1、你的寂寞让我留恋 , 不小心回头看了你一眼 , 只有孤单的人会寂寞 。
Your loneliness makes me nostalgic. When I look back at you carelessly, only lonely people will be lonely.
2、什么我都可以放弃 , 唯一放不下的是你 。
Anything I can give up, the only thing I can't let go is you.
3、我从来没有招惹你 , 你为什么要来招惹我?既然招惹了 , 为什么半途而废?
I have never provoked you. Why do you want to provoke me? Now that I've been provoked, why give up halfway?
4、当初说在一起的是你 , 可最后舍不得的却是我 。
It was you who said we were together at the beginning, but it was me who finally gave up.
5、你只需要记住一件事 , 在感情里可以轻易放弃你的人就是不爱你的人 。
You only need to remember one thing, the person who can easily give up you is the one who doesn't love you.
6、你是我最浓烈的酒 , 而我却不是你最浪漫的诗 。
You are my strongest wine, but I am not your most romantic poem.
7、用最真实的自己 , 才能遇见最应该的那个人 。
With the most real self, we can meet the most deserving person.
8、除了电影里 , 没人会等你四五年 , 说白了 , 感情就是不联系就没有的东西 。
In addition to the movie, no one will wait for you for four or five years, to put it bluntly, emotion is nothing without contact.
9、谁都可以没有谁 , 而生活总是会继续 。
Anyone can have no one, and life always goes on.
10、有些时候 , 正是为了爱才悄悄躲开 , 躲开的是身影 , 躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀 。
Sometimes, it's just for the sake of love that I quietly dodge. What I dodge is the figure, but what I can't dodge is the silent feelings.
11、最可悲的爱情 , 并不像两条平行线一样遥遥相望 , 而是像两条交叉线 , 相知后又渐行渐远 。
The saddest love is not like two parallel lines, but like two intersecting lines, after knowing each other, it gradually goes away.
12、流年里的忧伤 , 开在了夏季阳光最明媚那一天 。
The most sunny day in the summer.
13、有时候 , 我们不要想太多 , 顺着自己的心意就好了 。
Sometimes, we don't think too much, just follow our own mind.
14、谎言当眼泪流下来 , 才知道 , 分开也是另一种明白 。
【爱情伤感的英文句子】Lies when tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understand.
15、为什么有很多东西 , 总是在转身就轮回了?
Why are there so many things, always turning around and reincarnating?
16、你說分手的那一天 , 让我成为那一天里 , 全世界最差的男孩 。
The day you said goodbye, let me be the worst boy in the world on that day.
17、什么是勇气?是哭着要你爱我 , 还是哭着让你离开 。
What is courage? Is crying for you to love me, or crying to let you leave.
18、你值得睡上一个好觉 , 不要再为了那个睡得很香的人而失眠了 。
You deserve a good sleep. Don't lose sleep for the person who has a good sleep.
19、当伤痛成为了一种习惯 , 就会奋不顾身的站起来 , 继续前进 。
When the pain has become a habit, will be desperate to stand up and move on.
20、当你转身离去的那刻起 , 你我已是陌生人 。
When you turn to leave that moment, you and I have been strangers.
21、还会继续喝酒 , 也会继续去爱 , 只是不会再喝太多 , 也不会再爱太多 。
Will continue to drink, will continue to love, but will not drink too much, will not love too much.
22、有些失望是不可避免的 , 但大部分的失望 , 都是因为你高估了自己 。
Some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimate yourself.
23、笑着哭最痛 , 真的好痛好痛 , 这种痛 , 从未有过 。
Crying with a smile is the most painful. It really hurts. This kind of pain has never happened.
24、你觉得别人会眷恋着你 , 实际上偶尔想起你就不错了 。别怨他人无情 , 只怨自己多情 。
You think people will be attached to you, in fact, occasionally think of you is good. Don't blame others for being ruthless, but yourself for being affectionate.
25、男人的爱是俯视而生 , 而女人的爱是仰视而生 。
Men love from overlooking, while women love from looking up.
26、淡了就是淡了 , 错过了就是错过了 , 正因为如此 , 才会有回忆的价值 。
Light is light, missed is missed, because of this, will have the value of memory.
27、成长本就是一个孤立无援的过程 , 你必须学会独当一面 。
Growth is a lonely process, you must learn to be independent.
28、我已经把我自己伤的遍体鳞伤了 , 你回头看我一眼好不好 。
I'll look back at my bruised eyes.
29、心碎了 , 就无法再拼回完整的了 , 就如我们 , 无法再回到从前了 。
Broken heart, can't spell back the complete, just like us, can't go back to the past.
30、有心的人 , 再远也会记挂对方;无心的人 , 近在咫尺却远在天涯 。
A man with a heart will miss each other no matter how far away he is; a man without a heart is near but far away.
31、我羡慕过很多人 , 因为他们的陪伴够久够真 。
I envy a lot of people, because their company is long enough.
32、人累了就休息 , 心累了就淡定 , 丢了自己 , 只能慢慢捡回来 。
People rest when they are tired, and calm when they are tired. If they lose themselves, they can only pick them up slowly.
33、我和你不再联系 , 希望你不要介意 , 要怪就怪当初没在一起 。
I'm not in touch with you any more. I hope you don't mind. I'll blame you for not being together at the beginning.
34、我知道你还是爱着我 , 虽然分开的理由我们都已接受 。
I know you still love me, although we have accepted the reason of separation.
35、我们生活在不同的世界里 , 难以互相理解 , 就像天空下起了雪 , 你觉得美 , 我觉得冷 。
We live in different worlds. It's hard to understand each other. It's like snow in the sky. You feel beautiful, I feel cold.
36、若我离去 , 这世界上不会再有第二个我 。
If I leave, there won't be another me in the world.
37、当我卸下伪装走到你面前 , 才发现 , 我就是一个笑话 。
When I took off my disguise and came to you, I found that I was a joke.
38、你本来很爱一个人 , 可是 , 当所有的失望累积到了一个临界点 , 连爱也再提不起劲了 。
You used to love someone very much, but when all the disappointments accumulate to a critical point, you can't even love any more.
39、用力闭上了眼睛 , 过去过不去都会过去 。
Forced to close his eyes, the past will pass.
40、正式宣布单身!从今天起 , 我要过好自己的生活!不再会为他而流泪!说到做到!
Officially single! From today on, I want to live my own life! No more tears for him! Do what you say!
41、明明很孤单 , 却总说一个人真好 。
Obviously very lonely, but always said a good person.
42、人生那么短 , 凭什么让不重要的人影响了自己重要的心情 。
Life is so short, why let unimportant people affect their important mood.
43、我曾经也有小鹿在我心里呀 , 可是小鹿撞死了 , 骨头都化成水从我眼里流干净了 。
I used to have deer in my heart, but the deer was killed, and the bones turned into water and flowed clean from my eyes.
44、你永远不懂我的心 , 我们注定没结局 。
You never understand my heart, we are doomed to no end.
45、嘴上说着单身万岁 , 可是看到两个人 , 还是会沉默 。
I said long live single, but when I see two people, I will still be silent.
46、拿起手机准备问你吃饭了没有 , 但在打字的时候 , 我发现我们昨天分手了 。
I picked up my cell phone to ask if you had dinner, but while typing, I found that we broke up yesterday.
47、爱一个人感觉大概就是 , 什么都会在意又什么都可以原谅 。
Love a person feeling is probably, what will care about what can be forgiven.
48、女汉子不是不会哭 , 是因为他怕哭了之后没人安慰他 。
It's not that the woman can't cry, it's because he's afraid that no one will comfort him after crying.
49、在爱与被爱的选择里 , 我选择了被爱 , 错、又能如何?
In the choice of love and being loved, I choose to be loved. What can I do if I am wrong?
50、当初的甜蜜 , 如今只能留着回忆 , 留着怀念 。
The original sweet, now can only keep memories, keep memories.
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