1、又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端 。李白
Also suspected Yao Tai mirror, flying in Qingyun end.
2、不见去年人,泪湿春衫袖 。欧阳修
No one saw last year, tears wet sleeves.
3、君自保重,我心送君三十里 。王阳明
Take care of yourself. My heart will send you thirty miles.
4、行云流水音犹在,从此曲误无周郎 。周瑜
The sound of running clouds and flowing water is still there.
5、人是生而自由的,却处处受到束缚 。卢梭
Man is born free, but he is bound everywhere.
6、净洗浮空片玉,胜花影、春灯相乱 。吴文英
Clean floating pieces of jade, Sheng Hua Ying, spring lamp chaos.
7、灵感,是由于顽强的劳动而获得的奖赏 。列宾
Inspiration is a reward for hard work.
As a hundred years of heart, who limits the north and south of the river?
I don't know when I should go back with you?
10、送老薤盐何处是,我缘应在吴兴 。陈克
Where to send the old Xiebao salt? My fate should be in Wuxing.
11、工作总是疏远无聊、坏事和贫穷 。摩路瓦
Work always alienates boredom, bad things and poverty.
12、几度思归还把酒,拂云堆上祝明妃 。杜牧
After several times of yearning for the return of the wine, I wish the imperial concubine Ming on the cloud heap.
13、由智慧养成的习惯,能成为第二天性 。培根
Habits formed by wisdom can become second nature.
14、人有善愿,天必佑之 。增广贤文
If a man has a good wish, heaven will bless it.
15、运往无淹物,年逝觉已催 。谢灵运
It's time to transport them to the waterless.
16、尊重别人的人不应该谈自己 。高尔基
People who respect others should not talk about themselves.
17、雄心壮志是茫茫黑夜中的北斗星 。勃朗宁
Ambition is the Big Dipper in the vast night.
18、利用时间是一个极其高级的规律 。恩格斯
The use of time is an extremely advanced law.
19、蛟龙偃蹇,观阙嵯峨,缥缈笙歌沸 。文征明
Jiaolong Yanjian, guanque rugged, ethereal Shengge boiling.
20、敬人者,人恒敬之;爱人者,人恒爱之 。孟子
Those who respect others will always respect them; those who love others will always love them.
21、零泪向谁道,鸡鸣徒叹息 。沈约
No tears to whom Road, crow sigh.
22、想象力比知识更为重要 。爱因斯坦
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
23、门外垂杨岸侧,画桥谁系兰舟 。万俟咏
Outside the door hang Yang shore side, painting bridge who tie the blue boat.
24、明年此会知谁健?醉把茱萸仔细看 。杜甫
Who will know next year? Drunk, take a closer look at the dogwood.
25、朋友越老越好,美酒越老越香 。约翰雷
The older the friend, the better; the older the wine, the better.
26、人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开 。白居易
In April, the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are in full bloom.
27、冬宜密雪,有碎玉声 。王禹偁
Winter should be dense snow, broken jade sound.
28、地生连理木,水出并头莲 。王实甫
Ground born LIANLI wood, water and lotus.
【中英对照名人名言】29、未成林,难望凤来栖,聊医俗 。陆容
Before the forest, it is difficult to hope that the Phoenix will come to live and talk about medical customs.
30、以希望为生的人,将绝食而死 。富兰克林
Those who live by hope will die of hunger strike.
31、车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 。俗语
There must be a way to get to the front of the mountain.
32、一涓春水点黄昏,便没顿、相思处 。史达祖
A spring point at dusk, there is no pause, Acacia.
33、小雨空帘,无人深巷,已早杏花先卖 。史达祖
Light rain curtain, no one deep lane, already early apricot flowers sold first.
34、明月松间照,清泉石上流 。王维
The moon shines between the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward.
35、孤花片叶,断送清秋节 。纳兰性德
Solitary flowers and leaves cut off the autumn festival.
36、人的价值蕴藏在人的才能之中 。马克思
The value of man is contained in his talent.
37、一枝红杏出墙头,墙外行人正独愁 。吴融
A red apricot comes out of the wall, and the passers-by outside the wall are alone worried.
38、闻见广则聪明辟,胜友之而学易成 。魏源
If you hear and see widely, you will be wise and open-minded; if you win over your friends, you will learn easily.
39、江上月明胡雁过,淮南木落楚山多 。刘长卿
On the river, there are many wild geese and wild geese on the moon. There are many trees in Huainan and many mountains in Chu.
40、宽则得众,信则人任焉 。苏辙
If you are broad, you will win the masses; if you believe, you will be free.
41、西北望长安,可怜无数山 。辛弃疾
Looking at Chang'an in the northwest, there are many pitiful mountains.
42、书籍是培植智慧的工具 。夸美绍斯集
Books are tools to cultivate wisdom.
43、分明一觉华胥梦,回首东风泪满衣 。赵鼎
Clear a sense of Huaxu dream, looking back on Dongfeng tears full clothes.
44、懦夫一生数死,丈夫中死一遭 。莎士比亚
A coward dies several times in his life.
45、一定要有的勇气,才会有工作的勇气 。鲁迅
We must have courage to work.
Until the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, when does the thought stop?
47、可惜重阳,不把黄花与 。吴文英
It's a pity that Chongyang doesn't mix yellow flowers with it.
48、自见者不明,自是者不彰 。道德经
Those who see themselves are not clear, and those who are themselves are not obvious.
49、我也曾经做梦过,后来更寂寞 。杨宗纬
I once had a dream, and later more lonely.
50、便与甘棠同不剪,苍髯白甲待归来 。苏轼
Then he would not cut with the calamus, and the grey beard and white armor would wait for his return.
51、憨厚朴实有碍事业的成功 。约翰克拉克
Simple and honest hinders the success of the cause.
52、人值不值钱,看他的原则值不值钱 。黄执中
Whether a man is worth money or not depends on whether his principles are worth money.
53、越自尊大,越见器小 。曾国藩
The more self-esteem, the smaller the instrument.
54、江上春山远,山下暮云长 。葛长庚
Spring on the river, far away from the mountain, long clouds at the bottom of the mountain.
55、世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力 。雨果
What the world lacks is perseverance, not strength.
56、雨声飕飕催早寒,胡雁翅湿高飞难 。杜甫
The sound of rain whizzed early cold, and the wings of wild geese were wet and difficult to fly.
57、人生包含着一天,一天象征着一生 。谚语
Life contains a day, a day symbolizes life.
58、为学,正如撑上水船,一篙不可放缓 。朱熹
Learning is just like putting on a boat. A penny can't be slowed down.
59、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花 。龚自珍
Falling red is not a heartless thing, turn into spring mud to protect flowers more.
60、荆溪白石出,天寒红叶稀 。王维
Jingxi white stone, cold days, red leaves rare.
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