
1、花儿还有重开日 , 人生没有再少年 。
Flowers still have a day to bloom, life is no longer young.
2、一日无二晨 , 时间不重临 。
There are no two mornings in a day.
3、劝君莫惜金缕衣 , 劝君惜取少年时 。
I advise you not to cherish the gold thread clothes, but to cherish your youth.
4、从那以后 , 时间在爱情和欢笑中飞逝 。
Since then, time flies in love and laughter.
5、孤独 , 自由 。一念之间 , 岁月流转 , 遍经冷暖 。
Loneliness, freedom. Between a thought, the years flow, through the warm and cold.
【形容时间快的英语句子】6、内心深处深爱一个人多年 , 好像随着时间流逝 , 记忆却又突然清晰起来了 。
Deep love for a person for many years, as if with the passage of time, the memory suddenly clear up.
7、人生天地之间 , 若白驹过隙 , 忽然而已 。
Life between heaven and earth, if the gap, suddenly just.
8、他转身的时候 , 我看到的是一个老人的背影 , 我知道 , 时间在老去 。
When he turned around, I saw an old man's back. I know that time is getting old.
9、随着时间的流逝 , 人们会失去越来越多的东西 。
As time goes on, people will lose more and more things.
10、一年之计在于春 , 一日之计在于晨 。
A year's plan is in spring, and a day's plan is in the morning.
11、光阴似箭 , 日月如梭 。
Time flies like an arrow.
12、爱是一种牵挂 , 无论步迹到哪里 , 心却系在哪披肩秀发的发梢 。
Love is a kind of care, no matter where the footprints go, but the heart is tied to the ends of the shawl and hair.
13、万金买爵禄 , 何处买青春 。
Where can I buy youth.
14、你若需要时间 , 还得自己把他造出来 。
If you need time, you have to make it yourself.
15、时间的脚步是无声的 , 它在不经意间流逝 , 春去秋来 , 青春年华刹那方休 。
The pace of time is silent, it inadvertently elapses, spring and autumn, the moment of youth rest.
16、人若是把一生的光阴虚度 , 便是抛下黄金未买一物 。
If a man idles away his whole life, he leaves behind gold and does not buy anything.
17、一寸光阴一寸金 , 寸金难买寸光阴 。
An inch of time is an inch of gold, an inch of gold can not buy an inch of time.
18、时光在不经意中流逝 , 翻开旧日的笔记 , 字里行间充满着情深意境的交错 。
Time passes by inadvertently. Turning over the old notes, the lines are filled with the intertwining of deep feelings and artistic conception.
19、时间好比河水 , 只能流去不能回 。
Time is like a river, which can only flow but not return.
20、时间就像海绵里的水 , 只要愿挤 , 总还是有的 。
Time is like the water in the sponge, as long as you want to squeeze, there is always.
21、天可补 , 海可填 , 南山可移 。日月既往 , 不可复追 。
The sky can be replenished, the sea can be filled, and the Nanshan Mountain can be moved. The sun and the moon are past and cannot be traced back.
22、朝看水东流 , 暮看日西沉 。
The water flows eastward and the sun sinks in the evening.
23、冬者岁之余 , 夜者日之余 , 阴雨者时之余 。
Winter is more than years old, night is more than day, rain is more than time.
24、在一个个五光十色的希望肥皂泡中蹉跎岁月 , 浪费青春年华 。
In a colorful bubble of hope wasted time, waste of youth.
25、在所有批评家中 , 最伟大最正确最天才的是时间 。
Of all the critics, the greatest, the most correct and the most gifted is time.
26、在一切与天俱来的天然赠品中 , 时间最为宝贵 。
Time is the most precious of all natural gifts.
27、黑发不知勤学早 , 白首方悔读书迟 。
Black hair does not know hard to learn early, white head Fang regret reading late.
28、时光犹如奔腾的小溪 , 再怎么挽留 , 终究有流入大海的那一霎那 。
Time is like a running stream, no matter how to retain, there will be a moment when it flows into the sea.
29、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间 , 因为时间构成生命的材料 。
Do you love life? Then don't waste time, for time is the material of life.
30、花有重开日 , 人无再少年 。
Flowers have a new day, people no longer young.
31、时间如流水 , 半点不等人 。
Time is like running water.
32、曾经一度想要得到的东西 , 随着时间的流逝 , 多年以后却觉得索然无味 。
Once wanted to get things, with the passage of time, many years later feel dull.
33、光阴易逝 , 岂容我待 。
Time flies, how can I stay.
34、流光容易把人抛 , 红了樱桃 , 绿了芭蕉 。
Streamer easy to throw people, red cherry, green banana.
35、流年 , 在等谁的相濡以沫 。
Fleeting time, waiting for whose mutual help.
36、花开按时令 , 读书趁年轻 。
Flowers bloom on time, reading while young.
37、时间是世界上一切成就的土壤 。时间给空想者痛苦 , 给创造者幸福 。
Time is the soil of all achievements in the world. Time gives the dreamer pain and the creator happiness.
38、逝水不会有重归 , 时间不会有重返 。
There will be no return of lost water, and no return of time.
39、岁月流逝 , 来探望的人越来越少了 。
As the years passed, fewer and fewer people came to visit.
