1、只是爱已不在,我们所期待的,已灰飞烟灭 。
It's just that love is gone, and what we're looking forward to is gone.
2、对自己好一点,因为没人会把你当全世界 。
Be nice to yourself, because no one will think of you as the world.
3、一个以为不会走,一个以为会挽留 。
One thought he would not go, the other thought he would stay.
4、一边长大,一边失去,一边硬撑 。
Growing up, losing and supporting.
【心碎的句子英语带翻译】5、烟花和你,都值得被记住 。
Fireworks and you are worth remembering.
6、失望到了极限就好像所有的热情瞬间被熄灭 。
Disappointment to the limit, as if all the enthusiasm was extinguished in an instant.
7、让所有人都知道你,但别让人了解你 。
Let everyone know you, but don't let anyone know you.
8、有时候,很想逃离现在的生活 。
Sometimes, I want to escape from my life.
9、人生在世,谁都不易,生活在外,谁都有泪 。
Life in the world, who are not easy, living outside, who have tears.
10、有没有那么一瞬间,你心疼过我的执着 。
Is there such a moment, you love my persistence.
11、这城市拥挤的全是人,又空荡荡的没有你 。
The city is crowded with people and empty without you.
12、执迷,还是看淡,人各有志吧 。
Obsession, or bearish, everyone has their own aspirations.
13、往事不回头,以后不将就 。
If you don't look back, you won't make do with it in the future.
14、夜深,很困,却不想睡 。
Deep at night, very sleepy, but do not want to sleep.
15、想离开这个世界,悄无声息 。
Want to leave the world, quietly.
16、说太多,不如沉默 。想太多,会难过 。
It's better to be silent than to say too much. Think too much, will be sad.
17、别总对我说谎,我做不到每次都原谅 。
Don't lie to me all the time. I can't forgive every time.
18、我喜欢了你七年,换来了你一句我有病 。
I like you for seven years, in exchange for you, I am sick.
19、不谈感情,不谈落魄,杯酒下肚,一醉方休 。
Don't talk about feelings, don't talk about depression, after a glass of wine, get drunk.
You bet your whole life, how can I let you lose?
21、每个人都要死,但不是每个人都真正活过 。
Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives.
22、没有了你,只有我一个人守着过去的回忆 。
Without you, I am the only one to keep the memories of the past.
23、或许还喜欢,只是少了非要在一起的执着 。
Perhaps also like, just less to be together.
24、一声叹息,都可能是人间最后的一声叹息 。
A sigh may be the last sigh in the world.
25、这一生对你来说,到底是错过,还是过错 。
This life for you, in the end is missing, or fault.
26、假装没看见,却用余光看过几千遍 。
Pretending not to see it, I have seen it thousands of times.
27、错过的车可以在等,错过的人就等不回来了 。
Missed cars can wait, missed people can't wait to come back.
28、心伤透了,仿佛没了泪 。
Heart broken, as if no tears.
29、明明就没有人疼你,还一副长不大的样子 。
Clearly no one hurt you, but also a long look.
30、原来我在你的心里,一文不值 。
Originally I am in your heart, worthless.
31、哪怕自己再痛苦,可是余生好长,你好难忘 。
No matter how painful you are, the rest of your life is long and unforgettable.
32、如果你独自一人笑了,那是真心的笑 。
If you smile alone, it's a genuine smile.
33、只要再坚持一下下,我们就能到幸福的彼岸 。
As long as we persist, we can reach the other side of happiness.
34、缘分让我们相见,却没有让我们相遇 。
Fate let us meet, but did not let us meet.
35、夜晚很黑,很安静 。我却感到异常的舒心 。
It's dark and quiet at night. I feel very comfortable.
36、浅唱破碎的哀笑,时间给予仅有无尽的悲伤 。
Shallow sing broken sad smile, time to give only endless sadness.
Youth is to wipe the traces of shallow, I have for who cut deep scars?
38、你身边好拥挤,挤得我没法靠近你 。
It's so crowded around you that I can't get close to you.
39、爱从微笑开始,随着吻成长,最后以眼泪结束 。
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with tears.
40、没事,我很好,眼泪没掉还能笑 。
It's OK. I'm fine. I can still laugh without tears.
41、突然没有了期待,也再欣喜不起来 。
All of a sudden, there was no expectation and no joy.
42、一张说爱的嘴,无数个不爱的细节 。
A mouth of love, countless details of not love.
43、我只是你的过客,却在你的世界流连忘返 。
I'm just your passer-by, but I linger in your world.
44、离开你我一点都不好过,好想回到过去 。
It's hard for me to leave you. I want to go back to the past.
45、一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你 。
I always forget to tell you how lucky I am to meet you.
46、原谅我孤独成瘾,却偏偏这么依赖你 。
Forgive me for being lonely and addicted, but relying on you so much.
47、不用再慌着找理由,这次我潇洒放你走 。
Don't panic to find reasons. I'll let you go this time.
48、我在等,等你回头,或等我死心 。
I'm waiting, waiting for you to come back, or waiting for me to die.
49、爱情只是个泡沫,脆弱得一触即破 。
Love is just a bubble, fragile and broken.
50、每个人都有一段悲伤 。想隐藏却欲盖弥彰 。
Everyone has a sadness. Want to hide but want to cover.
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