1、愚人节,你是爱,你是永恒 。
April Fool's day, you are love, you are eternal.
2、祝你天真善良、愚昧无知 。
I wish you innocence, kindness and ignorance.
I wish you the success of the fool, be fool happy!
4、学习也有捷径,绝不愚你 。
【愚人节英语句子】There is also a shortcut to learning, never fool you.
Dear friends, happy April Fool's Day!
6、就想愚你,共度余生 。
I just want to fool you and spend the rest of my life together.
April Fool's Day is coming. Take care!
8、送一份关心,愚人节顺心 。
Send a care, April Fool's day.
April Fool's day, my heartache, my flesh ache!
10、今天愚人节,你可要当心 。
Be careful today, April Fool's day.
11、只有被愚过,才懂愚人节 。
Only if you have been fooled, can you understand April Fool's day.
April Fool's day, wish you happy friends happy!
13、祝你天真善良,愚昧无知 。
May you be innocent, kind and ignorant.
14、愚人节要到了,小心被整 。
April Fool's Day is coming. Be careful.
April Fool's day, I wish you endless happiness!
16、愚人节快乐,祝你幸福 。
Happy April Fool's day, I wish you happiness.
April Fool's day, be a happy you!
18、百乐愚为先,无愚则不乐 。
A fool is the first, no fool is not happy.
19、愚人节,让我们一起摇摆 。
April Fool's day, let's swing together.
20、生活处处,愚你相连 。
Everywhere in life, stupid you are connected.
21、授人以愚,不如授人以愉 。
It is better to teach people happiness than to teach them foolishness.
April Fool's Day is too stupid to play!
23、愚人节,只愿余生少些蠢 。
On April Fool's day, I wish I could be less stupid for the rest of my life.
I wish you a happy life every year!
25、愚人节,不要成为愚蠢人 。
Don't be a fool on April Fool's day.
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