焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......

焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......

The total amount of fireworks used at the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is one-tenth of that of the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. The fireworks include 1800 aerial shells, 3221 bouquets and 26 sets of other fireworks. In line with the guidelines of simplicity and frugality, the fireworks display was only rehearsed twice. The fireworks used in the two rehearsals accounted for 20% and 50% of the total amount respectively.
为了实现“简约”目标 , 北京冬奥会开幕式焰火燃放总量为2008年奥运会开幕式的十分之一 。 据统计 , 高空礼花弹为1800发 , 低空花束为3221支 , 高空特效有9组 , 低空特效有17组 。 为了实现简约、节俭 , 焰火燃放只参与了两次彩排 , 两次彩排焰火燃放分别为总量的20%、50% 。
焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......

As an important part of sci-tech Winter Olympics, 8K technology was used to broadcast the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and will be used to broadcast other important events. This is the world's first large-scale application of 8K broadcasting technology. Beijing also built the world's largest urban 8K stereo broadcasting system, including 20 large screens in public spaces and 200 8K TVs set up at different places such as residential communities and universities. During the Winter Olympics, 220 sites will use 8K technology to broadcast the Games to the public.
【焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......】作为科技冬奥的重要体现 , 本次冬奥会使用8K技术直播开幕式及重要体育赛事 , 这是全球首次规模化应用8K技术进行开幕式直播和赛事报道 。 北京市也建成了全球最大的城市化8K立体播放体系 , 包括20块城市公共空间大屏和覆盖社区、高校、场馆等多种类场所的200台8K电视机 。 北京冬奥会期间 , 全市有220个落地点位进行8K转播 , 市民朋友在户外大屏、商业场所大屏甚至是社区活动中心 , 都可以看到冬奥赛事 。
共享冬奥 , 超6亿人次参与火炬网络护跑
Following the Olympic flame being placed at the heart of the cauldron in the Bird’s Nest Friday night, an online campaign themed “I am an online support runner for the torch relay” concluded. As the first online torch relay event in Olympic history, netizens participated by sending “likes”, reposting and commenting during the 13-days campaign. Related pages received over 600 million views and 30 million people obtained official electronic certificates by joining the event.
2月4日晚 , 伴随着主火炬塔在鸟巢点燃 , 广大网民对北京冬奥会的祝福也在互联网上汇聚 , “我是火炬网络护跑手”网络宣传推广活动圆满收官 。 作为奥林匹克历史上首次开展的大规模火炬网络宣传推广活动 , 在13天时间里 , 网民通过合拍、点赞、转发、评论等不同方式参与其中 。 据统计 , 活动相关话题阅读量累计超过6亿 , 近3000万人领取了官方认证带有唯一编号的电子证书 , 共同为举办一届“简约、安全、精彩”的冬奥盛会贡献了网络力量 。
焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......

The Big Air Shougang officially opened to athletes from all countries for training on Feb 4. So far, about 107 freestyle skiers and related staff from 17 countries, including Chinese freestyle skiers Gu Ailing, Yang Shuo rui, and He Jin bo, visited the venue to conduct on-site surveys of the track conditions, athletes' flow lines and room settings.
2月4日 , 位于石景山区的首钢滑雪大跳台正式向各国运动员开放官方训练 。 目前 , 已有包括中国自由式滑雪运动员谷爱凌、杨硕瑞、何金博等来自17个国家的约107名自由式滑雪运动员和随队工作人员抵达场馆 , 对赛道情况、运动员流线和用房设置进行现场踏勘 。
焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......

China Post issued a set of commemorative stamps for the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games on Feb 4. There are 2 stamps in the set and 11.5 million sets are expected to be issued. The stamps feature elements of the opening ceremony. With elegant and modern design, they match the concept of the games’ opening ceremony.
中国邮政2月4日发行了《第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会开幕纪念》纪念邮票 。 一套2枚 , 计划发行数量为1150万套 。 邮票画面将冬奥会开幕式丰富、动感的视听语言转化为平面语言 , 契合本届冬奥会开幕式理念 。
焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......

A Winter Olympic Cultural Plaza opened to the public in Haidian Park on Feb 4. The plaza covers an area of 10,000 square meters. It has five functional areas including a Winter Olympic exhibition area and a Winter sports interactive area, which will offer colorful Winter Olympics themed activities to the public.
2月4日 , 海淀公园冬奥文化广场正式对外开放 。 广场占地面积1万平方米 , 设置有观众及舞台区、冬奥展览展示区等五大功能区域 , 为市民朋友提供独具特色、精彩纷呈的冬奥主题活动 。
焰火|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】实现“简约”目标!开幕式焰火燃放量为2008年十分之一......

A spring festival activity is ongoing at the Beijing Expo Park and will run until Feb 7. Delicious food, colorful lanterns, an intangible cultural heritage market and interactive games are all available. Various lanterns like dragon and the Winter Olympic and Paralympic mascots “Bing Dwen Dwen” and “Shuey Rhon Rhon” are on display.
2022年世园新春游园活动于农历大年初一至初七在北京世园公园举行 。 新春游园以“冰雪之约潮玩世园”为主题 , 集合舌尖美食、多彩花灯、非遗市集、互动游戏、网红打卡 。 世园公园花灯以“多彩冬奥 , 世园之光”为主题 , 将传统非遗与时代主题相结合 , 展示冰墩墩、雪容融等多彩灯组 。
来源:新华网 中国日报北京晚报 北京日报 北京青年报 北京新闻广播
《感受北京 Touch Beijing》
重播19:30-21:00 次日7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00
