1、多谢你如此光彩耀眼,做我平淡岁月里的星辰 。
Thank you for your brilliance and being the star in my dull years.
2、你是我朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌 。
You are the young writer of my yearning, turning into a song in the wilderness of juecheng.
3、少年,你在我左胸第四根助骨往里一寸的地方 。
Young man, you are one inch from the fourth bone in my left chest.
4、用一根火柴烧一座蜃楼、借这场大雨让自己逃走 。
Burn a mirage with a match and let yourself escape by the heavy rain.
5、关于你,千军万马,四海潮生,你一笑,我心都甜了 。
About you, thousands of troops, all over the world, you smile, my heart is sweet.
6、愿情话有主,你不孤独,愿所有等待终不被辜负 。
May the words of love be Lord, you are not alone, may all the waiting be lived up to.
7、阳光落在你细长的睫毛上,我的眼角也开出了花 。
The sun falls on your long and thin eyelashes, and the corners of my eyes bloom.
8、你什么都不知道,包括我喜欢你 。
You don't know anything, including I like you.
9、你如何对待一个人,也将有一个人这样对你 。
How do you treat a person, there will be a person to do this to you.
10、简约不是少,而是没有多余,足够也不是多,而是刚好你在 。
Simplicity is not less, but there is no redundancy, enough is not more, but just you.
11、好想知道,有没有那么一秒你也害怕过失去我 。
I wonder if there is a second when you are afraid of losing me.
12、岁月是朵两生花,涉江而过,花开千朵,惊回眸如何才是我爱你 。
Years are two flowers, crossing the river, thousands of flowers bloom, how is my love for you.
13、日记所记录的不是一天天的事情,而是刻骨的爱情 。
What the diary records is not a day-to-day event, but a deep love.
14、有时候我们蒙住眼睛就可以欺骗自己,世界很黑,很安全 。
Sometimes we can deceive ourselves by blindfolded. The world is dark and safe.
15、在这个不知所措的年纪,好像做什么都不尽人意 。更别提爱情了 。
At this age when I was at a loss, I didn't seem to do anything satisfactory. Let alone love.
16、后来我终于知道,它并不是我的花,我只是恰好途径了它的绽放 。
Later, I finally know that it is not my flower, I just happened to pass its blooming.
17、最美的不是下雨天,是曾经和你躲过的屋檐 。
The most beautiful one is not the rainy day, but the eaves that you have been hiding from.
18、惯眺望远方,不肯凝视身旁 。
Used to look far away, refused to stare at the side.
19、愿每一个颠沛流离的人,错过后能再重逢 。
I hope that every displaced person can meet again after missing.
20、你喝你的清茶,我尝我的烈酒,从此你我殊途,一生不再相遇 。
You drink your tea, I taste my liquor, from then on you and I will never meet again.
21、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你 。
Precious things are always rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.
22、我想在天亮之前变身小星星,去偷吻你的眼睛 。
I want to be a little star before dawn, to kiss your eyes.
23、若我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你会不会依旧如此,牵我双手,倾世温柔 。早安!
If I have grey hair and a tardy face, will you still be like this? Hold my hands and be gentle. Good morning!
24、有时候,喝酒并不是因为喜欢酒的味道,只是喜欢醉的感觉 。
Sometimes, drinking is not because of the taste of wine, but because of the feeling of drunk.
25、外面好冷,我想住在你心里 。
It's cold outside. I want to live in your heart.
26、相遇是春风十里,原来是你,相爱是山长水阔,最后是你 。
Meet is the spring breeze ten li, originally is you, loves each other is the mountain long water is broad, finally is you.
27、你的夕阳、我的容颜、谁的三分之一年 。
Your sunset, my face, whose third year.
28、从前车马很慢,书信难通,注定一生只能爱你一个人 。
Once upon a time, cars and horses were very slow, letters were difficult to get through, and it was doomed to love you alone.
29、所有的美好与美好为了着迷而追求,而误导着误导 。
All beauty and beauty are pursued for fascination and mislead.
30、想在我的青春里,写下你的名字 。
I want to write down your name in my youth.
31、所有的道别里,还是最喜欢明天见 。
Of all the goodbyes, I'd like to see you tomorrow.
32、小时候画在手上的表没有动,却带走了我们最好的时光 。
When I was a child, the watch I drew on my hand didn't move, but it took away our best time.
33、时间都把回忆导成了电影,而你是最忠实的观众 。
Time has turned memories into movies, and you are the most loyal audience.
34、我只是想告诉你、你要的幸福我给得起 。
I just want to tell you that I can afford the happiness you want.
35、想你,是我这些年来,干过的最执着的事 。
Missing you is the most persistent thing I've done in these years.
36、堆积了多少无可奈何与无能为力,才会想通和顺其自然 。
How many helplessness and powerlessness have accumulated before we can figure it out and let it go.
37、回得了过去,回不了当初 。
Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.
38、我过得还可以,不好不坏,不惊不喜,一切只是还可以 。
I'm ok, not good or bad, not surprised or not happy, everything is just OK.
39、玫瑰说:不是所有的花都代表爱情;钻石说:不是所有的钻石都代表永恒 。
Rose said: not all flowers represent love; diamond said: not all diamonds represent eternity.
40、是我的心太伶仃,才能铭记,你十年的容音 。
Is my heart too Lingding, can remember, you ten years of Rong Yin.
41、从前的日色变得慢车,马,邮件都慢,一生只够爱一个人 。
Before the sun color became slow, horses, mail are slow, life is only enough to love a person.
42、不是所有的铭心刻骨,都能够换来两个人的同途 。
Not all unforgettable, can exchange two people's same way.
43、回忆,越美越可怕,越挣扎,眼泪越是要落下 。
Memories, the more beautiful the more terrible, the more struggling, the more tears to fall.
44、往心里装一片大海和花海,再多装一些少女心和爱 。
To the heart of a sea and flowers, and then some more girl heart and love.
45、她狡黠又勾人的眼神里夹着一丝坏,最特别 。
There was something bad in her sly and attractive eyes, the most special.
46、有过不太好的经历,在遇到好的事情和人时更加欣喜和珍惜 。
Have not had a good experience, in the encounter of good things and people more happy and cherish.
47、也好,赶走了你,我的心也就空了,这样我才能住着舒坦 。
Well, if I drive you away, my heart will be empty, so that I can live comfortably.
48、谁拿流年乱了浮生,又借浮生乱了红尘 。
Who took the fleeting years and disordered the floating life and disordered the world of mortals by floating life.
49、最是那一低头的温柔,像一朵水莲花不胜凉风的娇羞 。
Most of all, the tenderness of that bow head is like a water lotus that is too shy to cool.
50、都说一切随缘,可碰到心动的人还是忍不住多努力一把 。
It's said that everything goes with fate, but the people who meet the heart still can't help trying harder.
51、若我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你会不会,依旧如此,牵我双手,倾世温柔 。
If I was gray and my face was fading, would you still be like this? Hold my hands and be gentle.
52、虽然我已经做好我们会疏远的准备,但是这并不意味着我可以承受 。
【英文短句小清新】Although I am ready for our alienation, it doesn't mean I can bear it.
53、做一个梦吧,做一个让自己心里充满光亮的梦 。
Have a dream. Have a dream that fills your heart with light.
54、故人不散,愿你惦念的人能和你道晚安 。
My old friend will not leave. I hope those you miss will say good night to you.
55、人生,从自己的哭声开始,在别人的泪水里结束,这中间的时光,就叫做幸福 。
Life, from the beginning of their own cry, in the tears of others, the middle of the time, is called happiness.
56、也许你不能让所有人都喜欢你,但至少你应该去珍惜那些喜欢你的人 。
Maybe you can't let everyone like you, but at least you should cherish those who like you.
You are a very lovely person. You should meet the best one. I wish I was!
58、洒尽凄凉意,弹尽悲欢,散尽繁华,安然静默,于惬意岁月,读你千百遍 。
Sprinkle the desolation, play the joys and sorrows, scatter the prosperity, keep quiet, read you thousands of times in the pleasant years.
59、碰到很多可以谈天说地的人,只是还没遇见那个陪着沉默也觉得幸福的人 。
Meet a lot of people who can talk to each other, just haven't met the one who accompanies the silence and feels happy.
60、人的一生就那么长,没有那么多的时间去悲伤 。
People's life is so long, there is not so much time to grieve.
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