1、最痛的痛,是我们永久都说不起的伤口 。
The most painful pain is a wound that we can never say.
2、你不会想起身边的人,你想起的人都不在身边 。
You don't think of the people around you, and the people you think of are not around.
3、从那以后,记忆泛滥,却不会重叠 。
Since then, memory has been flooding, but it will not overlap.
4、外面的世界太凄凉,特别是一个人走在路上 。
The world outside is so bleak that one person is walking on the road.
5、心酸什么,又不止你一个人深爱而不得 。
What is sour is not only your love but also can not.
6、捂不热的冰块,谁愿意一直抱在怀里 。
Cover the hot ice, who would always hold in your arms.
7、我不擅长等待 。但我擅长做我不擅长做的事情 。
I'm not good at waiting. But I'm good at doing things I'm not good at.
8、转眼繁华落尽,回首物是人非 。
In a moment, the prosperity is gone, and looking back on the things are human and wrong.
9、我们剩下的只是,各自单向行的轨道 。
All we have left is the orbits of each one-way row.
10、习惯是一个强大的词,它能代替所有的一言难尽 。
Habit is a powerful word, it can replace all the words.
11、世界让我遍体鳞伤,但伤口长出的却是翅膀 。
The world makes me black and blue, but the wounds grow wings.
12、难过的时候,连周围呼吸的空气都感到了压抑 。
When sad, even the air around me felt depressed.
13、会心碎的拥抱,适合浅尝,不适合深醉 。
Will heartbreak embrace, suitable for shallow taste, not suitable for deep drunk.
14、抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁 。
Water is more flowing, and cup sales worry more.
15、希望,下一个被你欺骗的人让你付出真心 。
Hope that the next one you cheat will give you the heart.
16、我多想要拥抱你,可惜时光把我抛弃了 。
I want to embrace you, but time has abandoned me.
17、我能跟你闹,跟你聊,逗你笑,说明你很重要 。
I can make a noise with you, talk to you, make you laugh, which means you are very important.
18、如果时光渲染了记忆,我会努力忘记 。
If time makes memory, I will try to forget.
19、形影忽不见,翩翩伤我心 。
Shape shadow suddenly disappeared, Pianpian hurt my heart.
20、如果无法与你同行,我会避开所有你会走的路 。
If I can't walk with you, I'll avoid all the roads you'll take.
21、既然注定要分手,何必再失去风度 。
Since it is destined to break up, why lose the demeanor again.
22、本来讨厌下雨的天空,直到听到你说你爱我 。
I hate the rainy sky until I hear you say you love me.
23、最坏的事情总会过去,好运正向你走来 。
The worst things will always pass, and good luck is coming to you.
24、我们的青春如此无奈,太多的回忆变成了伤怀 。
Our youth is so helpless, too many memories become sad.
25、很难过吧,那么爱的人连张合照都没有 。
I'm sorry, so the person who loves doesn't even have a photo.
26、我很害怕习惯了谁的好,然后他又玩笑般的离开 。
I was afraid to get used to who was good, and then he left jokingly.
27、白云消逝,人憔悴,花开,花落,两相随 。
White clouds disappear, people haggard, flowers open, flowers fall, two with each other.
28、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼 。
Drop not all love, tears, throw red beans, open spring willows and spring flowers full of painting building.
29、为什么总是想得到,却又没有勇气去拥有 。
Why always want to get, but have no courage to have.
30、摩天大楼最甜蜜的游戏,明明不爱却也困在一起 。
Skyscrapers the sweetest game, clearly not love but also trapped together.
31、过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾 。
Fault is a temporary regret, and miss is always a regret.
To leave, please, never come back!
33、雨水冲走了我们所有的美好回忆,幸福的流年 。
Rain washed away all our beautiful memories, happy years.
【简短的伤心的英文句子】34、比起我爱你,我更想听到的是在一起 。
I want to hear more about being together than I love you.
35、再对我笑一次吧,就像初见时那样 。
Laugh at me again, just like I was at first sight.
36、一头扎进你怀里,你的胸膛就是我的沙漠 。
One end of the hole into your arms, your chest is my desert.
37、孤独是一个的寂寞,寂寞是一群人的孤独 。
Loneliness is a loneliness, loneliness is a group of people lonely.
38、我路过你的门,却不敢进你的城 。
I passed your door, but I dare not enter your city.
39、新欢再好也只是欢,旧爱再旧也是爱 。
New Huan is just joy, old love is love again.
40、关于我们的记忆,你悄然而去了 。
You went quietly about our memory.
41、我听到千言万语,却唯独没有听到你的声音 。
I hear thousands of words, but I only don't hear your voice.
42、爱一个人有多辛苦,被爱的人永远不会懂 。
How hard it is to love a person, the one who is loved will never understand.
Used to a long time with, how can you bear a person's loneliness!
44、我每天都在笑,你猜我过得好不好 。
I laugh every day, you guess I'm fine.
45、经常笑,可是我没有经常开心 。
I laugh often, but I don't have a lot of fun.
46、你一副不缺我的样子,我怎敢去拥抱你 。
You don't want me. How dare I embrace you.
47、直到见不到你,才知道自己还要喜欢你很久 。
I didn't know that I would like you for a long time until I couldn't see you.
48、你自认为是的挂念,在他人眼里仅仅个笑话 。
You think it is a joke in the eyes of others.
What boyfriend, I can't sleep at night, I haven't enough to eat!
50、落水的誓言,要怎么打捞 。
The oath of falling water, how to salvage.
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