
1、全世界都在看雨,只有我在看他带没带伞 。
The whole world is watching the rain, only I am watching if he has an umbrella.
2、每个人都有自己的一段伤,也有不同的疗伤方式 。
Everyone has his own part of the injury, but also has a different way of healing.
3、爱你爱的很深,所以就很担心会失去你 。
I love you deeply, so I worry about losing you.
4、我希望以后可以不用送你回家,而是我们一起回我们的家 。
You don't have to go home with us. I hope you can take it home.
5、陪伴,是不管你需不需要,我,一直都在 。
Company, whether you need it or not, I am always there.
6、爱情就像两个拉皮筋的人,受伤总是不愿放手的 。
Love is like two people who pull a rubber band. They are always reluctant to let go when they are hurt.
7、感情有时候很讽刺,经得起风雨,却经不起平淡无奇 。
Feelings are sometimes very ironic, can withstand the wind and rain, but can not withstand the plain.
8、你所以为的巧合,不过是另一个人用心的结果 。
It's just the result of another person's heart.
9、只要你理我一下我就会开心很久,我就这么点出息 。
As long as you pay attention to me, I will be happy for a long time, and I will be so promising.
10、我们身体中的青春已逐渐不复存在,被生活的琐事所取代 。
【英文感情句子说说心情】The youth in our bodies has gradually ceased to exist and has been replaced by the trivialities of life.
11、最后怕得不是看不到未来,而是无法和你许诺幸福 。
In the end, I'm afraid that I can't see the future, but I can't promise happiness to you.
12、没有人知道你为他流泪,真爱你的人不会让你哭泣 。
No one knows you cry for him, and the one who loves you won't make you cry.
13、没心没肺的笑,只是不想输掉仅剩的骄傲 。
Heartless smile, just don't want to lose the only pride.
14、就让我默默的喜欢你,从一叶到知秋,从须臾到不朽 。
Let me like you silently, from a leaf to know autumn, from a moment to immortality.
15、男人爱女人的最好方式,就是不让自己的女人觉得无聊 。
The best way for men to love women is not to let their women feel bored.
16、爱情不一定都会结果,就像梦想不一定会被证明一样 。
Love doesn't always work out, just as dreams don't have to be proved.
17、那天听你说,你讨厌我,我笑了,笑得撕心裂肺 。
That day I heard you say that you hate me, I laughed, laughing heartrending.
18、时光呀,你能不能等一等,等下我那些还未来及盛开的爱 。
Time, can you wait for my future and blooming love.
If I am willing to take charge of your whole life, will you love me?
20、愿你被世界温柔以待,实在不行,我做你的世界 。
May you be treated with gentleness by the world. If you can't, I will be your world.
21、你说过我一回头就会看到你,可我还未回头你就走了 。
You said I would see you as soon as I look back, but you left before I turned back.
I'm by your side and you're on the wrong path! follow me!
23、是你将我拒之千里,所以我离开你的世界,不在让你为难 。
It's you who keep me away, so I leave your world and don't embarrass you.
24、有的人说不清哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了 。
Some people can't say where is good, but no one can replace it.
25、曾经的海誓山盟,如今那破碎的我 。
Once the oath, now the broken me.
26、其实我可以伴你永久只差你一个接受 。
In fact, I can accompany you forever, only need you to accept.
27、我为付出的一切,请你原封不动的还给我 。
I pay for everything, please return me intact.
28、爱情最长的告白,就是不离不弃的陪伴 。
The longest confession of love is to keep company.
29、不敢说的话,只能烂在心里;不能爱的人,只能放在心上 。
If you dare not say it, you can only rot in your heart; if you can't love, you can only put it in your heart.
30、最可笑的事,我已经知道了真相,你却还在那里撒谎 。
The most ridiculous thing, I already know the truth, but you still lie there.
31、吵架的时候是因为冲动,事后想想,其实彼此还是相爱的 。
The quarrel is because of impulse. After thinking about it, we still love each other.
32、女人的直觉狠准的,我们在一起的时间不会很长却狠甜蜜 。
Women's intuition is accurate, we are not together for a long time, but cruel sweet.
33、爱一个人容易,去忘了一个人哪有那么容易 。
It's easy to love someone, but it's not easy to forget someone.
34、男人彻底懂得一个女人之后,是不会爱她的 。
After a man knows a woman thoroughly, he will not love her.
35、你要过得很好,不要让我有想照顾你的冲动 。
You have to have a good life. Don't make me want to take care of you.
36、如果漂亮一些,爱情会不会好很多 。
If it is more beautiful, love will be better.
37、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通 。
The body has no Phoenix wings, and the heart has a good connection.
38、滴水穿石,不是力量大,而是功夫深 。
Dripping wears the stone, not strength, but deep Kung Fu.
39、我穷途末路的拥抱你,可是你却把我拽入更深的黑暗里 。
I embrace you in the end, but you drag me into the deeper darkness.
40、我失恋了,你怎么可以把我弄丢了 。
I'm lovelorn. How can you lose me.
41、他的心早已变换了季节,而我还站在他许下诺言的那一天 。
Promise, and his promise has already changed in my heart.
42、今晚看到一个人的背影像你,不是你,却忍不住看了一路 。
Tonight I saw a person's back like you, not you, but I couldn't help looking all the way.
43、当爱神邱比特的箭射向你时,佚想闪躲也难 。
When Cupid's arrow hits you, it's hard to dodge.
44、哪有什么突然想起你,其实就是一直在心底 。
There is no suddenly think of you, in fact, is always in the bottom of my heart.
45、爱是深情款款藏不住,不是冷若冰霜视若无睹 。
Love is a kind of love that can't be hidden. It's not cold and indifferent.
46、纵使生老病死,变老变丑,别怕,有我爱着你 。
Even if you live, grow old and become ugly, don't be afraid, I love you.
47、只要你愿意,到处都会有,属于自己的绝对安静的世界 。
As long as you want, there will be an absolutely quiet world of your own.
48、习惯了卑微,就再也高贵不起来 。
Used to humble, no longer noble.
49、爱情不是依附,爱情是各自独立坚强,然后努力走到一起 。
Love is not dependent, love is independent and strong, and then try to come together.
50、遇见你,不为姓名,只为你曾解开我世俗的风情 。
Meet you, not for the name, only for you have untied my secular customs.
51、我要和你牵着手一起走到与世界分手的那个时刻 。
I want to hold hands with you and walk to the moment of breaking up with the world.
52、最美的不是下雨天,是曾经和你躲过的屋檐 。
The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but the eaves that you have avoided.
53、我想要做一只蚂蚁,只为一粒米可以乐半年 。
I want to be an ant just for a grain of rice for half a year.
54、青春,便是承受一切的伤,然后坚强,然后成长,最终遗忘 。
Youth, is to bear all the injuries, and then strong, and then grow up, and finally forget.
55、你像一首沙哑却偏爱的歌曲,让我沉醉 。
You like a hoarse but preferred song, let me indulge.
56、也一定要爬起来,坚持自己的梦想 。
We must also get up and stick to our dreams.
57、没有天生适合的两个人,只有后来相互宽容的你和我 。
There is no natural fit for two people, only later mutual tolerance of you and me.
58、我就是我,你怎么看我既不需要,也没必要 。
I'm who I am. I don't need it, I don't need it.
59、何如薄幸锦衣郎,比翼连枝当日愿 。
How can you be so lucky that you are willing to join hands with each other on the same day.
60、欢迎你在我正当好的年龄,乘风破浪的及时深入我的心海 。
Welcome you in my good age, ride the wind and waves in time to go deep into my heart.
