1、谦和的态度往往使人难以拒绝你的要求 , 这也是一个人无往不胜的要求 。
Modest attitude often makes it difficult to refuse your request, which is also an invincible demand.
2、人似乎经历越多 , 越有种难以自拔的宿命感 , 所有的追问都归于虚无 。
It seems that the more people experience, the more difficult to extricate themselves from the fatalism, all questioning is attributed to nothingness.
3、不要一味去羡慕别人的成功 , 那一切 , 并非突如其来 , 全都是早有准备 。
Don't blindly envy other people's success, all that, not suddenly, are all prepared.
4、知人不必言尽 , 言尽则无友 。责人不必苛尽 , 苛尽则众远 。敬人不必卑尽 , 卑尽则少骨 。
You don't have to say all you know, but you have no friends. There is no need to be too strict with others. If you are too strict, you will be far away. Respect people do not have to humble, humble do less bone.
5、晨曦徐徐拉开了帷幕 , 又是一个绚丽多彩的早晨 , 带着清新降临人间 。
Dawn slowly opened the curtain, is a colorful morning, with fresh and fresh to the world.
6、我成长过程渐渐偏离真实轨迹 , 最早是从谎言开始的 。
I grew up gradually deviated from the true track, the earliest is from the lie.
7、路旁的林阴树郁郁葱葱 , 蝉儿齐声歌唱 , 它们好像在夸耀自己的季节 。
Roadside trees are lush, cicadas sing together, they seem to boast of their season.
8、她钻进浩如烟海的书籍里 , 如鱼儿进入了大海 , 忘记了时间的流逝 。
She got into the vast sea of books, such as fish into the sea, forgetting the passage of time.
9、做一件事要敢于承担自己的责任 , 即使它是错的 , 必须把它完成 , 不要说别人 。
Do a thing to dare to assume their own responsibility, even if it is wrong, it must be completed, do not talk about others.
10、朝阳把它的光芒射向湖面 , 微风乍起 , 细浪跳跃 , 搅起满湖碎金 。
The morning sun shines its light on the lake. The breeze rises suddenly and the small waves jump, stirring up the broken gold in the lake.
11、脾气 , 发出去是秉性 , 收回来是功力 。生活的高手 , 从来不会让情绪控制自己 。
Temper, out is the disposition, take back is the skill. Master of life, never let the emotions control themselves.
12、门外西边的林梢 , 挂着的上弦月已经变成一片金色的西瓜 , 不再是一条弯弯的眉毛 。
Outside the door west of the forest, hanging on the first quarter of the moon has become a golden watermelon, is no longer a curved eyebrow.
13、太阳落山了 , 它那分外的强光从树梢头喷射出来 , 将白云染成血色 , 将青山染成血色 。
The sun set, and its extraordinary light shot out from the top of the trees, coloring the white clouds and the green mountains with blood.
14、金灿灿的阳光倾泻下来 , 注进万顷碧波 , 使单调而平静的海面而变得有些色彩了 。
【优美英语句子】The golden sunlight poured down and poured into the blue waves, which made the monotonous and calm sea become some color.
15、落尽了叶的杨树、榆树、槐树 , 向灰沉沉的苍穹伸张着炭条似的枝杈 。
The poplar, elm and locust trees, which have lost their leaves, stretch out their branches like charcoal to the gray sky.
16、那稻子换上了富丽的金装 , 羞答答地低垂着头 。微风吹拂 , 金涛滚滚 。
The rice was dressed in rich gold, and his head hung down shyly. The wind blows and the golden waves roll.
17、山腰之上 , 黄栌树丛生 , 枝叶如云 , 金秋时节 , 层林尽染 , 如火如荼 , 恰似少女红装 。
On the hillside, Cotinus coggygria trees, branches and leaves such as clouds, golden autumn season, layers of forest dye, like a raging fire, just like a girl's red dress.
18、世人贪婪 , 总想寻找两全 , 但这世间难有什么两全之策 。人生百年 , 不过是教人如何取舍 。
The world greedy, always want to find both, but this world is difficult to have any two solutions. A hundred years of life is just to teach people how to choose.
19、过去的 , 就不再重来 , 突然间想起大话西游孙悟空的月光宝盒 , 如果可以 , 我希望拥有 。
In the past, I will not come back again. I suddenly think of the moon box of Monkey King. If I can, I hope to have it.
20、年龄越大 , 越学会了顺其自然 , 不想再挽留什么 , 相信该在的不会走 。
The older you get, the more you learn to let it go. You don't want to keep anything. You don't want to leave.
21、人和人的差别就是因为每天积累差了一点点 , 终于有天你发现 , 原来我和他差了这么多 。
The difference between people is because every day accumulation difference a little bit, and finally one day you find that I and he are so much different.
22、我感觉我生命中的某些东西 , 也在沿着轨道静静地行驶 。
I feel that something in my life is moving quietly along the track.
23、白天鹅用红脚蹼使劲地划动着那绿色的湖水 , 身体就像一只小艇模型那样摇摇摆摆 。
The White Swan paddled the green lake with its red fins and swayed like a model boat.
24、夏天的太阳像个大火炉 , 把大地烤得发烫 , 就连空气也是热烘烘的 , 人一动就浑身冒汗 。
The summer sun is like a big stove, baking the earth very hot, even the air is also hot, people sweat all over when they move.
25、秋天的清晨 , 我背着书包 , 迎着轻轻的秋风 , 踏着片片落叶 , 迈着轻盈的步伐走到学校 。
In the early morning of autumn, I was carrying my schoolbag, facing the light autumn wind, stepping on pieces of fallen leaves, walking with a light pace to school.
26、一株株挺拔笔直的椰子树 , 在蔚蓝的天空下 , 叶子像孔雀尾似的散开 。
A tall and straight coconut tree, in the blue sky, leaves like peacock tail like scattered.
27、春有百花秋有月 , 夏有凉风冬有雪;若无闲事挂心头 , 便是人间好时节 。
There are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter. If you have nothing to worry about, it is a good time for people.
28、最好的关系 , 是相处不累 。那个可以让你卸下伪装 , 忘掉心机的人 , 才值得你相处一生 。
The best relationship is not tired. The person who can let you take off your disguise and forget your mind is worth your whole life.
29、你永远也不晓得自己有多喜欢一个人 , 除非你看见他和别的人在一起 。
You never know how much you like someone unless you see him with someone else.
30、要是下起蒙蒙细雨 , 日月潭好像披上轻纱 , 周围的景物一片朦胧 , 就像童话中的仙境 。
If it drizzle, the Sun Moon Lake seems to put on a veil, the surrounding scenery is hazy, just like fairyland in fairy tales.
31、我读书越多 , 书籍就使我和世界越接近 , 生活对我也变得越加光明和有意义 。
The more I read, the closer I get to the world, and the brighter and more meaningful life becomes to me.
32、好脾气的人不轻易发火 , 不代表不会发火;性格好的人只是装糊涂 , 不代表没有底线 。
Good tempered people don't get angry easily, which doesn't mean they won't get angry; people with good character just pretend to be confused, which doesn't mean there is no bottom line.
33、经验丰富的人读书用两只眼睛 , 一只眼睛看到纸面上的话 , 另一只眼睛看到纸的背面 。
Experienced people read with two eyes, one eye to see the words on the paper, the other to see the back of the paper.
34、成年人的世界 , 没有完美只有得失 。人生如交易 , 一切的得到 , 终究需要拿失去做交换 。
The adult world, there is no perfect, only gain and loss. Life is like a trade, all the gains, after all, need to take the loss for exchange.
35、他这银白的头发 , 使人联想起这披满白雪的劲松 , 这是他历尽风霜 , 饱尝艰辛的见证 。
His silvery hair reminds people of the snow covered pine, which is a witness of his hardships and hardships.
36、水可干而不可夺湿 , 火可灭而不可夺热 , 金可柔而不可夺重 , 石可破而不可夺坚 。
Water can be dry but not wet, fire can be extinguished but not hot, gold can be soft but heavy, stone can be broken but not firm.
37、谁是谁生命中的过客 , 谁是谁生命的转轮 , 前世的尘 , 今世的风 , 无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂 。
Who is the passer-by in whose life, who is the wheel of life, the dust of the previous life, the wind of this world, the soul of endless grief.
38、挺过这段难熬的时间 , 相信糟糕的日子熬过去了 , 剩下的就是好运气 。
Through this difficult time, I believe that the bad days have passed, and the rest is good luck.
39、春天使大地焕然一新 , 春天给学校满园春色 , 春天给我们欢乐和希望 , 催促我们奋发向上 。
Spring brings a new look to the earth. Spring brings us joy and hope and urges us to make progress.
40、谁走进你的生命 , 是由命运决定;谁停留在你生命中 , 却是由你自己决定 。
Who comes into your life is decided by fate; who stays in your life is up to you.
41、你总要被孤单打败过 , 才能学会好好生活 , 你只有走完必须走的路 , 才能过想过的生活 。
You always have to be defeated by loneliness, in order to learn to live a good life, you only have to walk the road, in order to live the life you want.
42、一份可爱 , 一份机灵 , 一份活泼 , 这就是十全十美的小白兔乖乖 。
A lovely, a smart, a lively, this is the perfect little white rabbit.
43、成功需要成本 , 时间也是一种成本 , 对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约 。
Success needs cost, time is also a kind of cost, the treasure of time is the cost saving.
44、学会宽容 , 意味着生长 , 秀木出木可吸纳更多的日月风华 , 伸展健壮而更具成熟的气力 。
Learning to be tolerant means to grow up. If you show your wood, you can absorb more sun and moon, stretch and be strong and mature.
45、春 , 就像一个美丽的仙女 , 轻轻地轻轻地 , 把所有的生物都叫醒了 。
Spring, like a beautiful fairy, gently wakes up all the creatures.
46、那小草的颜色丰富多彩 , 一片片连起来 , 赛过巧手编织的花毯 , 活生生 , 自然而又和谐 。
The color of the grass is rich and colorful. It is more vivid, natural and harmonious than the flower blanket woven by skillful hands.
47、命运把人抛入最低谷时 , 往往是人生转折的最佳期 。谁若自怨自艾 , 必会坐失良机!
When fate throws people into the lowest ebb, it is often the best period of life turning. If anyone complains, he will miss the opportunity!
48、书籍好比食品 。有些只须浅尝 , 有些可以吞咽 , 只有少数需要仔细咀嚼 , 慢慢品味 。
Books are like food. Some just need to taste, some can be swallowed, only a few need to chew carefully, slowly taste.
49、这个世界到处充满着不公平 , 我们能做的不仅仅是接受 , 还要试着做一些反抗 。
The world is full of injustice. What we can do is not only accept, but also try to resist.
50、人因为有理想梦想而变得伟大 , 而真正伟大就是不断努力实现理想梦想 。
People become great because they have ideals and dreams, and real greatness is to constantly strive to realize their dreams.
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