
1、你这辈子都是我的,除了我谁都不许爱 。
You are my life, no one can love except me.
2、不用诠释,不用解释,我就是我 。
No explanation, no explanation, I am me.
3、有没有你都可以,但还是要全力以赴 。
You can do it or not, but you have to give it all.
4、没人会死在别人手里,都是死在自己的热爱里 。
No one will die in the hands of others, all in their own love.
5、离开时请不要回头,以后活着也不要再找我 。
Please don't look back when you leave. Don't look for me when you are alive.
6、去做别人的宝贝,别来趟我这浑水 。
To be someone else's treasure, don't come to my muddy water.
7、我不是灰太狼,走了就不会再回来 。
I'm not a wolf. I won't come back after I leave.
8、不想熬夜了,没什么意思,还是早睡早起吧 。
I don't want to stay up late. It's not interesting. I'd better go to bed early and get up early.
9、你可以高估你的手段,但请你别低估我的智商 。
You can overestimate your means, but please don't underestimate my IQ.
10、笑给你讨厌的人看,要多嚣张就多嚣张 。
Smile to the people you hate. If you want to be more arrogant, you need to be more arrogant.
It's dark. What do you think of it?
12、我知道带剑的不一定是剑士,但他一定是剑人 。
I know it's not necessarily a swordsman with a sword, but he must be a swordsman.
13、你不将就一切时,生活自然厚爱于你 。
When you don't make do with everything, life naturally loves you.
14、我走得很慢,但我从不后退 。
I walk very slowly, but I never walk backwards.
15、得失都有,路往前走,不再回头 。
There are gains and losses. Go ahead and never look back.
16、非常沉默,非常骄傲,从不依靠,从不寻找 。
Very silent, very proud, never rely on, never find.
17、趁早滚,别伤了身体 。
Roll as early as possible. Don't hurt yourself.
18、有本事带我回家见家长,不然别说跟我谈恋爱 。
Have the ability to take me home to see my parents, or don't talk about falling in love with me.
19、世界这么大,人这么多,凭什么就非你不可 。
The world is so big and there are so many people. You are the only one.
20、我生性坚强,只要没死,我还能笑得猖狂 。
I have a strong nature. As long as I don't die, I can laugh wildly.
21、要么抱紧我,要么滚远些,别半死不活的拖着 。
Either hold me tight or roll away. Don't drag me half dead.
22、不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久 。
Not for love, but for eternity.
【很酷的英文句子】23、我就是我,你怎么看我既不需要,也没必要 。
I am me. I don't need it or need it.
24、爱我所爱,千夫所指我不改 。
Love what I love, I don't change what I say.
25、谁敢在我的爱情里插一脚,老子就把你腿给剁了 。
Who dares to put a foot in my love, I will cut off your leg.
26、这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己 。
This life, wind and rain, is to meet the best of their own.
27、原谅我镇定自若百毒不侵,只因我身后空无一人 。
Forgive me for being calm and invincible, because there is no one behind me.
28、我若不强大,又怎能爱你所爱,毁你至爱呢 。
If I am not strong, how can I love you and destroy your beloved.
29、给我收起你的虚情假意,向着太阳一路狂滚 。
Put away your hypocrisy and roll all the way to the sun.
30、没有心飞扬,只有透心凉 。
There is no flying heart, only a cool heart.
31、心疼,不是在你离开,而是当你再次出现 。
Heartache, not when you leave, but when you appear again.
32、没有人在等我,我也不会再回头,就这样吧 。
No one is waiting for me, and I won't look back. That's it.
33、借口什么的,别说了,要走就走吧,我不会拦你 。
Excuse or something. Don't say it. Just leave if you want. I won't stop you.
34、我怀念你似有若无的拥抱,还有浅浅的呼吸 。
I miss your hug and shallow breath.
35、生活不仅是需要氧气的,也需要勇气,更得霸气 。
Life needs not only oxygen, but also courage and domineering.
36、长大这两个字连偏旁部首都没有,一看就很孤独 。
Growing up these two words not even the capital, a look very lonely.
37、等你辉煌的时候,谁会在意你那暗淡的曾经 。
When you are brilliant, who cares about your dim past.
38、少壮不努力,老大刷头条 。
Young men don't work hard, but old men make headlines.
39、谦让如果不爽,就不要装大方 。
If you don't like humility, don't pretend to be generous.
40、想在你的眼睛里撒野,想在你的心里住下来 。
Want to be wild in your eyes, want to live in your heart.
41、我只顾着喜欢,却忘了不合适 。
I just like it, but I forget it's not right.
42、潇洒叛逆是我的个性,简单粗暴是我的脾气 。
Natural and unrestrained rebellion is my personality, simple and rough is my temper.
43、太在意别人的看法,累的还是自己 。
Too concerned about other people's views, tired or their own.
44、我会渐渐和你保持距离,直到我们彻底没关系 。
I'll keep you at a distance until we're all right.
45、我要的不止是喜欢,还有偏爱 。
I want more than just likes, but also preferences.
46、只要不碰感情,齐天大圣都奈何不了我 。
As long as I don't touch my feelings, the great sage of heaven can't help me.
47、没走过的是路,走过的才是人生 。
What we didn't go through was the road. What we went through was life.
48、你有跟我装逼的权力,我就有整死你的实力 。
You have the right to play with me, and I have the power to kill you.
