1、看你一眼就会笑的人,一定特别喜欢你 。
People who laugh at you at a glance must like you very much.
2、一世的情缘 , 穿越了时空,与你美丽邂逅 。
A lifetime of love, through time and space, with you beautiful encounter.
3、愿意陪我走一条很长的路吗?那路叫余生 。
Would you like to go a long way with me? It's called the rest of life.
4、怎么重了 , 因为你在我心目中越来越重了 。
How heavy, because you are more and more heavy in my mind.
I will never know you love each other for ten thousand years!
6、我愿化作娇艳玫瑰花 , 为你痴心的绽放 。
For you, make me beautiful.
7、玩王者荣耀输赢无所谓,能保护好你就好 。
It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. Just protect you.
8、你来时,万物复苏;你去时,一片荒芜 。
When you come, everything revives; when you go, it's desolate.
9、我爱你 , 好像兔子的世界下起了胡萝卜雨 。
I love you like a carrot rain in the rabbit world.
10、深爱藏心,久念在梦,万物都是你容颜 。
Deep love hidden heart, long read in the dream, everything is your face.
11、我们友尽吧!为什么?因为要开始爱情了 。
Let's make friends! Why? Because love is about to start.
12、如果只是遇见,不能停留 , 不如不遇见 。
If only meet, can't stay, better not meet.
13、你太重了,可我却不能从心上移开一点点 。
You're too heavy, but I can't take a little from my heart.
14、你电力十足呀,你的眼睛都把我电糊了 。
You are full of electricity. Your eyes have stuttered me.
15、我们的衣柜不仅要放衣服 , 还要让你放心 。
Our wardrobe is not only for clothes, but also for you.
16、你无需开口,我和天地万物便通通奔向你 。
You do not need to open your mouth, I and all things will run to you.
17、有一个人,只要走近一次,就会慢慢懂得 。
There is a person, as long as approached once, will gradually understand.
18、把前半生都给你,后半生我就潦草收场吧 。
I'll give you the first half of my life, and I'll end up in a mess.
19、春风初生,春林初盛,春风十里,不如你 。
Spring breeze is born, spring forest is flourishing, spring breeze is ten miles, not as good as you.
20、与你共度甜蜜浪漫生活,一直到地老天荒 。
Share a sweet and romantic life with you until the end of time.
21、我这么喜欢流浪,却只想在你身上定居 。
I like wandering so much, but I just want to settle down on you.
22、反正来日方长 , 豪掷余生给你,倒也无妨 。
Anyway, there is a long way to go. It's OK to give you the rest of your life.
23、我想成为氧气,成为你必须活下的勇气 。
I want to be oxygen, the courage you have to live.
24、再浪漫的诗歌,也不及你一个含着情眼神 。
No matter how romantic a poem is, it's not as good as your affectionate eyes.
25、晴天,阴天 , 下雨天,都不及和你聊天 。
Sunny day, cloudy day, rainy day, can't talk with you.
26、你是我的太阳,毕竟有你我才看得见阳光 。
You are my sun, after all, I can see the sun with you.
27、我相信,如果你在我在,就是海枯石烂 。
I believe that if you are here, I will be dead.
28、独占你绝世的容颜,拥有你便拥有全世界 。
Monopolize your unique appearance, have you and have the whole world.
29、我知道遇到你不容易,错过了会很可惜 。
I know it's not easy to meet you. It's a pity to miss it.
30、我爱你如洪水泛滥,你爱我却是隔壁沙滩 。
【30句英文简短情话带翻译】I love you like a flood, but you love me on the beach next door.
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