1、你未入戏,我却上瘾 。
You're not in the show, but I'm addicted.
【8字短句高冷英文】2、余生很贵,请别浪费 。
The rest of your life is expensive. Please don't waste it.
3、真话太少,笑话太多 。
Too little truth, too many jokes.
4、你的背影,似曾相识 。
Your back, familiar.
5、一季飘零,一季浅舞 。
A season of wandering, a season of light dancing.
6、要么庸俗,要么孤独 。
Either vulgar or lonely.
7、会说会笑,一身骄傲 。
Can say, can laugh, a proud.
8、医不自医,人不渡己 。
If you don't cure yourself, you can't help yourself.
9、割把野草,蘸风下酒 。
Cut a handful of weeds and dip them in the wind.
10、敢想敢说,敢闯敢干 。
Dare to think, dare to say, dare to do.
11、亡魂溺海,止于终老 。
The dead drown in the sea and die.
12、眉眼如初,相思如故 。
Eyebrows and eyes as before, Acacia as before.
13、只活心情,不活人生 。
Only live mood, not life.
14、这颗心,一直都这样 。
This heart has always been like this.
15、天寒地冻,路遥马亡 。
It's cold and the earth is frozen, and the horse is dead.
16、以高山为向导,前进 。
Take the high mountains as the guide and move forward.
17、人分两类,迷人乏味 。
There are two kinds of people, charming and boring.
18、不在钟情,顺其自然 。
No love, let it be.
19、世不遇见,生无可靠 。
The world does not meet, life is not reliable.
20、肉的理想,白菜的命 。
The ideal of meat, the life of cabbage.
21、红尘太浅、思念太深 。
The world of mortals is too shallow and the missing is too deep.
22、誓言再美,终是废话 。
No matter how beautiful the oath is, it will be nonsense.
23、人无远虑,必有近忧 。
If you don't have a long way to go, you must have near future worries.
24、守一段情,念一个人 。
Keep a love, read a person.
25、不勤于始,将悔于终 。
If you are not diligent at the beginning, you will regret at the end.
26、破釜沉舟,战则必胜 。
If you burn your bridges, you will win.
27、谈泊明志,宁静致远 。
Talk about the Park Ming Zhi, quiet Zhiyuan.
28、你若不离,我亦不弃 。
If you do not leave, I will not abandon.
29、生命不止,奋斗不息 。
Cease to struggle and you cease to live.
30、麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 。
Small as the sparrow is, it has all the internal organs.
31、心若一动,泪就千行 。
If the heart moves, tears will flow.
32、不再钟情,顺其自然 。
No longer love, let it be.
33、嫉俗厌世,莫名心酸 。
Cynical, cynical, inexplicably sad.
34、无论何处,自己独处 。
No matter where you are, be alone.
35、千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 。
The dyke of a thousand miles is broken in the ant nest.
36、看得太清,少了热情 。
Too clear, less enthusiasm.
37、独此一家,别无分店 。
It's the only one with no branch.
38、关于你我,没有结果 。
About you and me, there is no result.
39、不谈亏欠,只谢遇见 。
Thank you for meeting me.
40、良人未归,旧城已空 。
The old city is empty before my beloved returns.
41、不惧散场,何必独钟 。
Don't be afraid of ending. Why do you like it.
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- 初三励志语录霸气 初三励志名言短句激励
- 简短的高冷的英文短句
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- 美到窒息的简短句子
- 风景的句子唯美短句 有关风景句子盘点