1、健康快乐好福气,阖家欢乐幸福年 。
Health, happiness, good fortune, happy and happy year for the whole family.
2、送你一份祝福,愿全家幸福 。
Wish you happiness.
3、酒杯满满,碰响的是欢乐 。
The glass is full, and the sound is joy.
4、春节问候到,烦恼全感冒,健康来报道,幸福开口笑 。
Spring Festival greetings to, worry all cold, health to report, happy mouth smile.
I wish you happy new year, wish you health and happiness!
Wish you a happy new year, everything you want, good health and longevity!
I wish you a happy new year, happiness, good luck, everything goes well!
8、2021属你最行,牛年有爱情,幸福永不停 。
2021 belongs to you, love in the year of the ox, happiness never stops.
9、成绩靠努力,幸福靠奋斗 。祝我们家继续蒸蒸日上!
Achievement depends on hard work, happiness depends on struggle. Wish our family continue to prosper!
10、祝你有人缘,事业顺利不心烦 。
I wish you success in your career and popularity.
11、2021,愿你手边多银财,方寸永不乱 。
2021, may you have more money and never be confused.
12、祝愿您身体发福,精神发福,事业发福,爱情也发福 。
I wish you good health, spirit, career and love.
Year of the ox wish you everything you want, the day is sweeter than honey!
Send you congratulations, wish you every day happy, happy and prosperous!
15、祝大家牛年大吉,平平安安 。
Good luck and peace in the year of the ox.
16、欢庆年里龙凤舞,愿君身心都发达 。
Dragon and phoenix dance in the festive year, wish you both physical and mental development.
17、愿你春节福禄安康,2021牛年大吉大利,事业辉煌 。
May you have a happy Spring Festival and a prosperous year of the ox in 2021.
18、美好生活甜蜜蜜,祝你永远都美丽 。
Good life, sweet honey, I wish you will always be beautiful.
19、这是牛年的开头,吉祥在这头,如意在那头 。
This is the beginning of the year of the ox.
20、送你一份安然,愿你快快快乐乐 。
Send you a safe, I wish you happy.
New year is coming. I'll give you a new year. I wish you all the best!
I wish you good health and good luck in the year of the ox!
I wish you good health in the year of the ox!
Wish friends a happy new year and a happy family!
25、愿之所愿,得以实现 。笑如既往,远离怅惘 。
What we wish for can be realized. Smile like the past, far away from melancholy.
26、威武门神站两旁,烦恼忧愁无处藏 。
The powerful door god stood on both sides, and there was no place to hide worries and worries.
27、新的一年,用更包容的心态去对待身边的人和事 。
The new year, with a more inclusive attitude to treat people and things around.
In the new year, may happiness surround you!
29、愿你新春快乐,幸福无限 。
Wish you a happy new year and unlimited happiness.
Happy New Year! good health! All diseases do not invade!
31、牛年到了,愿你的生活灿烂美好 。
The year of the ox is coming. May your life be bright and beautiful.
32、万家灯火时,四海笙歌起,春风九万里,九州新景开 。
When the lights of thousands of families are burning, the four seas are singing, and the spring breeze is ninety thousand miles, and the new scenery of Kyushu is opened.
The year of the ox is coming. May everything go well with you and always be happy!
34、点盏花灯,祝福一年美好的前程 。
Light a lantern and wish you a bright future.
I wish you a happy New Year!
36、新春佳节,愿你开开心心,永远幸福 。
Spring Festival, I wish you happy and happy forever.
37、牛年送你红绵袄,身上暖暖心里暖 。
The year of the ox gives you a red woolen coat, warm on the body and warm in the heart.
38、愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕你 。
May the joyful song haunt you all the time.
39、辉煌的事业里注一点成功油,成就你的荣誉花 。
A little oil of success in your brilliant career will make you a flower of honor.
May you always be young! Beautiful! Happiness! happy!
41、温馨的问候,为你融入虔诚的祝福 。
Warm greetings, for you into the pious blessing.
Wish you good health and happiness!
43、新年,美满平安瑞阳高照,和谐融洽 。
New year, happy and peaceful, sunny, harmonious.
44、为朋友祝福,让牛年红红火火 。
Bless your friends and make the year of the ox prosperous.
45、牛年里放满我的祝福,愿你永得幸福花 。
In the year of the ox, I wish you happiness forever.
46、祝你财运罩,财源广进忙数钞 。
I wish you fortune cover, wealth, busy counting money.
I wish you: a hundred blessings often more than, auspicious clouds gather in the year of the ox!
48、生活好,步步高,烟花爆竹添热闹 。
Life is good, step by step high, fireworks add lively.
Happy new year to you! Peace and happiness!
【关于新年的英语句子】The year of the ox is coming. May you have good luck all year round!
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