
#mui-player img {max-width: 100%;}1、人生逆境时,切记忍耐 。
Bear in mind when you are in adversity.
2、我们可以失望,但不能盲目 。
We can be disappointed, but not blind.
3、自己是梧桐,凤凰才会来栖 。
Wutong is phoenix tree, Phoenix will come to live.
4、一杯子,一辈子 。
A cup, a lifetime.
5、过了做梦的年纪,就只能往前走 。
After the age of dreaming, we can only go forward.
6、每天拉黑一点点,生活快乐多一点 。
A little black everyday, a little more happy life.
7、胆大飘洋过海,胆小寸步难行 。
Dare to cross the sea, be timid.
8、不开心的时候,尽量少说话多睡觉 。
When unhappy, try to talk less and sleep more.
9、你可以不圆滑,但是要懂世故 。
You may not be smooth, but you need to know the world.
10、对的那条路,往往不是最好走的 。
The right way is often not the best.
11、开心对待每一天,真心对待每一个 。
Treat every day happily and treat every one sincerely.
12、从哪里跌倒,从哪里爬起 。
Where to fall, where to climb.
13、看透一个人,一定是你付出过 。
See through a person, you must have paid.
14、人生没有如果,只有后果和结果 。
Life has no if, only consequences and results.
15、只要你愿意走,总会有路 。
As long as you are willing to go, there will always be a way.
16、心中有所牵挂,生命才会坚强 。
Life is strong only when you have concerns in your heart.
17、静,是一种休息,更是一种修行 。
Quietness is a kind of rest and practice.
18、因为知足,所以更接近幸福 。
Because of contentment, it is closer to happiness.
19、梦想,不去实现,终究只是梦想 。
Dream, not to achieve, after all, just a dream.
20、你的心态好,坏事变好事 。
Your mentality is good, bad things become good.
21、凡事顺其自然,遇事处之泰然 。
Let it be as it is and take it as it is.
22、心若感恩,幸福就会来临 。
If the heart is grateful, happiness will come.
23、丢掉抱怨,去为自己的选择埋单 。
Get rid of complaints and pay for your choices.
24、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘 。
How strong we must be before we dare not forget.
25、人生重要的是过程,而不是结果 。
The important thing in life is the process, not the result.
26、不懂珍惜,守着金山也不快乐 。
Do not know how to cherish, guarding Jinshan is not happy.
27、你可以平凡,但不能平庸 。
You can be ordinary, but not mediocre.
28、人生如戏,为他人演还是为自己 。
【生活语句英语】Life is like a play, acting for others or for yourself.
29、敬往事一杯酒,自此不再回头 。
A glass of wine to the past, never looking back.
30、弯腰是一种屈服,一种献媚 。
Bending is a kind of submission, a kind of flattery.
31、前行的路,不怕万人阻挡 。
The road ahead is not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people.
32、生活,需要辛苦的奋斗浪漫地享受 。
Life needs hard struggle and romantic enjoyment.
33、大舍大得,小舍小得,不舍不得 。
Great sacrifice, great gain, small gain, not reluctant.
34、看淡世事沧桑,内心安然无恙 。
Indifferent to the vicissitudes of life, the heart is safe.
35、时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟 。
Time goes down the river, life goes against the current.
36、沉静是一种修养,是一种美丽 。
Silence is a kind of accomplishment and a kind of beauty.
37、同是风华正茂,怎甘他人之下 。
How can we be under the influence of others.
38、不去妄想,不在其中自我沉醉 。
No delusion, no self indulgence.
39、少撂几句狠话,就多一些余地 。
If you drop a few harsh words, there will be more room.
40、看淡一个人,一定是你珍惜过 。
Look down on a person, it must be you cherish.
41、给时间一点时间,一切都会过去 。
Give time, everything will pass.
42、忧虑,是用虚拟的风险惊吓自己 。
Worry is to scare yourself with virtual risks.
43、世上本无事,庸人自扰之 。
There's nothing in the world. There's nothing to worry about.
44、有人痛苦,就必定有人高兴 。
If someone is in pain, someone must be happy.
45、不懂宽容,再多朋友也要离去 。
Do not understand tolerance, no matter how many friends will leave.
46、人生:一半是现实,一半是梦想 。
Life: half reality, half dream.
47、坚持最难,但成果也最大 。
Persistence is the hardest, but the most fruitful.
48、愿你此生无波澜,敬我余生无悲欢 。
I hope you have no trouble in this life and I have no sorrow or joy for the rest of my life.
49、一次改变,就是一次全新的重生 。
A change is a new rebirth.
50、有智者立长志,无志者长立志 。
There are wise people who have long-term aspiration, and those who have no aspiration have long-term aspiration.
51、有人高兴,就必定有人痛苦 。
If someone is happy, there must be pain.
52、凡是你抗拒的,都会持续 。
Whatever you resist will last.
53、你有多努力,才有多特殊 。
How hard you work, how special you are.
54、人生如棋,有进就有退 。
Life is like a chess game. If you get ahead, you get back.
55、心情不好时,当需涵养 。
When you are in a bad mood, you need to cultivate yourself.
56、心情愉悦时,当需沉潜 。
When you are in a good mood, you need to dive.
57、幸福是感知的,看开点 。
Happiness is perceptual, look open.
58、让未来到来,让过去过去 。
Let the future come, let the past pass.
59、人的一生,注定要经历很多 。
People's life is doomed to experience a lot.
60、既然选择了追求,就不要哭泣 。
Now that you choose to pursue, don't cry.
