
1、多少黄昏烟雨斜檐,翻开诗篇,勾起一纸江南 。
How many dusk misty rain slant eaves, open the poem, draw up a piece of Jiangnan.
2、近视的唯一不好,就是连你的笑容也模糊了 。
The only bad thing about myopia is that your smile is blurred.
3、一直深信你心里有我,是我做过最蠢的事 。
Always believe that you have me in your heart is the most stupid thing I have ever done.
4、想握住此生辽阔,赠你满天星火 。
I want to hold the vastness of this life and present you with stars.
5、我们明明不是陌生人,却比陌生人还陌生 。
We are not strangers, but stranger than strangers.
6、就算是编谎话骗我,但是至少你在乎我 。
Even if it's a lie, but at least you care about me.
It is risky to be a good man, but what can we do without risk these days?
8、你要安静的优秀,悄无声息的坚强 。
You should be quiet, excellent, quiet and strong.
9、面子不是别人给的,是自己挣的 。
Face is not given by others, but earned by oneself.
10、多希望你能明白我,即使我什么都不说 。
I wish you could understand me, even if I didn't say anything.
11、不管你是谁,惹了我的心,就不能不管我的人 。
No matter who you are, if you offend my heart, you can't ignore my people.
12、微笑就像创可贴,掩饰了伤口,痛还在 。
Smile like band aid, cover up the wound, the pain is still.
13、如果我是僵尸,我一定择吃掉所有好学生的脑 。
If I were a zombie, I would eat the brains of all the good students.
【发朋友圈的英文精美句子】14、我是个什么样的人,取决于别人怎么对我 。
What kind of person I am depends on what others do to me.
15、天长地久,根本没有;海枯石烂,纯属扯淡 。
There is no such thing as time and earth; the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, which is pure bullshit.
16、要没点自我安慰的本事,还真活不到现在 。
If you don't have the ability to comfort yourself, you can't live now.
17、世界有个遗忘的角落,我的心永远执着 。
The world has a forgotten corner, my heart is always persistent.
18、有一种想念,叫避而不见 。
There is a kind of missing, called avoid but not see.
19、看清对你好的,记得被谁咬的 。
See what's good for you and remember who bit you.
20、此一去不过经年,再回首不复往昔 。
It's only been a few years since this time. I can't look back on the past.
21、你开的玩笑过多,没人肯相信你的认真 。
You make too many jokes and no one will believe you are serious.
22、输什么不输气质,丢什么不丢个性 。
Lose what not lose temperament, lose what do not lose personality.
23、一个人在世界旳角落,连寂寞都在笑我太堕落 。
A person in the corner of the world, even lonely are laughing at me too degenerate.
24、爱你恨你,最伤的还是自己 。
Love you hate you, the most hurt or yourself.
25、留不住的东西,不如用力扔的远一点 。
If you can't keep something, you'd better throw it far away.
26、你走后,我爱的人身上都有你的影子 。
After you leave, I love the people who have your shadow.
27、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦 。
Last night more minutes of preparation, less trouble today.
28、心碎了,也仅有自我去愈合,无人会来治愈 。
Broken heart, only self to heal, no one will heal.
29、看不见的东西固然可怕,但人心不是更可怕吗 。
The unseen things are terrible, but the human heart is not more terrible.
30、今天的月色真美,风也温柔 。
The moon is beautiful today, and the wind is gentle.
31、有没有那么一条路,可以带我们远离世俗 。
There is no such a road, can take us away from the secular.
32、一个人的忍耐是有限的,悲伤请适可而止 。
A person's patience is limited, please stop grief.
33、不求尽如人意,但求问心无愧 。
Not to be satisfied, but to have a clear conscience.
34、原谅我渐行而渐远,风吹动秋千吹伤别离浅浅 。
Forgive me for walking away gradually, wind blowing swing, leaving shallow.
35、我就是我,你怎么看我既不需要,也没必要 。
I'm who I am. I don't need it, I don't need it.
36、没兴趣再去认识谁了,反正到头来都是要走的 。
I'm not interested in meeting anyone. I'm going to leave anyway.
37、寂寞这么多、在承受的有几个 。
So much loneliness, in the bear of a few.
38、所有一切你能伤害我的机会,不过都是我给的 。
All the chances that you can hurt me, but it's all from me.
39、流年似水经不起平淡,浮生若茶挽不回从前 。
Time flies like water, can't stand plain, floating life if tea can't pull back to the past.
I like you so much, do you like me and die?
41、人成熟的标志是,该动脑的时候,不再动情 。
The sign of maturity is that when it's time to use your brain, you don't want to be emotional.
42、努力把答应自己的事全都做到,那一定很酷 。
It must be cool to try to do everything you promise yourself.
43、失恋了一次,就好像明白了所有情歌的含义 。
Lovelorn once, as if to understand the meaning of all love songs.
44、总有人要错过你,你才能赶上最好的相遇 。
Someone will miss you, so that you can catch up with the best meeting.
45、曾与谁人西窗语,至今未知 。空留琵琶曲 。
It is unknown who he used to speak with. The music of Pipa is left empty.
46、有些人,来到你的身边只是为你给你上一课 。
Some people come to you just to teach you a lesson.
47、这次你是真的失去了我,失去了所有的所有 。
This time you really lost me, all you had.
48、三个忘记:忘记年龄,忘记过去,忘记恩怨 。
Three forget: forget the age, forget the past, forget the gratitude and resentment.
49、等待,是一生最初的苍老 。
Waiting is the first old age of life.
50、如果你不爱我,那就放了我 。
If you don't love me, let me go.
51、仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人 。
Looking up to the sky and laughing, we are not Penghao people.
52、你得意我不理,你有难我一定在你身边 。
I don't care if you are proud. I will be by your side when you are in trouble.
53、梦入江南烟水路,行尽江南,不与离人遇 。
Dream into the south of the Yangtze River Yanshui Road, line to the south of the Yangtze River, do not meet with people who leave.
54、原来躲起来的星星也在努力发光 。
The original hidden stars are also trying to shine.
55、一个人的坚强,一个人眼泪,一个人的无奈 。
A person's strong, a person's tears, a person's helplessness.
56、遇你之前,沉迷过往;遇你以后,盘算余生 。
Before meeting you, indulge in the past; after meeting you, plan the rest of your life.
57、有些人明明只是过客,却让我用一生去记得 。
Some people are just passers-by, but let me use my life to remember.
58、我可以受十分的苦,但我受不了半分的委屈 。
I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half an injustice.
59、你一定要幸福,才不枉我狼狈退出 。
You must be happy, in order not to waste my embarrassed exit.
