智慧|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?“冰丝带”智慧场馆建设完成、177个老旧小区美丽蝶变......

智慧|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?“冰丝带”智慧场馆建设完成、177个老旧小区美丽蝶变......

Powered by intelligent integration and digital twin platforms, the National Speed Skating Oval or the “Ice Ribbon”is a smart competition venue for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games. Its AI+AR based navigation app for mobile phones will lead spectators to their destination within the venue, while the 8K+AR system allows them to enjoy customized low latency live broadcasting of the competitions.The smart system will also ensure optimal ice condition by monitoring temperature, humidity and wind speed in real time.
国家速滑馆“冰丝带” 智慧场馆建设正式完成 , 智慧集成和数字孪生平台紧密配合 , 将这座北京冬奥会唯一新建冰上场馆打造成一座智慧场馆 。 观众只需打开智能手机上的场馆APP、开启摄像头 , “AI+AR”拍照导航系统就能带您找到想去的位置;如果您想看到场地另一侧的精彩瞬间 , 点击APP上的“8K+VR”和360度低时延定制化视角观赛功能 , 即可欣赏到600毫秒(0.6秒)内延时的“准实时”画面;可以收集计算智能传感器实时检测的场地湿度、温度、风速 , 以及360度检测系统计算的观众席各区域人员数量(温度会有不同) , 就可通过调控座椅送风系统和除湿系统 , 让冰面始终处于最佳状态 。
智慧|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?“冰丝带”智慧场馆建设完成、177个老旧小区美丽蝶变......

The network security assurance command center for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games was launched at the Qi An Xin network security center to provide network security service during the Winter Games. Qi An Xin, one of the largest cyber security companies in China, was named the official cyber security partner of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games two years ago. The network security systems have been established in more than 40 competition and training venues in all three competition zones ahead of the Winter Games.
近日 , 北京冬奥会网络安全保障指挥中心在北京奇安信安全中心正式启动 。 北京冬奥会期间 , 指挥中心将为北京冬奥会提供网络安全保障 。 两年前 , 北京冬奥组委与奇安信签署合作协议 ,奇安信正式成为北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会官方网络安全服务和杀毒软件赞助商 , 至今已基本完成在北京城区、张家口、延庆三个赛区的40余个竞赛场馆、非竞赛场馆的网络安全建设工作 。
智慧|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?“冰丝带”智慧场馆建设完成、177个老旧小区美丽蝶变......

A Winter Olympic themed International Youth Painting Invitational Exhibition opened in Beijing and will last until January 4, 2022. The event has received warm response worldwide since it was launched in May. The organizers received around 30,000 artworks from China and 45 other countries and regions.
