
1、温柔要有,但不是为了妥协 。
Be gentle, but not for compromise.
Let's make a promise of love, this life together!
3、山明和水秀,不比你有看头 。
Shanming and Shuixiu are no better than you.
4、我永远埋藏在,你心灵的最深处 。
I will always be buried in the deepest part of your heart.
5、最近生活很乱,不思进取,因为思你 。
Recently, life is very chaotic. I don't want to make progress because I miss you.
6、一边听雨,一边想你,雨声滴滴,淅沥淅沥 。
While listening to the rain, while thinking about you, the rain drops, patters.
7、吃胃能消化的食物,娶自己能养活的女人 。
Eat food that your stomach can digest and marry a woman you can support.
8、我忽略时刻,正因等你出现 。
I ignore the moment, just waiting for you to appear.
9、愿做一匹野马,驮着你浪迹天涯 。
Willing to be a wild horse, carrying you wandering the world.
10、你怎么还不跟我联系,我不想喜欢别人 。
Why don't you contact me? I don't want to like others.
11、许多良辰美景,要和你,一个一个去耽误 。
Many beautiful scenery, and you, one by one to delay.
I miss you, and are you thinking of me?
13、相爱,从不是一个人的事 。
Love, never a person's business.
14、如果天堂太拥挤,那我们就一起去地狱猖獗 。
If heaven is too crowded, we'll go to hell together.
15、做一个勇敢的人,放手爱 。
Be a brave man and let go of love.
16、听闻先生治家有方,小女余生愿闻其详 。
I heard that he managed his family well, and my daughter would like to hear about it for the rest of her life.
17、抱着你,告诉我爱永相伴路上 。
Hold you and tell me love and forever on the way.
18、不打算试试我的唇膏吗?很甜的 。
Aren't you going to try my lipstick? It's sweet.
19、看见他的瞬间,全身像是充满了电流 。
The moment I saw him, my whole body seemed to be filled with electricity.
20、只要你想我了,我每天都有空 。
As long as you miss me, I'm free every day.
21、随你走在天际,看繁花满地 。
Walk with you in the sky, see the flowers everywhere.
22、虽然不知道你是谁,但我知道你对我重要 。
Although I don't know who you are, I know you are important to me.
23、惟愿这一生,执子之手,与子偕老 。
Wish that this life, holding the hand of the son, grow old with him.
24、一个人的行走范围,就是他的全世界 。
A person's walking range is his whole world.
25、今夜我不关心人类,我只想你 。
I don't care about people tonight. I just miss you.
26、希望住在心里的人,以后也住在家里 。
People who hope to live in the heart will also live at home in the future.
27、行行是你,不如一句,余生是你 。
It's better to be you for the rest of your life.
28、快乐,是与你饭后的一起漫步 。
Happiness is walking with you after dinner.
29、君已到来,我亦未老,择良辰待美景 。
You have arrived, and I am not old. I choose a good time for the beautiful scenery.
30、守望着你一生,青丝变白发 。
Watch your life, green hair turn white.
Think you are my patent, no one else can steal it!
Without tears, how to set off the bitterness and happiness of the world?
33、你是我坚强的理由,也是我不放弃的借口 。
You are my strong reason, but also I do not give up the excuse.
【默默喜欢一个人的说说英文】34、我已见过银河,但我只爱你这一颗 。
I have seen the Milky way, but I only love you.
35、任他凡事清浊,为你一笑轮回甘堕 。
Let him clear everything, for you a smile reincarnation sweet fall.
36、我们结婚吧,好想和你生个孩子 。
Let's get married. We want to have a baby with you.
37、连给我的思念,都成了例行公事还带着敷衍 。
Even to my missing, has become a routine, but also with perfunctory.
38、世界上就这么一个你,叫我怎么能不疼爱 。
The world is such a you, how can I not love.
39、你就是我,要寻找的小幸福 。
You are the little happiness I am looking for.
40、越是长大,我越明白:安心,是多么重要 。
The more I grow up, the more I understand how important it is to be at ease.
41、即使你的缺点再多,我也不愿离开你 。
No matter how many shortcomings you have, I will not leave you.
42、失去彼此,才发现我们需要回忆 。
Lost each other, only to find that we need to recall.
43、我多么想要带你去,没有人的星球 。
How I want to take you to a planet without people.
44、亲爱的,如果有人追你,你要说你有我了 。
Honey, if someone chases you, you have to say you have me.
45、承诺不必说的动听,行动到位才是真心 。
Commitment does not have to say beautiful, action in place is the sincerity.
46、爱情能创造奇迹,填平鸿沟,摧毁藩篱 。
Love can create miracles, fill in gaps and destroy barriers.
47、我觉得你今天有点怪,哪里怪,怪可爱的 。
I think you are a little strange today. What's strange? It's so cute.
48、你每胖了一点,在我心里便重了一点 。
Every time you get a little fat, it's a little heavier in my heart.
49、美的温存在指间缠绕,心脏还在加速跳跃 。
There is twining between the fingers of Midea, and the heart is still accelerating.
50、你喜欢什么样的我,我可以演给你看 。
I can show you what kind of me you like.
51、吃过全家桶,咱俩就算一家人了 。
After eating the whole family barrel, we are a family.
52、我把手搓热,只想给你更高的温度 。
I rub my hands hot, just want to give you a higher temperature.
53、想你没有理由,爱你没有理由 。
There is no reason to miss you, no reason to love you.
54、也许我的故事不够煽情,但足够动人 。
Maybe my story isn't sensational enough, but it's moving enough.
55、爱像冬日的一缕阳光,温暖你冰凉的心灵 。
Love, like a ray of sunshine in winter, warms your cold heart.
56、得卿厚爱如斯,自当一生珍惜 。
You should cherish it all your life.
57、有一种牵挂,是远远地欣赏 。
There is a concern, is to appreciate from afar.
58、有空一起谈个恋爱,没空我继续喜欢你 。
When I have time to fall in love, I will continue to like you.
59、会有蚊子替我去亲你,晚安 。
Mosquitoes will kiss you for me. Good night.
60、你真的是很好的男孩子,拜托不要不开心 。
You are really a good boy. Please don't be unhappy.
