1、有些人宁愿一辈子活在幻境中 , 也不愿清醒一阵子!
Some people would rather live in a dreamland all their life than wake up for a while!
2、停下休息的时候 , 不要忘记别人还在奔跑 , 所以请绊倒他!
When you stop to rest, don't forget that someone else is still running, so please trip him!
3、一个人总要走陌生的路 , 看陌生的风景 , 听陌生的歌 。
One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange songs.
4、世界上那些最轻易的事情中 , 拖延时间最不费力 。
Among the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the easiest.
5、一个人最难受的时候、不是想哭 。而是想哭却、哭不出来 。
A person's worst time is not to cry. But want to cry, but can't cry out.
6、才二十几岁 , 就担心这辈子再也遇不到喜欢的人了 。
I'm only in my twenties. I'm worried that I'll never meet anyone I like in my life.
7、你的不珍惜 , 让我学会了放弃 。
Your don't cherish, let me learn to give up.
8、许多人都说我变了 , 却没人问我经历了什么 。
Many people say that I have changed, but no one asks me what I have experienced.
9、打败你的不是天真 , 而是天真热 。
It's not naivety that beats you, it's naivety.
10、不怕输的人最勇敢 , 不将就的人最好看 。
Those who are not afraid of losing are the bravest, and those who don't make do with it are the best.
11、有多少人是为了不让别人看出心事 , 装出疯疯癫癫 , 嘻嘻哈哈 。
How many people pretend to be crazy in order not to let others see what is on their mind.
12、如果我用你对我的方式来对你 , 可能你早就走了 。
If I had treated you the way you treated me, maybe you would have left long ago.
13、什么时候想嫁人就告诉我 , 我娶你 。
Tell me when you want to marry. I'll marry you.
14、如果全世界背叛了你 , 我会站在你身后背叛全世界 。
If the world betrays you, I will stand behind you and betray the world.
15、你满心欢喜幻想着未来 , 他却悄悄计划怎么离开 。
You are full of joy and fantasy about the future, but he quietly plans how to leave.
【英语短句大全】16、自习课 , 学霸在刷难题 , 普通学生在刷作业 , 而我在刷动态 。
In self-study class, Xueba is brushing problems, ordinary students are brushing homework, while I am brushing dynamics.
17、既然你不擅长主动 , 那我也不想总是打扰 。
Since you are not good at initiative, I don't want to disturb you all the time.
18、夕阳无限好 , 可惜我看不要到 , 因为我爱睡懒觉 。
The setting sun is infinitely good, but I don't want to see it, because I love to sleep in.
19、我天生尖酸刻薄 , 恶毒至极 , 我不好过 , 你也别想快活 。
I'm born mean and vicious. I'm not happy. You can't be happy.
20、我不是可怜他 , 我是想放过我自己 。
I'm not pitying him. I want to let myself go.
21、太多娇情找不到地方撒了 , 所以才会慢慢地看起来很成熟的样子 。
Too much Jiao Qing can't find a place to spread, so it will slowly look very mature.
22、最虚伪的事 , 是彼此道了晚安 , 然后玩着彼此不知道的事!
The most hypocritical thing is to say good night to each other, and then play with each other do not know!
23、黄泉 。紫陌 。红尘 。碧落 。原来每一种 , 都是一种幻灭 。
The yellow spring. Zimo. The world of mortals. sky. It turns out that each of them is a kind of disillusionment.
24、每一次的离别 , 都是为了下一次更好的相遇 。
Every parting is for the next better meeting.
25、失眠用一种文雅的方式解释就是 , 众人皆睡我独醒 。
Insomnia is explained in an elegant way, that is, everyone sleeps and I wake up alone.
26、把眼泪留给最疼爱你的人 , 把微笑留给伤你最深的人 。
Leave tears to those who love you most and smile to those who hurt you most.
27、放轻松 , 就当漫游地球 。
Take it easy. It's like roaming the earth.
28、说白了 , 还是自己不够强大 , 否则有些事也不用顺其自然了 。
To put it bluntly, I'm not strong enough, otherwise I don't have to let things go.
29、如果爱有原因 , 那就不爱了;如果爱有目的 , 那也就不爱了 。
If love has a reason, it doesn't love; if love has a purpose, it doesn't love.
30、今晚的月亮和星星都很像你 , 遥不可及地好看 。
Tonight's moon and stars are very much like you, unreachable and beautiful.
31、因为有你 , 这里是宇宙中 , 最金碧辉煌的星球 。
Because of you, this is the most splendid planet in the universe.
32、突然就很压抑 , 人活一世到底图什么 。
All of a sudden, it's very depressing. What do people want to live for.
33、路还在继续 , 梦还在期许、云高天遥远 , 至少看得见 。
The road is still going on, the dream is still expected, the clouds are high, the sky is far away, at least visible.
34、道不尽相思的怨 , 撇不开相恋的忧愁 , 抹不掉相聚的泪 。
The road does not end the resentment of Acacia, can not put aside the sadness of love, can not wipe away the tears of reunion.
35、我认准的人 , 将是我的心脏 。
The person I identify will be my heart.
36、别忘了 , 你从本质上是个喜欢笑的人 。
Don't forget, you're essentially a laughing person.
37、人生就是这样 , 在这里失去了 , 往往会在那里得到回报 。
Life is like this. If you lose it here, you will get something back there.
38、也许是天气 , 也许是运气 , 也许是因为有人不放弃 。
Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's luck, maybe it's because someone doesn't give up.
39、我们今天吵 , 明天笑 , 近了烦 , 远了想 。
We quarrel today and laugh tomorrow. We get bored and think far away.
40、每次早起都是心里最难受的一刻 , 可以用崩溃来形容 。
Every time I get up early, it's the hardest moment in my heart, which can be described as collapse.
41、或许是因为爱已入骨 , 才会将她的随口一句奉为誓言 。
Perhaps it is because love has gone to the bone that her casual words will be taken as an oath.
42、对不起 , 我忘了 , 你根本不需要我 , 还一直烦你 。
Sorry, I forgot, you don't need me at all, and you've been bothering me.
43、我还在原地等你 。而你却已经忘记 , 我曾来过这里 。
I'm still waiting for you. And you've forgotten that I was here.
44、十八而志 , 志在奋斗 , 不知年少轻狂 , 只懂胜者为王 。
Eighteen but ambition, ambition in struggle, I do not know young frivolous, only know the winner is king.
45、谁都会有那么一两个令自己心碎的秘密 。
Everyone has one or two secrets that break their hearts.
46、得不到的就不要 , 就算没有依靠 , 可我还有骄傲 。
Do not get, even if there is no rely on, but I still have pride.
47、我没有在等你 , 只是还没办法喜欢上别人 。
I'm not waiting for you. I just can't like others.
48、即使断了一条弦 , 其余的三条弦还是要继续演奏 , 这就是人生 。
Even if one string is broken, the other three strings will continue to play. This is life.
49、假装不爱你和假装你爱我 , 究竟哪样更残忍?
Which is more cruel, pretending not to love you or pretending you love me?
50、生活在灰色的世界 , 虽然单调但是不会觉得失望 , 也不会悲哀 。
Living in the gray world, although monotonous, but will not feel disappointed, nor sad.
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