【黄龙玉产地,西安黄龙玉市场怎么样】黄龙玉佛吊坠(收于2016年) 黄龙玉最初人称黄蜡石,由于硬度高、透度高,又以黄色为主色,所以最后又得名黄龙玉,是一种极具收藏和投资的石头,从其主色黄色来看,一直为皇室与宗教专用 。其硬度堪比翡翠,其韧性仅次和田玉之后,极好的油性,丰富的颜色,可媲美顶级田黄,它的出现弥补了从古至今缺少黄色玉种的缺憾,集富贵、图腾、华美于一身,尽显王者风范 。Huang Longyu originally called yellow wax stone, because of its high hardness, high transparency and yellow color, it was finally named Huang Longyu, which is a kind of stone with great collection and investment. Judging from its yellow color, it has always been used exclusively by the royal family and religion. Its hardness is comparable to jadeite, its toughness is second only to Hotan jade, and it is extremely oily and rich in color, which can be comparable to top Tian Huang. Its appearance makes up for the lack of yellow jade species from ancient times, integrating riches and honour, totem and beauty, showing the style of king
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