
1、我真是一个大笨蛋,除了喜欢你 , 其他事我都做不好 。
I'm such a fool. I can't do anything except like you.
My rent is due. Can I live in your heart?
3、我想闯进你的青春,还想温暖你的余生 。
I want to break into your youth and warm you for the rest of your life.
4、我的三观不正,很歪,全部偏向你 。
My three outlooks are not correct, they are very crooked. They are all biased towards you.
5、最痛的意外不是你牵上别人的手,而是我还爱着你 。
The most painful accident is not that you hold someone else's hand, but that I still love you.
6、我见过清山如黛,却不及你眉眼 。
I have seen Qingshan Rudai, but not as good as you.
7、你站在那别动 , 我飞奔过去!
You stand there and don't move. I'll run to it!
8、有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都取代不了 。
Some people can't say what is good, but no one can replace it.
9、欢迎你走上,爱我这条不归路 。
Welcome to the road of no return.
10、你是会发光的星球,是我内心深处的挚爱与骄傲 。
You are the shining planet, the love and pride in my heart.
11、我想,我来个约定,能够让我们一辈子都像今晚这样开开心心 。
I think I'll make an appointment to make us as happy as we are tonight.
12、如果有钱是一种错,我宁愿一错在错 。
If money is a mistake, I'd rather be wrong.
13、地球和太阳都不是宇宙的中心 , 你才是 。
Neither the earth nor the sun is the center of the universe. You are.
14、两小无猜不是你,情窦初开不是你 , 往后余生都是你 。
It's not you. It's not you who are in love. It's you for the rest of your life.
15、爱人,只要我在 , 就会每天都有一句晚安 。
Love, as long as I am there, I will have a good night every day.
16、月亮、太阳让我爱你一生一世 。
The moon and the sun let me love you all my life.
17、睡不着的时候,多想想我 , 别浪费时间知道吗 。
When you can't sleep, think about me more, don't waste time, you know.
18、我想我喜欢上了你,可是你还没有对我表白 , 你还要我对你说吗?
I think I like you, but you have not confessed to me, do you want me to say to you?
19、你知道我的却点是什么吗?是缺点你 。
Do you know what my order is? It's your fault.
20、每天醒来看见你和阳光都在 , 这就是我想要的未来 。
Every day I wake up to see you and the sunshine. This is the future I want.
21、看到有关你的一切,小声嘀咕一句,我的 。
See everything about you and whisper, my.
22、有的人你只看了一眼,却影响其一生 。
Some people you only look at, but affect their life.
23、如果这一生我们爱不够,来世必能长久 。
If we don't love enough in this life, the afterlife will last forever.
24、别替我遮风,别替我挡雨,因为我怕身边突然没有你 。
Don't cover the wind and rain for me, because I'm afraid there will be no you around me.
25、我希望,在我年轻的飞奔里,你是迎面而来的风 。
I hope that, in my young gallop, you are the wind that comes face to face.
26、我不管你外面有没有人,不在乎你和谁结婚,只要你不离开我 。
I don't care who you marry, as long as you don't leave me.
27、春风十里不如你,梦里梦外都是你 。
Spring breeze ten miles is not as good as you, dreams are you.
28、对你的爱 , 就像童年的压岁钱,藏了又藏 。
Love for you is like the lucky money of childhood, hidden and hidden.
29、有你相伴的日子 , 即使平凡也浪漫!
You accompany the day, even ordinary also romantic!
30、工欲善其事,必先必先亲亲你 。
If you want to do a good job, you must first Kiss you first.
I love you! Did you hear that?
32、如果你是云,我就是天,永远将你托起 。
If you are the cloud, I am the sky, will hold you up forever.
33、在枕头下放一颗糖,做一个甜甜的梦 。
Put a sugar under the pillow and have a sweet dream.
34、爱情本是美好 , 可总是有人爱破坏它本身的美好 。
Love is beautiful, but there are always people who love to destroy its own beauty.
35、世界那么大 , 而我真正想落脚的地方,是你的身旁 。
【很甜很撩的句子英文短句】The world is so big, and where I really want to settle down is by your side.
36、于你半生的宠溺,尽我三生的颠簸 。
In your half life's spoil, makes me three life's turbulence.
37、你知道嘛,它就像我对你的思念一样 , 永无止境且不重复 。
You know , it's like I miss you forever and never repeats.
38、听说幸福很简单,简单到时间一冲就淡 。
It is said that happiness is very simple, so simple that the time is diluted.
39、不是我执着 , 而是你值得 。
It's not that I'm persistent, but you deserve it.
40、我是你无奈的选择,却不是多么爱的人 。
I'm your helpless choice, but I'm not the one I love so much.
41、你是我始料不及的遇见,也是我突如其来的欢喜 。
You are my unexpected encounter, but also my sudden joy.
42、我还是很喜欢你,像旧城里的老折子戏 , 温言软语 。
I still like you, like the old opera in the old city, soft words.
43、深情的人独自彷徨,消磨热情的小丑活的理所当然 。
The deep feeling person wanders alone, the clown who kills enthusiasm lives naturally.
44、我的眼睛必定有问题,由于我的视线始终无法从你的身旁移开 。
There must be something wrong with my eyes, because I can't take them away from you.
45、刚刚又没忍住,往宇宙里发送了想你的脑电波 。
Just did not resist, sent to the universe to think of your brain waves.
46、喜欢就是喜欢,就算一辈子相互折磨,我也心甘情愿 。
Like is like, even if a lifetime of mutual torture, I am willing to.
47、凡夫俗子,你不想尝尝仙女的味道啊 。
Ordinary people, you don't want to taste fairies.
48、心里数落了你千万条缺点,只要见你一面,我还是会沦陷 。
In the heart has counted down your ten thousand shortcomings, as long as I see you one side, I will still fall.
49、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼 。
Drop endless Acacia, blood and tears cast red beans, endless spring willows, spring flowers full of painting floor.
50、江南春不如你,横水秋也不如你 。
Jiangnanchun is not as good as you and hengshuiqiu is not as good as you.
51、如果地球没有地心引力,恐怕我的世界都是你 。
If the earth does not have gravity, I am afraid my world is you.
52、我跟你说了多少次了啊,抱怨没用你得抱我啊 。
How many times have I told you? It's no use complaining. You have to hold me.
53、岁月静好,阳光温好,你若不来,我怎敢老去 。
Time is quiet and sunshine is warm. If you don't come, how dare I grow old.
54、你最爱的季节,我记下了,是仲夏,我会陪你 。
Your favorite season, I wrote down, is midsummer, I will accompany you.
55、我会用我的一颗真心,一世的时间陪着你,守护你 。
I will use my heart, a lifetime of time with you, guard you.
56、我连一秒都没有拥有过你,却感觉失去了千万次 。
I didn't even have you for a second, but I feel like I lost a million times.
57、想和你在下雪天手牵手一起走,一不小心就白了头 。
Want to go hand in hand with you in snowy days, a careless white head.
58、想做一个坏人,只对你好的那种 。
Want to be a bad person, only for you.
59、人世间有百媚千红,唯独你是我情之所钟 。
There are many beauties in the world, but you are my favorite.
60、你已经偷走了我的心,你要对我负责人 。
You have stolen my heart. You are responsible for me.
