有同学说:“写论文时 , 我使用cause这个动词来表达因果关系的机率非常高 , 请问在撰写研究论文时 , 还有哪些表达因果关系的方法?”
基本上 , 学术研究的主旨在于了解问题 , 并进一步提出解决方案 。 尤其是在应用领域的学科中 , 例如:医学领域的研究者会积极找出问题来分析 。 换句话说 , 「问题」大多数都是学术论文的研究题材 。 不过 , 我们必须先得充分分析问题 , 才能提出解决方案 , 而问题的分析过程必然涉及许多成因 。 以下列出了一些表达因果关系的语汇 , 供您写作时参考 。
Extreme loneliness is a risk factor for X.
X and Y are important driving factors of Z.
X is almost as strong a risk factor for disability as Y.
X is generally seen as a factor strongly related to Y.
The mixing of X and Y exerts a powerful effect upon Z through…
Due to X and Y,inflowing surface water becomes more dense as it…
Loneliness can have profound health consequences for older people.
As a consequence of X,it appears that Y alone is not the causative factor of…
The study found that loneliness has twice the impact on early death as obesity does.
Possible cause and effect relationships expressed tentatively.
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There is some evidence that X may affect Y.
It is not yet clear whether X is made worse by Y.
This suggests a weak link may exist between X and Y.
The use of X may be linked to behavior problems in…
The human papilloma virus is linked to most cervical cancer.
The findings indicate that regular exercise could improve cognitive function in people at risk of…
X may have been an important factor in…
X may have contributed to the increase in…
X may have played a vital role in bringing about…
X may have been caused by an increase in…
In the literature,X has been associated with Y.
X in many cases may be associated with certain bacterial infections.
【almost|解释留学生论文中的因果关系?】A high consumption of X could be associated with infertility.
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