
1、一段风华,一份伤感,人生的憔悴 。
A period of Fenghua, a sad, haggard life.
2、我只是想要一个温暖的怀抱仅此而已 。
I just want a warm embrace, that's all.
3、说不会走的最后也都没留下来 。
Those who said they would not leave didn't stay.
4、没有结局的爱情 , 我用剧情去支撑 。
No end of love, I use the plot to support.
5、此间无事,岁岁年年 。
Nothing happened here, year after year.
6、记忆的拼图 , 拼凑一个完美的你 。
The jigsaw of memory, piece together a perfect you.
7、拥有了太多的故事,但是都没有后来 。
Have too many stories, but no later.
8、你随时要认命,因为你是人 。
You have to admit your life at any time, because you are human.
9、总有那么一个人,你总是想去寻找 。
There is always someone you always want to look for.
10、习惯了孤独过往,又怎该奢求衷心不变 。
Accustomed to the lonely past, how can we expect the heart to remain unchanged.
11、与其争争吵吵,不如一别两散 。
It's better to part with each other than to argue.
12、你是一场盛大的梦,梦醒了我能怪谁 。
You are a grand dream. Who can I blame for waking up.
13、你若一直在 , 我便一直爱 。
If you are always there, I will always love you.
14、可惜不是你、对不起、爱已晚了 。
Unfortunately, it's not you, I'm sorry, love is late.
15、你要很幸福 , 才不枉费我狼狈的退出 。
You have to be very happy, just don't waste my embarrassed exit.
16、世上所有的果 , 必有相应的因 。
All the fruits of the world have corresponding causes.
17、我走不进你的时间,但又不想退出 。
I can't walk into your time, but I don't want to quit.
18、停留是刹那,转身是天涯 。
Stay is a moment, turn is the end of the world.
19、你已不在身边,慌张席卷了世界 。
You are no longer around, panic roll the world.
20、我以为没有你,我可以照样过得安心 。
I thought I could live without you.
21、一边感叹生活,一边重蹈覆辙 。
While sighing about life, I repeat the same mistakes.
22、不是不喜欢热闹,只是习惯了孤独 。
It's not that I don't like lively, but I'm used to loneliness.
23、散聚无常 , 别来无恙 。
It's not easy to get together.
24、爱情赌注 , 我赢了,但我心痛了 。
Love bet, I won, but my heart hurts.
25、我习惯了在你身边,不知道怎么走了 。
I'm used to being by your side. I don't know how to go.
26、不是不相信,只是不愿想起 。
It's not that I don't believe it, I just don't want to think about it.
27、从此山水不相逢,莫问旧人长与短 。
Since then, mountains and rivers do not meet, do not ask old people long and short.
28、你是我的不顾一切 , 我是你的不屑一顾 。
You are my reckless, I am your scorn.
29、单恋,是一首轰轰烈烈的悲歌 。
Single love, is a magnificent elegy.
30、如果不是因为有你 , 我真不想回家!
If it wasn't for you, I didn't want to go home!
31、内一刹那 。心莫名的疼 。
In a moment. Heart inexplicable pain.
32、眼泪没掉 , 面带微笑,心还在跳 。
Tears did not fall, smile, heart is still beating.
33、即使在梦里遇见你,我也觉得好开心 。
Even if I meet you in my dream, I feel so happy.
34、我的爱是颗沙,你眼里只有她 。
My love is a sand, only her in your eyes.
35、善良是一种天赋,善意是一种选择 。
Kindness is a gift, kindness is a choice.
36、别睡太晚,梦会变短 。
Don't go to bed too late. Dreams get shorter.
37、哭的时候,恰好撞到了你的眼神 。
Crying, just hit your eyes.
38、永远不要跟我说对不起,毕竟我不配 。
Never tell me I'm sorry. After all, I don't deserve it.
39、我们都在变,何必感概从前 。
We are all changing. Why feel the past.
40、事以至此,情已成伤,无望,无助 。
So far, the situation has become hurt, hopeless and helpless.
41、安静的像只猫,蜷缩在没有阳光的角落 。
Quiet like a cat, huddled in a corner without sunshine.
42、你不是最好的,却是我最想要的 。
You are not the best, but what I want most.
43、其实流浪的目的,是为了不必再流泪 。
In fact, no longer need to shed tears.
Midnight, a person's snack!
45、没有你的天堂 , 不如有你陪的地狱 。
It's better to have a hell with you than heaven without you.
46、幸福是一个动作,你给的只是个概念 。
Happiness is an action, you just give a concept.
47、细数我们的回忆,心碎了一地 。
Count our memories, heartbroken.
48、此情应是长相守,你若无心我便休 。
If you don't mind, I will stop.
49、好友三千,空间无访问 。
Three thousand friends, no space to visit.
50、终究要亲自受伤 。才能学着聪明 。
I'm going to get hurt myself. To learn to be smart.
51、这座城市有着各种冷,需要各种温存 。
This city has all kinds of coldness and needs all kinds of warmth.
52、泪湿透了纸鹤 , 爱斑驳了颜色 。
Tears wet paper crane, love mottled color.
53、你明明很孤独 , 却总说一个人很好 。
You are very lonely, but always say a person is very good.
54、我的幸福,营养不良 。
My happiness, malnutrition.
55、最悦耳的谎言最美丽,也最伤人 。
The most pleasant lies are the most beautiful and the most hurtful.
56、宁愿笑着说分手,也不要哭着说再见 。
Would rather say goodbye with a smile than cry goodbye.
57、看,那只猴子在捞月 。
Look, that monkey is fishing for the moon.
58、希望下辈子能长成你喜欢的样子 。
I hope I can grow up to be what you like in the next life.
59、不属于自己的 , 又何必那么拼命在乎 。
Do not belong to their own, why so desperately care.
60、忘记需要勇气,也需要运气 。
【英文伤感说说】It takes courage and luck to forget.
