缅怀金庸先生之武侠小说英文名总结 你知道有哪些吗
第一,Sword(剑)这一兵器在金庸武侠小说名中出现的较多,例如:白马啸西风 Swordswoman riding west on white horse书剑恩仇录 The book and the sword倚天屠龙记 Heaven sword and dragon sabre碧血剑 Sword stained with royal blood
第二,Conder(雕)这一飞禽在金庸武侠小说名中出现的较多,例如:射雕英雄传 The legend of the condor heroes神雕侠侣 The return of the condor heroes
【缅怀金庸先生之武侠小说英文名总结 你知道有哪些吗】第三,Fox(狐)这一走兽在金庸武侠小说名中出现的较多,例如:飞狐外传 Other tales of the flying fox雪山飞狐 Flying fox of snowy mountain
第四,金庸的大多数武侠小说总结了成了一副对联,即“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”,它们的英文名称如下:飞狐外传 Other tales of the flying fox雪山飞狐 Flying fox of snowy mountain连城诀 A deadly secret天龙八部 Demi-gods and semi-devils射雕英雄传 The legend of the condor heroes白马啸西风 Swordswoman riding west on white horse鹿鼎记 The deer and the cauldron,笑傲江湖 The smiling,proud wanderer书剑恩仇录 The book and the sword神雕侠侣 The return of the condor heroes侠客行 Ode to gallantry倚天屠龙记 Heaven sword and dragon sabre碧血剑 Sword stained with royal blood鸳鸯刀 Blade-dance of the two lovers
第五,最后借用“侠之大者,为国为民”缅怀金庸先生 。The essence of chivalrous spirit is making contributions to the Motherland and the people.
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