温柔句子给男孩子 男孩子配得上温柔
1、你是我的英雄,也是我的男孩,我的男孩累了,疲惫了,就换我来保护你吧,别的男孩子有的,你一样也不能少,因为我只怕给你的不够多 。
You are my hero and my boy. If my boy is tired and tired, I will protect you. Other boys have something, you cant be less of these things, because Im afraid I dont give you enough.
2、安全感就是在你怀里的感觉 。
Security is what I feel in your arms.
3、你看这世间万家灯火,我也想为你亮一盏 。
You see the lights in the world, I also want to light one for you.
4、我会将毕生的温暖都给你,让你觉得人间有我很值得 。
I will give you the warmth of my whole life, so that you feel it is worth having me in the world.
【温柔句子给男孩子 男孩子配得上温柔】5、我的男孩不善言辞,但我懂得他所有的温柔 。
My boy is not good at words, but I know all his tenderness.
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