1、当你幸福的时候 , 时间过得是那么的快 , 当你悲痛的时候 , 时间过得却那么慢 。
When you are happy, time goes by so fast. When you are sad, time goes by so slowly.
2、生活只有两种选择 , 重新出发 , 做自己的主角 , 停留在原地 , 做自己的配角 。
There are only two choices in life, start again, be your own protagonist, stay in place, and be your supporting role.
3、皎洁的圆月像大银盘一样映在河面上 , 抖动着 , 似乎在弹着舒缓的小夜曲 。
The full moon, like a silver plate, is reflected on the river, shaking, as if playing a soothing serenade.
4、无论你犯了多少错 , 或者你进步得有多慢 , 你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人前面 。
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are ahead of those who have never tried.
5、昏暗的暮霭 , 渐渐低压下来 , 天地缝合了 , 无边无际的麦田由碧绿变成了湛蓝和暗灰 。
The dusk of dusk, gradually low pressure down, heaven and earth stitched, endless wheat fields from green to blue and dark gray.
6、我的手指一触那绿叶小草 , 草就羞愧地并拢了叶 , 羞愧地垂下了柄 。
As soon as my finger touched the green leaf grass, the grass closed the leaf with shame and hung its handle with shame.
7、成长是一笔交易 , 我们都是用朴素的童真与未经人事的洁白 , 交换长大的勇气 。
Growth is a transaction. We all exchange the courage of growing up with simple innocence and unprepared whiteness.
8、月亮升起来了 , 红晕晕的 , 活像谁从东方地平线上挑起个大红灯笼 。
The moon rose, glowing, just like who picked up a big red lantern from the eastern horizon.
9、只见 , 烟花直冲天空 , 渐渐地舒展开来 , 形成了无数朵时而红 , 时而黄 , 时而绿的繁花 。
I saw, fireworks straight into the sky, gradually spread out, forming countless flowers, sometimes red, sometimes yellow, sometimes green.
10、月亮像一个害羞的小姑娘 , 刚刚从东天边上来 , 就又羞答答地钻进树叶子里藏起来 。
The moon, like a shy little girl, had just come up from the East sky, and then she was shy and hid in the leaves of trees.
11、你不优秀 , 认识谁都没用 , 别一味的追求人脉 , 先让自己优秀 , 把自己变成人脉!
If you are not excellent, it's useless to know anyone. Don't blindly pursue contacts. Let yourself be excellent and turn yourself into a network!
12、听别人说再多的道理 , 都不如自己熬过的领悟;你要明白 , 快乐是共享 , 苦难是自扛 。
No matter how much truth others say, it's not as good as your own understanding. You should understand that happiness is sharing, and suffering is self-supporting.
13、雨滴从玻璃上滑落的样子 , 原来是有迹可循的 。
Raindrops from the glass slide, the original is a trace to follow.
14、真正成熟的人由两部分组成 , 一半是对美好的追求 , 一半是对残缺的包容 。
The real mature person is composed of two parts, one is the pursuit of beauty, the other is the tolerance of the incomplete.
15、书籍就是知识的一台电脑 , 题目就是主机 , 目录就是键盘 , 文字、标点就是书籍的内存 。
The book is a computer of knowledge, the title is the host, the directory is the keyboard, the text, punctuation is the memory of the book.
16、命运敬重勇敢的人 , 而欺负胆小鬼 。因为命运可以夺去财富 , 却夺不去浩然正气 。
Fate respects the brave and bullies the cowards. Because fate can take away wealth, but not Haoran righteousness.
17、爱情的价值 , 绝对不止一条项链或一个戒指 , 但有的时候 , 却又便宜的可怜 。
The value of love is more than a necklace or a ring, but sometimes it's cheap.
18、人间执笔最难的不过是把诗写成日子 , 世间行走最难的莫过于把日子过成诗 。
The most difficult thing to write is to write a poem as a day, and the most difficult thing to walk in the world is to make a poem of the day.
19、不要说自己有多好 , 别人一般不会相信 。不要说自己有多坏 , 别人一般都会相信 。
Don't say how good you are, others will not believe it. Don't say how bad you are, others will believe it.
20、能干的人不在情绪上计较 , 只在做事上认真 , 无能的人不在做事上认真 , 只在情绪上计较 。
Capable people don't care about their emotions, they only care about their work. Incompetent people don't care about their work seriously, but only care about their emotions.
21、喜欢做什么就做什么 , 自己为自己的选择承担后果就行 。要守信 , 说到做到 。
Do what you like and bear the consequences for your choice. Keep your word and do what you say.
22、一本好书就就是一个好社会 , 它能够陶冶人的感情与气质 , 使人高尚 。
A good book is a good society, it can cultivate people's feelings and temperament, make people noble.
23、晨曦初照 , 而山像含羞的少女 , 若隐若现 , 日落西山 , 余光横照 。
The early morning light, and the mountain like a shy girl, looming, sunset, the rest of the light.
24、想洗澡吗?不要到外面等待下雨;想成功吗?不要空等机遇的到来 。
Want a bath? Don't wait outside for rain; want to succeed? Don't wait for opportunities to come.
25、放弃很容易 , 但你最终会一无所得 。坚持很难 , 但你最后一定会有所收获 。
It's easy to give up, but you'll end up with nothing. It's hard to hold on, but you'll get something in the end.
26、春风轻轻地吹着 , 细雨悄悄地滋润着 , 榆树上那褐色的芽 , 变成柔黄泛绿的圆钱儿了 。
The spring breeze is blowing gently, and the drizzle is moistening quietly. The brown buds on the elm trees become soft yellow and green round money.
27、酸甜苦辣我自己尝喜怒哀乐我自己扛 。我就是自己的太阳 。无须凭借谁的光 。
I taste the bitterness, bitterness and bitterness by myself. I am my own sun. No need to rely on whose light.
28、法国梧桐树上那鼓圆了的芽苞 , 已伸展开来 , 像一个个淡紫色的小喇叭 。
The round buds of the Wutong tree have been stretched out like lavender trumpets.
29、修行 , 不是追求完美 , 而是坦然的接受残缺 。以平等的心接受遭遇的一切 。
Practice is not the pursuit of perfection, but the acceptance of imperfection. Accept everything with equal heart.
30、过去无法重写 , 但它却让我更加坚强 。感谢每一次改变 , 每一次心碎 , 每一块伤疤 。
The past can't be rewritten, but it makes me stronger. Thanks for every change, every heartbreak, every scar.
31、跟爱人争 , 你争赢了 , 感情淡了 。跟谁争 , 争赢都是输 , 不如跟自己争 。
Fight with your lover, you win, and your feelings fade. It's better to fight with yourself than to win.
32、城市颓败的霓虹倒映在我灰色的瞳仁里 , 显得更加颓败 。
The city decadent neon reflects in my gray pupil, appears more decadent.
33、小草也在微风的吹拂下晃动着 , 好像随着晨风在清请地唱歌起舞 。
The grass is also swaying in the breeze, as if singing and dancing with the morning wind.
34、黑沉沉的夜 , 仿佛无边的浓墨重重地涂抹在天际 , 连星星的微光也没有 。
The dark night, as if boundless thick ink heavily daubed in the sky, even the faint light of the stars.
35、当你觉得沮丧失落 , 能量低迷 , 别人会觉得不能托付给一个不自信的人 。
When you feel depressed and depressed, energy is low, others will feel that they can't trust someone who is not confident.
36、人太容易于实际中走失 , 驻足于路上的奇观美景 , 而忘了原本是要去哪儿 。
People are too tolerant to get lost in practice, stop at the wonders of the road, and forget where they were originally going.
37、孤独的人喜欢深夜 , 多情的人喜欢黄昏 。幸福的人喜欢阳光 , 伤心的人偏爱风雨 。
Lonely people like late night, passionate people like dusk. Happy people like sunshine, sad people prefer wind and rain.
38、一轮杏黄色的满月 , 悄悄从山嘴处爬出来 , 把倒影投入湖水中 。
An apricot yellow full moon crept out of the mountain mouth and threw the reflection into the lake.
39、她的脸色忽然变得阴沉下来 , 眼神也黯淡了 , 就像晴朗的天空猛然遮上了一片乌云 。
Her face suddenly darkened, her eyes darkened, like a clear sky suddenly covered with a dark cloud.
40、清晨的美丽真是让人很心动 , 我都在感叹大自然的神奇 , 有这般让人陶醉的景色 。
The beauty of the morning is really exciting, I am in the exclamation of the magic of nature, there are such intoxicating scenery.
41、我有时候会做别人认为沒有希望的事 , 但我知道 , 希望是自己给的而不是别人给的 。
I sometimes do things that others think are hopeless, but I know that hope is given by myself, not by others.
42、这斑驳的树影清晰地投在小路上 , 好似一幅幅浓淡相宜的剪纸画 。
This mottled shadow of the tree clearly cast on the path, like a thick and light appropriate paper-cut painting.
43、月亮像一个新娶来的媳妇 , 刚刚从东天边上来 , 就又羞答答地钻进树叶子里藏起来 。
The moon, like a newly married daughter-in-law, had just come up from the East horizon, and then she was shy enough to hide in the leaves of the tree.
44、生活中没有书籍 , 就好像没有阳光;生活中没有书籍 , 就好像鸟儿没了翅膀 。
Life without books is like no sunshine; life without books is like a bird without wings.
45、在陌生人面前不要说别人的坏话你说的话可能会导致你不会成功 , 注意所有人 。
Don't speak ill of others in front of strangers. What you say may cause you to fail. Pay attention to everyone.
46、细数门前落叶 , 倾听窗外雨声 , 涉水而过的声音此次响起 , 你被雨淋湿的心 , 是否依旧 。
Count the leaves in front of the door, listen to the rain outside the window, wade through the sound of this ring, you are wet by the rain heart, whether still.
47、多数的错失 , 是因为不坚持 , 不努力 , 不挽留 , 然后催眠自己说一切都是命运 。
Most of the mistakes, because do not insist, do not try, do not retain, and then hypnotize themselves that everything is fate.
48、世事不能说死 , 有些事情总值得尝试 。永不轻言放弃 , 前方总有希望在等待 。
Things can't be said dead, some things are always worth trying. Never give up easily, there is always hope ahead.
49、夜晚的明月似冰盘 , 清亮典雅;像明镜 , 清明高贵;如宁潭 , 清澈纯洁 , 美若天仙 。
The moon at night is like an ice plate, clear and elegant; like a mirror, it is clear and noble; if ningtan is clear and pure, it is as beautiful as heaven.
50、那椰子树叶像长长的羽毛一样 , 有风时树影婆娑 , 没风时也飘逸秀美 。
【经典英语优美句子摘抄】The coconut leaves are like long feathers. When there is wind, the shadow of the tree is whirling, and when there is no wind, it is elegant and beautiful.
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