
1、千里送鹅毛 , 礼轻情意重!
Send goose feather thousands of miles, gift light, affection heavy!
2、感谢你来到我的生命中,带来了美丽和快乐 。
Thank you for coming to my life and bringing beauty and happiness.
3、只有在患难的时候,才能看到朋友的真心 。
Only in times of adversity can we see the sincerity of a friend.
4、行走岁月阡陌中 , 相遇相知伴君行 。
Walking in the years, meet and know each other, accompany you.
5、友情是春雨,让微笑竞相绽放 。
Friendship is spring rain, let the smile bloom.
6、所谓友谊,就是一颗心在两个身体里 。
Friendship is one heart in two bodies.
7、遇见你,神在我耳边说了四个字,在劫难逃 。
Meet you, God said four words in my ear, doomed.
8、友情像一杯热开水 , 给你温暖 。
Friendship is like a cup of hot water to warm you.
9、感谢朋友的话,路遥知马力,日久见人心 。
Thanks for your friend's words, Lu Yao knows horsepower, and you will see people's heart over time.
10、我用最初的心,陪你走最远的路 。
I use the initial heart, accompany you to walk the farthest road.
11、你既是狂澜,也是没人能扑灭的火花 。
You are not only a storm, but also a spark that no one can extinguish.
12、心中的思念,温馨起涟漪 。
The missing in the heart, warm ripples.
13、生活在感恩之中,才是真正的幸福、美满 。
Living in gratitude is the real happiness and happiness.
14、朋友是灯 , 帮你驱散寂寥 , 照亮期盼,谢谢!
【友情的英文语录】Friend is the lamp, to help you dispel loneliness, light up the expectation, thank you!
15、男人活着就要争一口气,要不然这辈子白活 。
If a man is alive, he has to fight for breath, otherwise he will live in vain.
16、友谊是心中不落的太阳,让人勇往直前 。
Friendship is the sun that never sets in the heart and makes people march forward bravely.
17、让我们荡起友谊的双桨 。
Let's play the oars of friendship.
18、忠于情义 , 忠于兄弟情义 。
Loyalty to love, loyalty to brotherhood.
19、曾的往事 , 化作蝴蝶,舞在那逝去的 。
Once the past, into a butterfly, dance in the past.
20、疾风知劲草,患难见真情 。
A strong grass is known by the wind, but a friend in need.
21、朋友的情 , 朋友的谊,朋友的状况最牵挂 。
My friend's affection, friendship and condition are the most concerned.
22、友谊是星,昏暗的黑夜带给你一丝光亮 。
Friendship is a star, the dark night brings you a ray of light.
23、万两黄金容易得 , 知心一个也难求 。
Ten thousand taels of gold are easy to get, but not a bosom friend.
24、囊中有钱 , 不如朝中有友 。
It is better to have friends in the court than to have money in the pocket.
25、在我生日这天,我合掌感谢 , 一切安好 。
On my birthday, I would like to thank you for everything.
26、带着一根烟,浪迹到天涯 。
With a cigarette, the waves to the end of the world.
27、朋友 , 谢谢人生路上曾有你 。
My friend, thank you for having you in my life.
28、感谢姐姐的多年的牵挂,一切安好 。
Thanks for my sister's concern for many years, everything is well.
It's tiring to insist. Maybe if you hold on a little longer, you'll win!
30、久违亦如初见 , 亲切又新鲜 。
After a long absence, it's just like the first meeting. It's kind and fresh.
31、一个不是我们有所求的朋友 , 才是真正的朋友 。
A friend who is not what we want is a real friend.
32、真感情不怕不联系,真朋友不怕遭怀疑 。
True feelings are not afraid to be unconnected; true friends are not afraid to be doubted.
Thank you for your care and wish you happiness forever!
34、故人应念,杜鹃枝上残月 。
Old friends should read, cuckoo branches on the waning moon.
35、爱你的人不一定懂得,懂你的人才是真爱你 。
People who love you don't necessarily know, people who understand you really love you.
36、兄弟 , 谢谢你 , 一路平安 。
Thank you, brother. Have a safe trip.
37、鸿雁飞南北,关河隔弟兄 。
Wild geese flying north and south, Guan river across the brothers.
38、友谊是你在最失落时宽厚的肩膀 。
Friendship is your generous shoulder when you are most lost.
39、人天自两空,何相忘 , 何笑何惊人 。
People and nature from two empty, how to forget, how to laugh, how amazing.
40、因为你幸福 , 所以我快乐 。
Because you are happy, so I am happy.
41、门内有君子 , 门外君子至 。
There is a gentleman in the door, but there is a gentleman outside.
42、拄棍要拄长的,找伴要找强的 。
Stick to long, find company to find strong.
43、朋友不分高矮,聊得来就行 。
Friends, regardless of height, can chat.
44、同心一人去,坐觉长安空 。
Go with one heart and feel the sky of Chang'an.
45、我的镜头里有你,你的镜头也有我 。
You are in my lens, and I am in your lens.
46、最难能可贵的 , 便是长久陪伴的 。
The most precious thing is to be accompanied for a long time.
47、铁打的闺蜜 , 流水的男人 。
My best friend, the man of flowing water.
48、我的朋友虽然少,但每个都是时间筛选过来的 。
Although my friends are few, they are all selected by time.
49、知道感恩 , 才会收获真情 。
Only when you know how to be grateful, you will gain the true feelings.
50、丧乱既平,既安且宁,虽有兄弟 , 不如友生 。
Although there are brothers, it is better to have friends.
51、朋友 , 淡淡交,慢慢处,才能长久 。
Friends, light to make, slowly, to long-term.
52、外界的声音都是参考,你不开心就不要参考 。
The voice of the outside world is a reference. If you are not happy, don't refer to it.
53、谁应了谁的劫谁又变成了谁的执念 。
Who should be robbed by others becomes the obsession of others.
54、所有的寂寞,都抵不过没有朋友的寂寞 。
All the loneliness, but no friends of loneliness.
55、友谊是寒夜里的一盏灯,燃着热情的火焰 。
Friendship is a lamp in a cold night, burning the flame of enthusiasm.
56、远可随意,近可在意,但彼此一定在心里 。
But we can care about each other at will.
Thank you friends, thank you for accompanying me all the way!
58、身边很多人,但都是熟人和同事 , 还有陌生人 。
There are many people around, but they are all acquaintances and colleagues, as well as strangers.
59、响必应之与同声,道固从至于同类 。
The sound must be echoed with the same voice, and the Tao solid is from the same kind.
60、以赠品收买朋友,则他也可能被他人收买 。
If a friend is bought with gifts, he may also be bought by others.
