
1、我喜欢上学 , 我只是不喜欢上课 。
I like to go to school, I just don't like classes.
2、手抓一把人民币 , 走起路来特神气 。
Holding a handful of RMB, he walked with a look of Lu Laite.
3、只要锄头舞的好 , 那有墙角挖不倒?
As long as the hoe dance well, can you dig the corner?
4、做人就是累 , 不然怎么能叫人类 。
Being a person is tired, or how can we call human beings.
5、你真聪明 , 居然还知道自己是个人 。
You are so clever that you know you are a person.
6、先是朋友后是妹 , 最后变成小宝贝 。
First friends, then younger sisters, and finally become little babies.
7、内裤再破也性感 , 感情再深也扯淡 。
Underwear is sexy if it is broken, and the feelings are even more bullshit.
8、我的爱情 , 非你不可 , 别离开我 。
My love, you can not, don't leave me.
9、再牛的肖邦 , 也弹不出老子的悲伤!
No longer can Xiao Bang of cattle play Laozi's sorrow!
10、你该安心胖下去 , 瘦是别人的事情 。
You should be relieved to lose weight. It's someone else's business to be thin.
11、很多事 , 没有因为 , 没有所以 。
A lot of things, no reason, no so.
12、给我一个支点 , 我能撬走你女友 。
【表达开心的英文句子】Give me a support point. I can pry away your girlfriend.
13、人生自古谁无死 , 要死也是你先死 。
Who has not died since ancient times, you must die first.
14、如果你能记住我 , 全世界忘了我又如何 。
If you can remember me, the world forgot me.
15、爱你爱到新闻联播大结局 , 也还爱 。
Love you love the news broadcast ending, also love.
16、每天醒来第一件事 , 就是想睡觉 。
The first thing to wake up every day is to sleep.
17、人生自古谁无死 , 啊个拉屎不用纸!
Who has never died since ancient times, ah shit does not use paper!
18、要么好好活着 , 要么赶紧去死吧 。
Either live well or die quickly.
19、你是罪臣 , 而我是宠爱你的昏君 。
You are the Minister of sin, and I am the despondent who loves you.
20、没有我得不到的 , 只有我不想要的 。
There is nothing I can't get, only what I don't want.
21、宁肯自豪的发霉 , 不去卑微的恋爱 。
Rather proud of the mold, not to humble love.
22、步步高打火机 , 哪里不会点哪里 。
Step up the lighter, where not where to point.
23、当幸福来敲门的时候 , 我或许不在家 。
When happiness comes to knock at the door, I may not be at home.
24、人到中年不得已 , 保温杯里泡枸杞 。
People should not be in middle age, and soak Lycium in the heat preservation cup.
25、我对象这么好 , 象居然不理我 。
I am so good as to ignore me.
26、我要做个正能量满满的拉风少女 。
I want to be a girl with full of positive energy.
27、想你了 , 就像打喷嚏一样 , 忍不住 。
Miss you, like sneezing, can't help.
28、女人的纯不是装出来的 , 除非内心纯真 。
Women's innocence is not made up unless it is true in the heart.
29、留不住的东西 , 就用力扔远一点 。
If you can't keep something, throw it away.
30、你不必减肥 , 瘦下来也没人喜欢你 。
You don't have to lose weight, and nobody likes you if you're thin.
31、天塌下来你先顶着 , 我去找根棍子 。
You are going to hold it first when the sky falls. I'll find a stick.
32、请勿骚扰 , 本人正在骚扰别人 。
Please do not harass. I am harassing others.
33、没那实力就别玩 , 因为你输不起 。
Don't play without that strength, because you can't afford to lose.
34、倒转了沙漏 , 不见得可以改写春秋 。
The hourglass turned upside down, and it was not necessary to rewrite the spring and Autumn period.
35、世界上原本没有公主 , 直到我的出现 。
There was no princess in the world until I came up.
36、请人吃饭不叫请客 , 叫 , 反腐败 。
Invite people to eat without calling for guests, calling, anti-corruption.
37、心脏 , 我跟她表白你激动个毛啊!
Heart, I tell her you are excited!
38、若你放开我的手 , 别说分手直接走 。
If you let go of my hand, don't say break up and go straight.
39、看清对你好的 , 记得被谁咬了 。
See what's right for you. Remember who bit it.
40、我的支付宝 , 配不上你的购物车 。
My Alipay doesn't match your shopping cart.
41、你说吧 , 你是想死呢还是不想活了?
You say, do you want to die or don't want to live?
42、天生我才必有用 , 一直不知怎么用 。
I have to use it in my life, I have never known how to use it.
43、记住一句话:想得太多会毁了你 。
Remember one sentence: too much thought will ruin you.
44、我是杯烈酒 , 怎会有白水的温柔 。
I am a strong wine. How can I have the tender white water.
45、王者不是天天有 , 低调才能永不朽!
The king is not every day, low-key can never die!
46、哎哟 , 妈呀 , 我的衣服怎么又缩水了 。
Oh, my clothes are shrinking again.
47、天赐你一双翅膀 , 就应该被红烧 。
If Heaven gives you wings, it should be burned.
48、别看我长得变态 , 其实我老有才了!
Don't look at me growing abnormal, in fact, I am old talent!
49、为什么叫我千金 , 是因为我肉多吗 。
Why call me a thousand gold, because I have a lot of meat.
50、我不想做第一个 , 我只想做唯一 。
I don't want to be the first, I just want to be the only one.
51、一路走来 , 多谢冷落 , 感激不过 。
Thanks for being cold and cold all the way, but I appreciate it.
52、别在我坟前哭 , 弄脏了我轮回的路 。
Don't cry in front of my grave, and stain my way back.
53、孩子把玩具当朋友 , 成人把朋友当玩具 。
Children make toys friends, adults make friends toys.
54、咳!该说的说 , 不该说的小声说 。
Cough! What to say, not to say in a whisper.
55、自己选择的路 , 跪着也要把它走完 。
The road of choice, kneeling also to walk it.
56、工资就像例假 , 一月不来你就傻眼 。
Wages are like regular holidays. You are stupid if you don't come in January.
57、我待人随和 , 但不是没有原则 。
I treat people with ease, but not without principles.
58、一辈子那么长 , 等你几年算什么 。
It's been so long for a lifetime. What will it be like to wait for you for a few years.
59、想住进你的心里 , 没有邻居的那种 。
Want to live in your heart, there is no neighbor of the kind.
60、你可以不喜欢我 , 但你没资格议论我 。
You can't like me, but you're not qualified to talk about me.
