1、珍惜每滴清水 , 拥有美好明天 。
Cherish every drop of water, have a beautiful tomorrow.
2、节约用水 , 珍爱生命 。
Save water and cherish life.
3、水资源是有限的 , 生命之河是无限的 。
Water resources are limited, and the river of life is infinite.
4、每天节约一滴水 , 难时拥有太平洋 。
Save a drop of water every day, and have the Pacific Ocean when it's hard.
5、提倡节约用水 。
Water conservation is advocated.
6、人人关心节水 , 时时注意节水 。
Everyone is concerned about water saving and always pays attention to water saving.
7、节约用水 , 利在当代 , 功在千秋 。
Saving water, benefit in the present age, merit in the future.
8、国之栋梁不可无 , 生命之水不可枯 。
The pillars of the country are indispensable, and the water of life cannot be dried up.
9、千万别让水成为奢侈品 , 节约用水从身边做起 。
Don't let water become a luxury. Save water from your side.
10、坚持人水和谐 , 建设生态文明 。
Adhere to the harmony between human and water, and build ecological civilization.
11、人人护水 , 拯救生命 。
Everyone protects water and saves lives.
12、浪费用水可耻 , 节约用水光荣 。
It is shameful to waste water, but glorious to save water.
13、珍惜水 , 保护水 , 让水造福人类 。
Cherish water, protect water, let water benefit mankind.
14、水是生命之源 。
Water is the source of life.
15、为了人类共同的未来 , 必须保护和合理使用好水资源 。
For the common future of mankind, it is necessary to protect and reasonably use water resources.
16、节约用水、造福人类 , 利在当代、功在千秋 。
Saving water and benefiting human beings benefit from the present age and the future.
17、水是一切生命的起源点 。
Water is the origin of all life.
18、吞舟之鱼 , 陆处则不胜蝼蚁 。
If you swallow a boat, you can't find ants on land.
19、节约用水 , 浪费可耻 。
It's shameful to save water and waste.
20、国家实行计划用水 , 厉行节约用水 。
The State implements planned water use and strictly saves water.
21、节约水光荣 , 浪费水可耻 。
Saving water is glorious, wasting water is shameful.
22、水是不可替代的宝贵资源 。
Water is an irreplaceable and precious resource.
23、流水不腐 , 户枢不蠹 。
The running water is not rotten, and the hinges of the door are not rusty.
24、保障饮水安全 , 维护生命健康 。
Ensure the safety of drinking water and maintain life and health.
25、今天不节水 , 明天无泪流 。
No water today, no tears tomorrow.
26、节约用水是职责 , 绿色地球更美好 。
Saving water is the duty, green earth is better.
27、依法管水 , 科学用水 , 自觉节水 。
Manage water according to law, use water scientifically and save water consciously.
28、水是生命的源泉、工业的血液、城市的命脉 。
Water is the source of life, the blood of industry and the lifeblood of city.
29、当你让水白白流掉时 , 我们离干旱又近了一步 。
When you let the water run away, we are one step closer to the drought.
30、含一滴水 , 还一份真情 。
With a drop of water, but also a true feeling.
31、节约用水从我做起 , 从小事做起 。
Saving water starts from me, from small things.
32、水是人类公有的资源 , 人人应保护水资源 。
Water is a public resource of human beings, and everyone should protect it.
33、水是生命之源 , 请君节约用水 。
Water is the source of life, please save water.
34、节约用水 , 从我做起 。
Save water, start with me.
35、流得多 , 留得少 。
More flow, less stay.
36、惜水爱水节水 , 从我做起 。
Cherish water, love water, save water, start with me.
37、淡水在减少 , 浪费可不好 。如果不节约 , 后果可不小 。
Fresh water is on the decline, waste is not good. If you don't save, the consequences are not small.
38、水是不可替代的宝贵资源 , 请节约 。
Water is an irreplaceable precious resource, please save.
39、善待水 , 就是善待生命 。
To treat water well is to treat life well.
40、为节约水资源贡献一份力量 。
【关于节约用水的英语句子】Contribute to saving water resources.
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