1、哭过,放弃过,但别忘记你曾经拥有过 。
Cry, give up, but don't forget you once had.
2、时间停止是因为时针爱上了分针再也不想分开 。
Time stops because the hour hand falls in love with the minute hand and never wants to separate.
3、攒久了的失望就像定时炸弹,总有一天会爆炸 。
The long-standing disappointment is like a time bomb, which will explode one day.
4、我们在悲伤的这头,而幸福还远远地在那边 。
We are at the end of sadness, and happiness is far away.
5、是不是幸福来得太容易,所以涐们才不会珍惜 。
Is not happiness too easy, so we will not cherish.
6、热闹从来都是别人的,我什么都没有 。
The excitement is always someone else's, I have nothing.
7、真正的毕业不是离开那所学校,而是那群人散了 。
The real graduation is not to leave that school, but that group of people scattered.
8、我宁愿在最美的的年华,死在幸福的时光里 。
I would rather die in the most beautiful time in happy time.
9、我爱的不是曾经的那个人,而是曾经的岁月 。
What I love is not the person I used to be, but the years I used to be.
10、从那天起,我就知道,我不会再拥有你的爱了 。
From that day on, I knew that I would never have your love again.
11、回忆是一座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢 。
Memory is a bridge, but a prison leading to loneliness.
12、没兴趣再去认识谁了,反正到头来都是要走的 。
I'm not interested in getting to know anyone any more. Anyway, I have to go in the end.
13、黑夜包裹我,紧接着揉碎你 。
The night wrapped me, and then crushed you.
14、南风未起,念你成疾 。
Before the south wind rises, I miss you.
15、是我不够好,你要过得比我幸福 。
I'm not good enough. You have to be happier than me.
16、放纵你的任性,并不是想要摧毁你的天真与单纯 。
Indulge your willfulness, not to destroy your innocence and simplicity.
17、如果还有如果,最后结局能不能你陪我 。
If there is also if, the final outcome can you accompany me.
18、你对我好,我自然也会对你好,就是这么简单 。
If you are good to me, I will be good to you. That's simple.
19、我想像了多少个场景,可笑的是你每个都在 。
How many scenes have I imagined? The funny thing is that you are all here.
20、你喜欢我的那些优点我都改了 。
I've changed all the things you like about me.
21、你一直望着星空伤心,却不知自己在单相思 。
You have been looking at the stars sad, but I do not know that they are in single Acacia.
22、万事藏心,不表于情 。
Everything is hidden in the heart, not in the emotion.
23、爱情,不敢,不碰,不求,不要 。
Love, dare not, do not touch, do not ask, do not.
24、好奇是爱情的先锋队,比心动更为可怕 。
Curiosity is the vanguard of love, more terrible than heartbeat.
25、念旧的人活的像个拾荒者,不动声色却满心澎湃 。
Nostalgic people live like a scavenger, silent but full of emotion.
26、彼岸花开开彼岸,奈何桥前可奈何 。
On the other side, flowers bloom on the other side.
27、人没有受不了的苦,却有享不到的福 。
There is no unbearable suffering, but there are blessings.
28、或许 。保持沉默才是我们最不尴尬的做作 。
Maybe. Silence is our least embarrassing affectation.
29、想说的话越来越少,心里的想法越来越多 。
I want to say less and less, and I have more and more thoughts in my heart.
30、即使有你在身边,我却从来都是与孤单做伴 。
Even if I have you by my side, I always keep company with loneliness.
31、我自信的可以伸手到天,可我却懦弱的碰不到你 。
I'm confident that I can reach the sky, but I can't touch you.
32、明明早已百无禁忌,偏偏你是第一百零一 。
It is clear that there are no taboos, but you are the 101st.
33、愿无岁月可回首,并以深情共余生 。
May there be no time to look back and spend the rest of your life with deep love.
34、没有声音,但是泪水却爬满了,那憔悴的容颜 。
There was no sound, but the tears were full, the haggard face.
35、始终相信,好的陪伴,也该被宝贝 。
Always believe, good company, also should be baby.
36、秋天该很好,你若尚在场 。
Autumn should be good, if you are still here.
37、沒有一輩子的完美,卻有一輩子的遺憾 。
【伤感英语翻译说说】Not a lifetime of perfection, but a lifetime of regret.
38、总会有一个人陪你一起疯,疯到全世界都感动 。
There will always be a person with you crazy, crazy to the whole world are moved.
39、不要把悲伤攒积到心里,一定会被冻坏的 。
Don't store the sadness in your heart, it will be frozen.
40、世界上最痛苦的事情就是我爱你,你不爱我 。
The most painful thing in the world is that I love you and you don't love me.
41、没有过不去的坎,让自己跨越的姿势美一点 。
There is no barrier that you can't cross. Let your posture be more beautiful.
42、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已 。
Many people don't need to see each other again, because they are just passing by.
43、喝一杯清茶,再爱也不碰烈酒 。
Drink a cup of tea, and never touch the liquor.
44、白马回故里,我路过千山万水,未与你一起 。
White horse back home, I passed thousands of mountains and rivers, not with you.
45、只有孤单的小孩,才能演绎出,那忧殇的羙 。
Only lonely children can deduce the sorrow.
Why a man's fault, let a group of women hurt!
47、对生命最佳的回应,是生活得很快乐 。
The best response to life is to live happily.
48、爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它的标本比它本身更美丽 。
Love is like a butterfly, its specimen is more beautiful than itself.
49、今生爱你,已经成为我的习惯,我已离不开你 。
Love you this life, has become my habit, I can't leave you.
50、我不是冷血,只是害怕投入太多会遍体鳞伤 。
I'm not cold-blooded. I'm just afraid that I will be black and blue if I put in too much.
- 最近很累的朋友圈说说
- 伤感说说
- 爸爸突然去世伤感说说
- 感情慢慢变淡的说说
- 你喜欢的人不喜欢你的伤感说说
- 微信朋友圈说说心烦
- 一个人夜晚走在马路上的伤感说说
- 最心酸的分手说说
- 与情人离别伤感说说大全
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