own days.
49、你说世界上美好的事情总是特别多,只是很容易擦肩而过 。
You said that there are always many beautiful things in the world, but they are easy to pass by.
50、有一种孤独,不是做一些事没有人陪伴,而是做一些事没有人理解 。
【朋友圈说说英语压抑】There is a kind of loneliness, not to do something without company, but to do something without understanding.
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