1、你不懂我,又怎么懂我那颗为你沦落的心 。
If you don't understand me, how can you understand my heart reduced for you.
2、你敢来找我,我就敢跟你和好 。
If you come to me, I'll make up with you.
3、有别人来陪你了,那我悄悄退场啦 。
If someone else comes to accompany you, I'll leave quietly.
4、人生自是有情痴,莫叫生死作相思 。
There is love in life. Don't call life and death Acacia.
5、离开后再告别,是寂寞碰到了思念 。
Leave and then say goodbye, is lonely met Miss.
【伤感句子翻译英语】6、有时候觉得自己好累,真想一了了之 。
Sometimes I feel so tired that I really want to have a rest.
7、这世界是你的遗嘱,而我是你唯一的遗物 。
The world is your will, and I am your only legacy.
8、心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪 。
If the heart has no habitat, it is wandering everywhere.
9、我喜欢转身转得漂亮,放手放得潇洒 。
I like to turn around beautifully and let go.
10、最彻底的报复,是原谅和遗忘 。
The most thorough revenge is to forgive and forget.
11、分手时你说的每一句话,都让我想死 。
Every word you say when you break up makes me want to die.
12、最肯忘却古人诗,最不屑一顾是相思 。
The most willing to forget the ancient poetry, the most dismissive is Acacia.
13、一根烟,一杯酒,一首老情歌 。
A cigarette, a glass of wine, an old love song.
14、放我一个一个人生活,请你双手不要再紧握 。
Let me live alone, please don't hold your hands tightly.
15、不知从何时起,和你聊天也已变成一种奢望 。
I do not know when, and you chat has become a luxury.
16、我知道、我這輩子、都不能把你拋到腦後 。
I know that I can't forget you in my life.
17、对于你,我只有失望 。
For you, I am only disappointed.
18、宁可让自己后悔,也别给自己留下遗憾 。
I'd rather make myself regret than leave myself regret.
19、你有新欢了,我连旧爱都不是 。
You have a new love. I'm not even an old one.
20、要痛到什么程度,才练就了今天的百毒不侵 。
To what extent does the pain lead to today's invincibility.
21、我慢慢走在回忆中,却不知早已泪流满面 。
I walk slowly in the memory, but I don't know already tears.
22、你什么时候红杏出墙啊,我还在墙外等着呢 。
When will you come out of the wall? I'm still waiting outside the wall.
23、每个想你的夜,眼泪都止不住的流 。
Every night I miss you, tears can't stop flowing.
24、我不要持久的温存,只需你一世的陪伴 。
I don't want lasting warmth, just your company for a lifetime.
25、多么可惜,我们见面,却只能向朋友一般 。
It's a pity that when we meet, we can only be friends.
26、花开终是落,花落终成空 。
Flowers bloom and fall, and they become empty.
27、我的心,早已经不是,从前那透明的水晶 。
My heart, has not been, before that transparent crystal.
28、看过了太多的挫折,连自己都不会哭了 。
I've seen so many setbacks that I can't even cry.
29、别在分手的时候说爱我,那样只会让我更难过 。
Don't say you love me when you break up, it will only make me more sad.
30、其实单恋也不错,只是少了一段距离 。
In fact, unrequited love is also good, just a short distance.
31、明明爱很清晰,却还要接受分离 。
Clearly love is very clear, but also to accept the separation.
32、不打扰,却铭记,是我对你最后的爱 。
Do not disturb, but remember, is my last love for you.
33、要离开,就请,永远别再回来 。
If you want to leave, please never come back.
34、当我们不能回头时,只能继续往前走 。
When we can't turn back, we can only move on.
35、那些别扭又违心的嫌弃,都是说不出口的喜欢 。
Those uncomfortable and against the heart of the dislike, are not like to say.
36、一个人容易想太多,想太多容易一个人 。
It's easy for one person to think too much. It's easy for one person to think too much.
37、我很累,我也不知道我在累什么 。
I'm tired, and I don't know what I'm tired of.
38、我们都会上岸,阳光万里,路边鲜花开放 。
We'll all go ashore, the sun is shining, the roadside flowers are blooming.
39、普通生活,普通失眠,普通成长,普通痛苦 。
Ordinary life, ordinary insomnia, ordinary growth, ordinary pain.
40、若余生还来得及,你是我所有的不介意 。
If it's too late for the rest of my life, you're all I have, don't mind.
41、什么都不懂的年纪,还不想拥有过多的复杂 。
I don't want to have too much complexity at an age when I don't know anything.
42、说一句不争了好累,可是倒下后又能依靠谁 。
I'm tired, but who can I rely on after I fall down.
43、拥抱孤独时,你也许在和成功、充实拥抱着 。
When embracing loneliness, you may be embracing success and fullness.
44、幸福的种子,始终没有结出幸福的果实 。
The seed of happiness has never produced the fruit of happiness.
45、与输赢没关系,这是愿望 。
It has nothing to do with winning or losing. It's a wish.
46、已然无关痛痒,又怎骤然心酸 。
It doesn't matter. How can you feel sad suddenly.
47、我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱 。
I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love.
48、说好的一辈子,我也不知道怎么就散了 。
Said a good life, I do not know how to break up.
Why are you disappointed every time you wait?
50、那些回不来的东西,我只好假装从没拥有过 。
I had to pretend that I never had the things that I couldn't get back.
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