Aether Gazer
Aether Gazer is a 3D action game in which players will take on the role of the administrator of the \"Aether Gazer\" and fight side by side with the Modifier squad to clear the \"Shihai\" and protect civilization.
【深空之眼|外国玩家热议勇仕网络自研手游《深空之眼》公测】《深空之眼》是一款3D动作手游 。 玩家将在游戏中化身“深空之眼”组织的管理员 , 与修正者小队并肩作战 , 清除视骸 , 守护文明秩序 。
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada
Nice game man. Can't wait for english version 2050.
好游戏 。 等不了2050年的外服了 。
Riko Son
Mahir Kun
Honkai Impact 3rd Punishing Gray Raven and now Aether Gazer all are the same fighting against Mecha Robots.
崩三 , 战双 , 还有现在的深空之眼都是一样 。 都是对抗机器人之类的 。
atiqullah termizi
Gray Raven got some amazing battle mechanic tbh. but yeah.. repetitive.Genshin did great on that field too but still missing one important aspect players interaction.I hope Tower of Fantasy can beat Genshin in term of gameplay they literally made Open World MMO with Combo Base battle tbw.
战双还行 , 它在机械怪打击感方面取得一些突破 , 但同时也很乏味 。
原神就做的不错 , 但缺少一个重要的方面:玩家之间的互动 。
希望动作开放世界《幻塔》能在这方面击败原神 。
Gina From VA
WolfensteinBattlefield CoD… all fight against humanoids. It all looks the same. Lol you’re not very smart are you!
《重返德军总部》 , 《战地》 , 《使命召唤》都有类似对抗怪物的关卡 。 它们看起来都一样 。 哈哈 。 大聪明!
atiqullah termizi
@Gina From VA .That's equivalent to saying \"you play football in FIFA\" and it's weird af. all this guy said is there's a lot of Honkai style beat em up showing up nowadays.
很奇怪 , 这好像说的在《FIFA》踢足球一样 。 你就不怕崩坏玩家冲脸吗 。
Looking good hope they release it on global asap.
看起来还行 , 希望尽快安排国际服 。
Ashish Dewangan
All the gacha are same though.
所有扭蛋游戏都是一样的 。
Mayuri Shina
@Ashish Dewangan Not really. I mean Genshin is p2w but most gacha games are f2p.
并非如此 。 原神是氪金游戏 , 大多数扭蛋游戏可以白嫖 。
@Mayuri Shina Keep telling yourself genshin is p2w when the most broken characters are all 4 stars.
请对着自己说:原神是氪金游戏 , 所有四星都是垃圾角色 。
Ashish Dewangan
@KSKR Nah bruh I've been playing since day 1 and can clear every content in the game without a hitch it's purely f2p it depends on you wether you like to spend or not.
兄弟 , 别这样 。 我从原神开服玩起 , 很清楚它就是一个免费的游戏 。 花不花钱取决于你自己 。
Prequel of PGR from my perspective.
在我看来 , 这个游戏更像是战双前传 。
I’m to Wavy
There’s punshing gray raven and aether gazer and then there’s everyone else.
《战双》 , 《深空之眼》还有其他什么 。
English version when?
Eshei Kaizuko
4.31 GB!
4.31 GB!
Yeju Brando
@Eshei Kaizuko He's asking when is the eng version not the size of the game.Lol
他问的是外服啥时候出 , 不是内存大小 。 哈哈
Why does game like this always requiring internet to play ?
Chrey Dylan
Cuz its already 2022!
@Chrey Dylan I need a game like this that also works offline.Q.Q
我需要单机游戏 。 呜呜呜
John David Pasana
I hope it's better than pgr!
This looks already better since the ability system in pgr is just weird and the button placement.
已经够好了 。 《战双》的系统很奇怪 , 按键也很奇怪 。
Ze DeStRoYeR
@Sooya Guys.Lol! just seriously the PGR ability system is just a lot more advanced than a simple system as this and when you understand the entire system it's way better than simple ability buttons. You can make combos have bigger stats when 3 same color buttons and a lot more things.
说真的 , 《战双》的系统比深空之眼要牛逼的多 , 更别说按键系统 。 你可以组合技能 , 当3个技能颜色相同时 , 伤害会更高 。
@Ze DeStRoYeR Ain't nothing advanced about that lame system.Lol
那个蹩脚的系统一点也不牛逼 。 哈哈
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