
1、趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪 。
Take advantage of the sunshine and the breeze.
2、人之所以能,是相信能 。
The reason why people can is to believe in can.
3、得不到不可怕,守不住才是个笑话 。
It's a joke if you can't get it, if you can't keep it.
4、得到的,好好珍惜 。
What you get, cherish it.
5、永不言败,是成功者的最佳品格 。
Never say die is the best character of a successful person.
6、人各有志,自己的路自己走 。
Each has his own way.
7、怕黑就开灯,想念就联系 。
If you are afraid of the dark, turn on the light, and if you miss it, get in touch.
8、想做的事情,现在就做 。
Do what you want to do now.
9、努力,才能遇上好运气 。
Work hard to meet good luck.
10、你为了成长,付出了什么 。
What did you do to grow up.
11、生活,就是生下来,活下去 。
To live is to be born and live.
12、不懂感恩,再优秀也难以成功 。
No matter how good you are, you can't succeed without gratitude.
13、友情是培养的,纯洁点 。
Friendship is cultivated, pure point.
14、努力在现在,才能成就在未来 。
Efforts in the present, can be achieved in the future.
15、人生得意时,切记看谈 。
When you are happy in life, remember to talk about it.
Don't give up, or I'm sorry for myself!
17、该开始的,要义无反顾地开始 。
We should start without hesitation.
18、不努力,以后婚纱都是租的 。
Don't work hard, the wedding dresses will be rented later.
19、心若坚强,生命就会有力量 。
If the heart is strong, life will have power.
20、让人不必退尽,退尽则路艰 。
Let people do not have to retreat, retreat is difficult.
21、别跟父母犟嘴,你已经长大了 。
Don't be stubborn with your parents. You have grown up.
22、烦恼,是用自己的过失折磨自己 。
The upset is to torment himself with his own fault.
23、用快乐美容,绝无副作用 。
With happy beauty, no side effects.
24、忠于你的梦想,别管它发不发光 。
Be true to your dreams, no matter whether they shine or not.
25、不爱哭的人,哭起来不像人 。
People who don't like to cry don't cry like people.
26、不管怎样,抬起头微笑吧 。
Anyway, look up and smile.
27、人生失意时,切记随缘 。
When you are frustrated in life, remember to go with fate.
28、命是爹妈给的,珍惜点 。
Life is given by my parents. Cherish it.
29、时光不回头,当下最重要 。
Time does not turn back, the moment is the most important.
30、看清一个人,一定是你落魄过 。
See a person clearly, it must be that you have lost your soul.
31、家庭:一半是依恋,一半是责任 。
Family: half attachment, half responsibility.
32、有人关心,才有资格下落不明 。
Only when someone cares about it can he be qualified to be unaccounted for.
Life in the world, only to be happy!
34、除了生死,都是小事,别为难自己 。
Except for life and death, it's all small things. Don't embarrass yourself.
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow!
36、时间不够长,新欢不够好 。
Time is not long enough, new love is not good enough.
I walk very slowly, but I never step back!
38、不要看轻别人,更不要高估自己 。
Don't look down on others, let alone overestimate yourself.
39、不懂满足,再富有也难以幸福 。
No matter how rich you are, you can't be happy if you don't know how to be satisfied.
40、要随波逐浪,不可随波逐流 。
Follow the waves, not the current.
41、坚强、拼搏是我唯一的选择 。
Strong, hard work is my only choice.
42、只需有决计,人永久不会挫败 。
Just have a decision, people will never be defeated.
43、及时当勉励,岁月不待人 。
Time and tide wait for no man.
44、如果你失去了耐心,就会失去更多 。
If you lose patience, you lose more.
45、成功和失败,其实只在一念之间 。
Success and failure, in fact, are only between one thought.
46、有但愿在的处所,疾苦也成欢欣 。
Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.
Like to insist, love do not give up!
48、心存善良,世界就会变得美好 。
Be kind, and the world will be better.
49、过去的,别留恋了 。
In the past, don't be nostalgic.
50、你的生活,应该有你自己的精彩 。
Your life, should have your own wonderful.
51、看破一个人,一定是你较量过 。
See through a person, it must be you.
52、世上唯一永恒不变的,是无常 。
The only constant in the world is impermanence.
53、工作:一半是马屁,一半是能力 。
Job: half flattery, half ability.
54、对我来说,不学习,毋宁死 。
For me, I'd rather die than study.
55、友谊:一半是牵挂,一半是提醒 。
Friendship: half care, half remind.
【生活的英文句子】56、不求做的最好,但求做的更好 。
Don't strive for the best, but for the better.
57、凡事太认真,苦了心,累了自己 。
Everything is too serious, hard heart, tired of their own.
58、你想要的未来,是一步步走出来的 。
The future you want is step by step.
59、我历史不好,别和我谈曾经 。
My history is not good. Don't talk about it with me.
60、心若随缘,便无烦恼生成 。
If the heart follows fate, there will be no trouble.
