1、最好的感觉是,当我朝你看过去时,你已经在凝视着我 。
The best feeling is that when I look at you, you are already staring at me.
2、宝贝,你不是最喜欢草莓吗?来我给你种几颗 。
Baby, don't you like strawberries best? Come on, I 'll plant you some.
3、对有教养的人有教养,没教养的人你要比他有气场 。
You should be more polite to the educated than to the uncivilized.
4、听着,我不是一个选择,我是唯一 。
Look, I'm not a choice. I'm the only one.
5、无论怎么样,都有我呢,你就是最棒的 。
No matter what, there is me. You are the best.
6、忆往昔种种,全是孤独寂寞漆成的路 。
All kinds of memories are lonely and painted roads.
7、酒瓶能够摔 , 情书能够毁,风能够停,你也能够走 。
Wine bottle can fall, love letter can be destroyed, wind can stop, you can go.
8、天天下雨,心情都是闷闷的,烦死了 。
Every day when it rains, I feel bored.
9、爱上一个人爱上一座城就算离开这座城,恐怕也忘不了那个人 。
I'm afraid I can't forget someone who loves a city even if I leave it.
10、我自顾不暇的时候,还依旧对你牵肠挂肚 。
When I am too busy, I still worry about you.
11、无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕 。
Merciless is not like sentimental suffering, an inch into thousands of strands.
12、离别时无力的拥抱有谁还想要 , 转身时牵强的微笑扯疼了嘴角 。
When parting the weak hug who still want to turn around when the farfetched smile pulled hurt the corner of the mouth.
13、感情从来都是一把双刃剑,既可伤害别人也会令自己受伤 。
Love is always a double-edged sword. It can hurt others and hurt yourself.
14、停下来,风月恰好,你我恰好,一笔墨色,给心灵一份最美的馈赠 。
Stop, wind and moon happen, you and I happen, a ink, to the heart of a most beautiful gift.
15、在感情的道路上你总是走走停停,你是不是腿脚不利索啊 。
On the road of feeling, you always walk and stop. Are you weak.
16、你笑我看你风华正茂,你哭我陪你画地为牢 。
You laugh and I see you in prime time. You cry and I will accompany you in prison.
17、莪自私,你花心,莪隐瞒 , 你欺骗 , 莪们之间各有各的问题 。
I am selfish, you are playful, I hide, you cheat, we have different problems.
18、医生、麻烦你给我开点后悔药,再给我杯忘情水 。
Doctor, please give me some regret medicine, and then give me a cup of love forgetting water.
19、我的钱包就像洋葱,一打开来我就想哭 。
My wallet is like an onion. I want to cry as soon as I open it.
20、既然选择放手,那就不要在再为爱情做一些不关紧要的事情 。
Now that you choose to let go, don't do anything irrelevant for love.
21、幸福大概就是,你喜欢粘着的那个人永远都不嫌你烦 。
Happiness is that the person you like to stick to will never bother you.
22、不要总是对我忽冷忽热 , 那样的话我怕感冒 。
Don't always treat me hot and cold, then I'm afraid of catching cold.
23、最糟糕的感觉 , 就是不知道该等待还是该放弃 。
The worst feeling is not knowing whether to wait or to give up.
24、后来砸碎了酒瓶也没换来清醒 , 弄脏自己也没换来爱情 。
Later, I broke the wine bottle and didn't get sober, and I didn't get love for dirtying myself.
25、抽过烟喝过酒,爱过人渣信过狗 。
I've smoked and drunk, I've loved scum and believed in dogs.
26、除了迩以外,有谁能擦干俄眼泪 。
Besides you, who can dry Russian tears.
27、斩断情丝心犹乱,千头万绪仍纠缠古今痴男女谁能过情关 。
Cut off the love is still chaotic, thousands of threads are still entangled in the past and the present who can pass the love pass.
28、快乐的方式有很多种,最直接的,就是见到你 。
There are many ways to be happy. The most direct way is to meet you.
29、你要是愿意,我就永远爱你 。你要是不愿意,我就永远相思 。
I will always love you if you like. If you don't want to, I'll miss you forever.
30、对你容忍的人并不是傻的,只是他们选择了对自己残忍 。
People who tolerate you are not stupid, but they choose to be cruel to themselves.
31、春有百花,秋有月,夏有凉风,冬有雪,而我只想早晚都有你 。
There are hundreds of flowers in spring, months in autumn, cool wind in summer, snow in winter, and I just want to have you sooner or later.
32、都说人往高处走 , 可是高处不胜寒 。水往低处流 , 谁知低处纳百川!
It's said that people walk high, but the high is too cold. The water flows to the low place, who knows that the low place receives hundreds of rivers!
33、你在那里,我在这里,尽管想念,却不必相见 。
You are there, I am here, although miss, but do not have to meet.
34、安全感就是,有一个比你高、比你壮、比你大的人罩着你 。
The sense of security is that you are covered by someone taller, stronger and bigger than you.
35、喜欢你我实在说不出口,只好委婉间接的问你 , 我骚不骚 。
I can't say I like you, so I have to ask you indirectly, I'm not coquettish.
36、这世间过于俗气,不像你一般,浩瀚星河,温柔婉转 。
This world is too vulgar, unlike you, vast Star River, gentle and gentle.
37、只因在心田上 , 刻印了光阴里的春秋 , 写满了最美的人生絮语 。
Only because in the heart, engraved the spring and autumn in time, write the most beautiful life.
38、我还是很喜欢你 , 像旅人拥抱天涯海角的风景,无法舍弃 。
I still like you very much, like tourists embracing the scenery of the ends of the earth, can not give up.
39、虽然我长得丑,但是买了漂亮衣服,我就可以丑得漂亮 。
Although I am ugly, I can be ugly when I buy beautiful clothes.
40、因为我爱你,所以你的一切我都愿意接受 。
Because I love you, so I am willing to accept everything about you.
41、我喜欢你,就像呼吸空气,难舍难分 。
I like you, just like breathing the air.
42、若我流浪成瘦马 , 你是我的古道西风还是流水人家 。
If I wandered into a thin horse, are you my old way, the west wind or the flowing water family.
43、你说为我好 , 其实没有你我也很好 。
You say it's good for me, but I'm good without you.
44、分手后 , 我们彼此陌路,谁不认识谁 。
After breaking up, we are strangers to each other, who do not know who.
45、碰到骗你的人,绝不再信;碰到耍你的人 , 绝不再见 。
Never trust anyone who deceives you, never see anyone who plays you again.
46、我愿看见这句话的人,这辈子都很幸福 。
I would like to see this sentence of people, this life is very happy.
47、最初相爱的我们,最终 , 还是错过了 。
At first, we fell in love with each other, and finally, we missed it.
48、如果你不能接受最差的我,你就不配拥有最好的我 。
If you can't accept the worst of me, you don't deserve the best of me.
49、没有扑不倒的江直树,只有不努力的袁湘琴 。
There is no Jiang Zhishu that can't fall, only yuan Xiangqin who doesn't work hard.
50、过江龙遇下山虎,社会不由你做主 。
When you meet a mountain tiger after crossing the river, the society is not up to you.
51、你我既然心知肚明,又何必句句煽情 。
Since you and I know each other well, why do we need to be sentimental.
52、我浪不浪关你什么事,谁稀罕你给的家 。
It's none of your business whether I wave or not. Who cares about the home you give me.
53、我一直都相信,打女人的男人是这世界上最无能的人 。
I always believe that the man who beats women is the most incompetent person in the world.
54、已经失去了的,为什么还要那么在乎 。
What has been lost, why care so much.
55、自己不逼自己,别人迟早会逼你 。
If you don't force yourself, others will force you sooner or later.
56、还没来得及去沾花惹草,就被人拔光了 。
Before I had time to get involved, I was uprooted.
57、对你,不管阴晴圆缺,都不会变 。
To you, no matter what the weather is, it will not change.
58、明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气 。
You know, no matter how to save it, it's just air.
59、不是每个人,都适合和你白头到老 。有的人,是拿来成长的 。
Not everyone is suitable for you all the time. Some people grow up.
60、谈一场错误的恋爱就像尿床,暖一时 , 凉一被子 。
Talking about a wrong love is like wetting the bed, warming for a while, cooling a quilt.
61、谁还记得,是谁先说,永远的爱我 。
Who still remember, who said first, love me forever.
62、你要是愿意,我就永远爱你;你要是不愿意,我就永远相思 。
If you want, I will always love you; if you don't want, I will always love you.
63、爱是一种需要一种缺乏,失去它就等同失去了存在的意义 。
Love is a need for a lack, to lose it is to lose the meaning of existence.
64、世界上对我来说最烈的酒,就是你看着我低头一笑时的温柔 。
【微信说说英文】The strongest wine in the world for me is the gentleness when you look at me and smile.
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