
1、你长这么好看,为什么不谈恋爱 。
You look so good. Why don't you fall in love.
2、我太难了,上辈子可能是条蜀道 。
I'm too hard. I could have been a Shu Road in my last life.
3、注意安全,有事给我打电话 。
Pay attention to safety. Call me if you have something to do.
4、生气归生气,又不是不喜欢你 。
Anger is anger, not dislike you.
5、别说话,用心感受我的美 。
Don't talk, feel my beauty with your heart.
6、告诉桃花可以开了 。
Tell me that peach blossom can be opened.
7、别人参加女团,我打开美团 。
I open the American League when others join the women's League.
8、不要沮丧,还有时间 。
Don't be upset, there's time.
9、我躲在自己的世界里,画地为牢 。
I hide in my own world, painting for the prison.
10、在地球惟独你爱我这废人 。
On earth only you love me, the waste man.
11、敢敢动了心,变成了憨憨 。
Dare to move heart, become honest.
12、笨蛋才恋爱,我好想当笨蛋啊 。
Stupid people love. I want to be stupid.
13、日子有盼头,生活才可爱 。
Life is lovely only when there is hope for the day.
14、过了这个村,我在下个村等你 。
After this village, I'll wait for you in the next village.
15、今晚星闪闪,爱你心满满 。
Tonight the stars shine, love you full of heart.
16、理想生活需要一些热爱和心动 。
Ideal life needs some love and heart.
17、愿以后的生活能多一点幸运 。
I hope I can be a little more fortunate in my life.
18、你不醉我不醉,马路大街谁来睡 。
You don't get drunk I'm not drunk. Who's going to sleep on the street.
19、会者定离,一期一祈 。
The meeting will be set aside, one for one prayer.
20、我的人间记录 。
My world record.
21、关于我们的一生,已经永远失落 。
About our life, has been lost forever.
22、心有萌虎,嗷呜 。
There is a tiger in my heart, whine.
23、先学会不生气,再学会气死人 。
Learn not to be angry first, then to die of anger.
24、不要对姐放电,你哥有来电显示 。
Don't discharge to your sister. Your brother has a call display.
25、恋爱可以不谈,钱,不能没有 。
Love can not talk, money, can not not have.
26、我去宇宙一趟,摘星星回来给你 。
I'll go to the universe and pick the stars and come back to you.
27、愿你日思夜想的都能如愿 。
May you think about it all day and night.
28、宁愿胖得精致,也不愿瘦得雷同 。
Rather fat and delicate than thin.
29、我们兵分两路,然后顶端相见 。
Our soldiers split two ways and then meet at the top.
30、我怕永不再见,我也怕再次重逢 。
I'm afraid I'll never see you again, and I'm afraid to meet again.
31、人生苦短,必须性感 。
Life is short, and it must be sexy.
32、我从此不敢看观音 。
I never dare to watch Guanyin.
33、人生建议:养一只可爱的我 。
Life advice: raise a lovely me.
34、我只是觉得你很甜想把你尝遍 。
I just think you're sweet and want to taste you all the time.
35、装什么城里人,现在地球都叫村 。
What kind of city people are installed, the earth is called village now.
36、幸福,就是找一个的人过一辈子 。
Happiness is to find a person to live a lifetime.
37、想到你就脸红,见你不用腮红 。
Think of you blush, see you don't need blush.
38、我的抱枕坏了,又没钱买新的 。
My pillow is broken and I don't have money to buy new ones.
39、你那么迷人,怎么不会心动 。
You are so charming, how can't you get excited.
40、保持很多的热爱和一点点野心 。
Keep a lot of love and a little bit of ambition.
41、热爱可抵岁月漫长 。
Love is worth years.
42、男人只会影响我拔剑的速度 。
Men only affect the speed of my sword pulling.
43、我练过气功,可以把人气死 。
I have practiced Qigong, and I can kill people.
44、做颗星星,有棱有角,还会发光 。
Be a star, angular, and shine.
45、感恩所有的相遇和陪伴 。
Thank you for all the meeting and company.
46、去小卖铺的路上,风都是甜的 。
On the way to the shop, the wind is sweet.
47、幸无所爱,无畏山海 。
Fortunately, I have no love, I am afraid of the mountains and seas.
48、今天的风,一点也没法让人稳重 。
Today's wind, no one can make a person steady.
49、我家猫对我说了一句话喵喵喵 。
My cat said a word to me meow.
50、领卷子的时候,就买好打火机 。
When you take the roll, buy a lighter.
51、善有善报,恶有恶报,你有我抱 。
Good is good, evil is evil, you have me.
52、遍地都是月光,可月亮只有一个 。
There is moonlight everywhere, but there is only one moon.
53、记得走路带风,更要抬头挺胸 。
Remember to walk with wind, and raise your chest.
54、今晚是软软甜甜的梦 。
Tonight is a soft and sweet dream.
You don't even like me? You better wash the dishes!
56、建议你换一换,你的女友很平凡 。
I suggest you change it. Your girlfriend is very ordinary.
57、生活奇奇怪怪,我得可可爱爱 。
Life is strange and strange. I have to be lovely.
58、不烦世事,满心欢喜 。
I am not bothered with the world, and I am happy.
59、偶尔可恶,永远可爱 。
Occasionally, it is hateful and always lovely.
60、玫瑰与胸膛皆为公主殿下待命 。
The rose and chest are all waiting for the royal highness of the princess.
61、有些人是很好,不认识会更好 。
Some people are very good, and it will be better not to know each other.
62、你算哪只小猪猪,在这里嘟嘟嘟 。
Who are you? Doodle here.
63、不谈恋爱,屁事没有 。
No love, no shit.
64、待你长发及腰,肯定分叉不少 。
When you have long hair and waist, you must split a lot.
65、美就一个字却黏了我一辈子 。
Beauty is a word but I stick to my life.
66、想从你那里偷一份可爱 。
Want to steal a lovely one from you.
67、降温了,你要不要加个女朋友 。
It's cool. Would you like to add a girlfriend.
68、这么好看不发出来说不过去吧 。
It's so nice to say it's not going to be out.
69、太困了我先睡了晚安 。
I was so sleepy I slept first good night.
70、惹毛我,你不会有好果汁吃 。
You won't have good juice to eat if you mess with me.
71、愿得一人心,免得老相亲 。
May one heart be won, lest we be old and close.
72、呆头呆脑,很不好搞 。
It's a bad idea to be stupid.
73、我要你哄我,可不是哄我哭啊 。
I want you to coax me, but not to make me cry.
74、我一边踉跄前行,一边重振旗鼓 。
I stumbled forward and I was back in the air.
75、男人和钱,其他免谈 。
Men and money, others are free from talking.
76、想谈恋爱了,大家快劝劝我 。
If you want to fall in love, please advise me.
77、开始降温了,你可以抱抱我 。
It's starting to cool down. You can hold me.
78、小熊剪了指甲,变成了小能 。
The bear cut his nails and became a little energy.
79、可可爱爱,没有脑袋 。
But lovely love, no head.
80、你要做自己,你要开心 。
You have to be yourself, you have to be happy.
81、十八遇你,八十与你 。
Meet you, eighty with you.
82、我频繁记录着,因为生活值得 。
I keep a lot of records because life is worth it.
83、你出现一次,我心动一次 。
【英文可爱短句】You show up once, I'm in a heart.
