
1、不为他人着想,永远得不到你想要的东西 。
If you don't think about others, you will never get what you want.
2、你有抛弃我的权利、我有让你后悔的实力 。
You have the right to abandon me, I have the strength to make you regret.
3、爱,原来是没有名字的相遇之前等待的就是名字 。
Love, there is no name, before meeting is waiting for the name.
4、不争不抢,不爱不浪,长久的都会在,该走的随你走 。
Don't fight, don't rob, don't love, don't wave, long will be in, should go with you.
5、如果有一世的轮回,我会希望再次遇见你,因为我只爱你 。
If there is a lifetime of reincarnation, I will hope to meet you again, because I only love you.
6、一个吃货的原则就是,谁天天给我买零食我就喜欢谁 。
A principle of eating goods is that I like whoever buys snacks for me every day.
7、愿公子事后遇良人,娶娇妻,共白首,也断我这相思忆 。
I hope you will meet your lover, marry a beautiful wife and have a white head, and break my memory of Acacia.
8、那些电视剧的感动,永远不会在自己身上发生 。
The touching of those TV plays will never happen to you.
9、不属于我的东西,我不要;不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕 。
I don't want things that don't belong to me; I don't want things that don't really belong to me.
10、怪我孤陋寡闻,不知你心里有人 。
Blame me for being so ignorant that I don't know someone in your heart.
11、与君初相识,犹如故人归 。天涯明月新,朝暮最相思 。
First acquaintance with you is like the return of an old friend. The end of the world, the new moon, the most Acacia.
12、怀才就像怀孕,时间久了才能让人看出来 。
It's like being pregnant. It takes a long time for people to see it.
13、我多想抱着你哭,然后把鼻涕和眼泪全部留给你 。
How I want to hold you and cry, and then leave all my tears and tears to you.
14、看够了熙熙攘攘复杂的世界和人心,所以会觉得累 。
After seeing enough of the hustle and bustle of the world and people, I feel tired.
15、我知道你有追求,有理想,所以请努力,请逼自己一把 。
I know you have pursuit and ideal, so please work hard and force yourself.
16、要相信梦里能到达的地方,总有一天脚步也能到达 。
We should believe that where we can reach in our dreams, our steps will arrive one day.
17、讨厌我的人那么多,你算老几 。
There are so many people who hate me. Who are you.
18、看着我的眼睛,除了眼屎,你还会看到坚毅和真诚 。
Look into my eyes, in addition to eye excrement, you will see perseverance and sincerity.
19、等待你的关心,等到了我关了心 。
Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart.
20、人生就像星空,永远都找不到方向却又有无数的星光指引着你 。
Life is like the starry sky, never find the direction, but there are countless stars guiding you.
21、这个夜晚不可赎回 。你在的那个地方,依然有光 。
This night is not redeemable. Where you are, there is still light.
22、我有你拿不走的旧回忆,可以一个人安静的忘记你 。
I have old memories that you can't take away. I can forget you quietly by myself.
【女生个性签名简短好听英文】23、一个人快乐不是因为你拥有的多,而是因为你计较的少 。
A person is happy not because you have more, but because you care less.
24、问花花不语为谁开为谁落怨春色三分半随流水、半随尘埃 。
Ask the flowers who do not open for whom, complain about the spring half and three with the water, half with the dust.
25、即使有人打碎了你的心,总还是会有人,愿意修补好它 。
Even if someone breaks your heart, there will always be someone willing to mend it.
26、两个人的不主动,换来的只有错过 。
Two people do not take the initiative, in exchange for only missed.
27、因为我的灵魂没有寄托,所以你可以尽情的骗我 。
Because my soul has no sustenance, so you can lie to me.
28、人生苦短,好好生活,好好爱自己,往后余生,不留遗憾的活 。
Life is short, live well, love yourself well, and live without regret for the rest of your life.
29、有生之年,同你共赴 。回首经年,与你共渡 。
I will go with you in my lifetime. Looking back on the past years, I'll spend time with you.
30、人间最美,不过鲸落,一念百草生,一念山河成 。
The world is the most beautiful, but the whale falls, a thought of grass, a thought of mountains and rivers.
31、多讲点笑话,以幽默的态度处事,这样子日子会好过一点 。
Tell more jokes and deal with things in a humorous manner, which will make life easier.
32、淡忘仇恨,春暖花开 。心有多大,舞台就有多大 。
Forget the hatred, spring blossoms. The stage extends as far as the heart goes.
33、落寞的夜色,华丽的灯光,喧闹的都市,自己的孤单 。
Lonely night, gorgeous lights, noisy city, their own loneliness.
34、只有熬得过时光,才能懂得珍惜的意义 。
Only through time can we understand the significance of treasure.
35、真诚才是人生最高的美德 。
Sincerity is the highest virtue in life.
36、研究要靠资料,发明得靠才华,读书需要深思,做事应该明辨 。
Research depends on materials, invention depends on talent, reading needs deep thinking, and doing things should be clear.
Love is like playing basketball, there are offensive, defensive, and sometimes fake action!
38、我经不起来来回回的辜负,也扛不住反反复复的背叛 。
I can't stand up to the back and forth of betrayal, also can't bear repeated betrayal.
39、不可压倒一切,但你也不能被一切压倒 。
You can't overpower everything, but you can't be overpowered by everything.
40、青霄有路终须到,金榜无名誓不休 。
There's a way to Qingxiao, but there's a way to Jinbang.
41、青春就是这样:用大把时间彷徨,却在一瞬间成长 。
Youth is like this: with a lot of time hesitation, but in an instant growth.
42、当遗憾替代梦想的时候,人开始变老 。
When regrets replace dreams, people begin to grow old.
43、我不要别人的拥抱,因为那里没有你的心跳 。
I don't want other people's hugs, because there is no your heartbeat.
44、也许平凡如我们,拥有的第一个秘密,就叫作喜欢 。
Perhaps ordinary as we have the first secret, is called like.
45、希望七月舒适安静,让所有坏情绪都去见鬼 。
Hope July is comfortable and quiet, let all bad mood go to hell.
46、我来到你的城市,你却不请我吃顿饭 。
I come to your city, but you don't treat me to dinner.
47、谁独坐,赏这一场韶华过 。那一年我们还年少,那一年梦痕浅 。
Who sits alone, enjoy this time. In that year, we were still young, and our dreams were shallow.
48、青春的圆满,是要满满的喜,满满的悲,缺一样都不够 。
The perfection of youth is full of joy, full of sorrow, lack of the same are not enough.
49、眼睛里落着别离的雨,心里却充满希望的阳光 。
The rain of parting falls in my eyes, but the sunshine of hope fills my heart.
50、唯一值得欣慰的事情是,以前没有得到的人现在都变得超丑 。
The only gratifying thing is that people who didn't get it before are now super ugly.
