Message by UN Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterres on World Environment Day
5 June 2022
The theme of this year’s WorldEnvironment Day “Only One Earth” is a simple statement of fact. This planetis our only home. It is vital we safeguard the health of its atmosphere therichness and diversity of life on Earth its ecosystems and its finiteresources. But we are failing to do so. We are asking too much of our planet tomaintain ways life that are unsustainable. Earth’s natural systems cannot keepup with our demands.
今年世界环境日的主题是“只有一个地球” 。 这句话简单明了 , 直言事实 。 地球是人类唯一的家园 。 我们必须保护地球大气层的健康 , 维护地球上生命的丰富性与多样性 , 捍卫地球的生态系统 , 维续地球上有限的资源 。 然而目前我们没有做到这些 。 人类的生活方式对地球索取太多 , 因而不可持续 。 地球的自然系统已跟不上人类的需求 。
This not only hurts the Earth butus too. A healthy environment is essential for all people and all 17 SustainableDevelopment Goals. It provides food clean water medicines climateregulation and protection from extreme weather events. It is essential that wewisely manage nature and ensure equitable access to its services especiallyfor the most vulnerable people and communities.
这不仅伤害地球 , 也伤害我们 。 健康的环境对所有人都至关重要 , 也对实现所有17项可持续发展目标至关重要 。 健康的环境能提供食物、净水、药物 , 健康的环境具有气候调节功能 , 健康的环境还有助于人类免受极端天气事件的影响 。 我们必须明智地管理大自然 , 公平分享其资源和功能 , 尤其要与最弱势人群公平分享 。
More than 3 billion people areaffected by degraded ecosystems. Pollution is responsible for some 9 millionpremature deaths each year. More than 1 million plant and animal species riskextinction many within decades.
目前有30多亿人受到生态系统退化的影响 。 污染每年致使约900万人过早死亡 。 100多万动植物物种面临灭绝的危险 , 其中许多物种在几十年内就将灭绝 。
Close to half of humanity isalready in the climate danger zone – 15 times more likely to die from climateimpacts such as extreme heat floods and drought. There is a 50:50 chance thatannual average global temperatures will breach the Paris Agreementlimitof 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next five years. More than 200 million peopleeach year could be displaced by climate disruption by 2050.
近一半的人类已处于气候危险区 , 这些地区因极端高温、洪水、干旱等气候事件而导致死亡的可能性比其他地区高15倍 。 未来5年全球年平均气温升幅突破《巴黎协定》所定1.5摄氏度上限的可能性高达50% 。 到2050年 , 每年可能有2亿多人因气候失调而流离失所 。
Fifty years ago the world’sleaders came together at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environmentand committed to protecting the planet. But we are far from succeeding.We can no longer ignore the alarm bells thatring louder every day.
50年前 , 世界各国领导人齐聚联合国人类环境会议 , 对保护地球作出了承诺 。 但我们远未成功 。 人类对日益响亮的警钟再不能充耳不闻了 。
The recent Stockholm+50 environmentmeeting reiterated that all 17 Sustainable Development Goals rely on ahealthy planet. We must all take responsibility to avert the catastrophe beingwrought by the triple crises of climate change pollution and biodiversityloss.
最近举行的斯德哥尔摩+50环境会议重申 , 所有17项可持续发展目标的实现都有赖于地球保持健康 。 我们大家都必须担起责任 , 避免气候变化、污染、生物多样性丧失这三重危机造成灾难 。
Governments need urgently toprioritize climate action and environmental protection through policy decisionsthat promote sustainable progress. To that end I have proposed five concreterecommendations to dramatically speed up the deployment of renewable energyeverywhere including making renewable technologies and raw materials availableto all cutting red tape shifting subsidies and tripling investment.
各国政府亟须将气候行动与环境保护列为优先事项 , 制定能推动可持续进展的政策 。 我就此提出了5项具体建议 , 旨在使全世界大幅度加快采用可再生能源的速度 , 包括向所有人提供可再生技术和原材料 , 削减繁琐手续 , 转移补贴方向 , 并将相关投资增加两倍 。
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