
1、聪明的人知道该说什么 。聪明的人知道该说还是不该说 。
A smart person knows what to say.a wise person knows whether to say it or not.
2、如果你说的是对的 , 没人会记得 。当你错了 , 没人会忘记你 。
When you are right,nobody remembers.when you are wrong,nobody forgets.
【新年感言,新年朋友圈人生感悟金句,愿喜乐,长安宁,2022“虎气十足”】3、笑得比哭得多 。给得比你拿得多 。爱多于恨 。
Smile more than you cry.gie mroe than you take.love more than hate.
4、如果你需要信仰 , 就从你自己开始 。
If you need something to believe in,start with yourself.


5、不要把自己不希望的东西强加给别人 。
Do not impose anything on others that you don't wish for yourself.
6、只有我的心才能理解这些语言 。你的眼睛在说话 。
Only my heart could understand the languages.that your eyes speak.
7、有目标的奋斗总比没有目标的生活好 。
Better to fight for something than to live for nothing.
8、痛苦会改变一个人 , 有些人变得粗鲁 , 有些人变得沉默 。
Pain changes people,some become rude and some become silent.
9、时间和好朋友是两件越老越珍贵的东西 。
Time and good friends are two things that become more valuable,the older you get.
10、当我们高兴的时候 , 我们享受音乐 。当我们悲伤时 , 我们理解歌词 。
When we are happy,we enjoy the music.when we are sad,we understand the lyrics.
11、当你建起墙而不是桥时 , 孤独会狠狠地打击你 。
Loneliness will hit you hard when you build walls instand of bridges.
12、不要强迫联系 。正确的人会留下来 , 即使他们有千万个理由离开 。
Never force a connction.the right one will stay even they have a thousand reason to leave.虎年三十祝福文案 , 祝您岁岁平安 , 吉祥安康!
