
1、或许有一天我们都老了 , 但是我还是会记得当初你让我心动的样子 。
Maybe one day we are old, but I will still remember when you let me heart.
2、世界上任何书籍都不能带给你好运 , 但是他们能让你悄悄成为你自己 。
No books in the world can bring you good luck, but they can make you who you are.
3、愿你一生努力 , 一生被爱 , 想要的都拥有 , 得不到的都释怀 。
May you work hard, be loved all your life, have what you want, and let go of what you can't get.
4、对于世界而言你是一个人 , 但是对于某个人 , 你是他的整个世界 。
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
5、愿你有盔甲也有软肋 , 善良得有原则 , 感性得有底线 。
May you have armor and weakness, be kind and principled, and have a bottom line in sensibility.
6、愿你是藏在冰里的火 , 希望有人懂你的外冷内热 。
I hope you are a fire hidden in the ice. I hope someone can understand your cold outside and hot inside.
7、梦想是什么?梦想是一种让你感到坚持就幸福的东西 。
What is a dream? A dream is something that makes you feel happy if you insist on it.
8、热爱生活 , 开心有趣 , 努力善良 。
Love life, happy and interesting, hard and kind.
9、天亮了 , 一切还在就是美好 。
It's morning, everything is still beautiful.
10、谁都不想等了 , 以后就等红灯等雨停 。
No one wants to wait any longer. I'll wait for the red light to stop raining.
11、如果你不期待 , 那么我的翻山越岭便毫无意义 。
If you don't expect it, then my mountain crossing is meaningless.
12、不要总在过去的回忆里缠绵 , 昨天的太阳 , 晒不干今天的衣裳 。
Do not always in the past memories lingering, yesterday's sun, drying today's clothes.
13、你终究要亲自去受伤 , 才会真正学着聪明 。
You have to hurt yourself to learn to be smart.
14、在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的 , 但在夜晚就是另一回事了 。
It's very easy to be indifferent to anything during the day, but it's another thing at night.
15、无论多么拥挤的人群 , 也能不可肆意的第一个找到你 。
No matter how crowded the crowd, can not be the first to find you.
16、希望你慢慢学会长大 , 希望你开始不在意受伤 。
Hope you slowly learn to grow up, hope you start not to care about injuries.
17、有时候你认为的重新开始 , 不过只是重蹈覆辙 。
Sometimes what you think of starting over is just a repeat.
18、很多语言都是假的 , 只有一起经历过的才是真的 。
A lot of languages are fake, only what we have experienced together is true.
19、当我向你倾诉我的烦恼 , 那不是抱怨 , 那是我对你的信任 。
When I tell you my troubles, it's not complaining, it's my trust in you.
20、后悔 , 是用无奈的往事摧残自己 。
Regret, is to use helpless past to destroy themselves.
21、城市堕入温柔的困意 , 月亮枕在枝头开始醒着眼睛 。
The city fell into a gentle sense of sleepiness, the moon pillow in the branches began to wake up.
22、生活中没有理所当然 , 只有心甘情愿 。
Life is not taken for granted, only willing.
23、有些人 , 才遇见一下子 , 就好像认识了很久似的 , 什么事都想和她说 。
Some people, just met suddenly, as if they had known each other for a long time. They wanted to talk to her about everything.
24、美好是属于自信者的 , 机会是属于开拓者的 , 奇迹是属于执著者的 。
Beauty belongs to the self-confident, the opportunity belongs to the pioneer, and the miracle belongs to the persistent person.
25、就算生活中有太多失望 , 也希望你能试着接受 , 并且学着不为难自己 。
Even if there are too many disappointments in life, I hope you can try to accept them and learn not to embarrass yourself.
26、爱人不要太慷慨 , 堆积成海怎么顾得来 。
Don't be too generous. How can you take care of it.
27、有没有一个人 , 他让你红了眼眶 , 你却还笑着原谅?
Is there a person, he let you red eyes, but you still smile to forgive?
28、愿你白天有说有笑 , 晚上睡个好觉 。
May you have a good night's sleep.
29、生命对某些人来说是美丽的 , 这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗 。
Life is beautiful for some people who have been fighting for a certain goal all their life.
30、一直努力着 , 适应着这个世界的温度 , 不管是季节还是人心 。
Has been working hard to adapt to the temperature of the world, whether it is the season or the heart.
31、我们还年轻 , 长长的人生可以受一点风浪 。
We are still young, long life can withstand a little storm.
32、若将人生一分为二 , 前半段叫不犹豫 , 后半段叫不后悔 。
If life is divided into two, the first half is called no hesitation, and the second half is called no regret.
33、时间会让你看清每一张脸 , 久伴会让你知道每一颗心 。
Time will let you see every face, long company will let you know every heart.
34、心若相知 , 无言也默契;情若相眷 , 不语也怜惜 。
If the heart knows each other, there is tacit understanding when there is no word; if the feeling is attached to each other, there is no language but pity.
35、改变心态只需一分钟 , 而这一分钟却能改变一整天 。
It takes only a minute to change your mind, and that minute can change the whole day.
36、假如可以的话 , 我愿意花去生命中的每一分每一秒 , 陪着你 。
If I can, I would like to spend every minute and every second of my life with you.
37、孤独 , 是用自制的牢房禁锢自己 。
Loneliness is to imprison oneself in a self-made cell.
38、一切都会好起来的 , 即使不是在今天 , 总有一天会的 。
Everything will be OK, even if not today, one day.
39、世界上只有未完成的故事 , 只有已死的心 。
There are only unfinished stories and dead hearts in the world.
40、不再委屈自己 , 余生从头酷到脚 。
No longer aggrieved themselves, the rest of my life from head to toe.
41、希望你伤痕累累 , 但依然闪闪发光 。
I hope you are scarred, but still shining.
42、只要你需要我 , 我永远在你能看到的地方 。
As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.
43、只有在到达终点之时 , 人们才能更好的享受走过的道路 。
Only at the end of the road, people can better enjoy the road.
44、未来一定会很好 , 即使现在有诸多的不幸 。
The future is bound to be good, even if there are many misfortunes now.
45、心若向阳 , 无谓悲伤 。
If the heart is sunny, there is no need to be sad.
46、人在的时候 , 总以为有机会 , 其实人生就是减法 , 见一面就少一面 。
When people are there, they always think that there is a chance. In fact, life is subtraction.
47、即使输掉了一切 , 也不要输掉微笑 。
Even if you lose everything, don't lose a smile.
48、做一个成熟 , 周到 , 克制的人 , 真是没什么意思啊 。
To be a mature, thoughtful and restrained person is really meaningless.
49、道路坎坷事不期 , 疾风劲草练男儿 。
The road is rough, things are not expected, strong wind and strong grass to train men.
50、去旅行吧 , 把不开心的事都丢在路上 , 回来的时候只剩开心的自己 。
Go on a trip and leave all the unhappy things on the road. When you come back, you are only happy.
51、我们穷 , 只此一青春 。
We are poor, only this youth.
52、会有那样的一天 , 你活成了你最想要的样子 。
There will be a day when you live as you want to be.
53、愿世间所的等待都能如期而至 , 愿世间所有的幸福都能恰到好处 。
May all the waiting in the world come as scheduled, and all the happiness in the world can be just right.
54、有时候真的努力后 , 你会发现自己比想象中的优秀很多 。
Sometimes you will find that you are much better than you think after you really try.
【温暖人心的英文句子】55、温柔要有 , 但不是妥协 , 我们要在安静中 , 不慌不忙的坚强 。
Gentle to have, but not compromise, we want to be quiet, calm and strong.
56、没在梦想面前放肆过 , 不足以谈青春 。
It's not enough to talk about youth if you don't indulge in your dreams.
57、人的一生会遇到两个人 , 一个惊艳了时光 , 一个温柔了岁月 。
People's life will meet two people, one amazing time, a gentle years.
58、愿你自强到无需有人宠有人惯 , 却依然幸运到有人宠有人惯 。
May you be strong enough not to be spoiled, but still lucky enough to be spoiled.
59、白日莫空过 , 青春不再来 。
Don't let the day pass, youth will never come again.
60、别人再好 , 关我什么事;我再不好 , 关别人什么事 。
No matter how good others are, it's none of my business; no matter how bad I am, it's none of my business.
